The door opened to Li-Hua and Atlus filing in behind Atlus filed in behind Vasily. Li-Hua wrapped her arms around Kuo who snorted awake shocked by their presence entering the room.
"Li-Hua!" Kuo shouted.
Maria stood in the doorway with her arms crossed. A frown met her watching the two visitors sitting on the bed beside him. Vasily only smiled observing Li-Hua and Atlus inside visiting their friend.
"Come with me, Maria…"
"Looks like we can ensnare the other two as we planned," Vasily smirked.
"We won't have to do a thing." Maria smiled.
"That boy…they call him Atlus like the child your ex-husband had."
She pushed Vasily back walking into the room dressed in her usual lingerie singlet to get a good look at Atlus despite his white and pink hair and blank eyes eating into her soul.
"May I help you?" Atlus asked.
"Can't be…" Maria whispered.
"Maria, have you met my friends?" Kuo questioned.
"No I haven't, but please my pet," Maria mumbled.
"T-This is Li-Hua we work together at the same firm and this is our transfer student A-Atlus!" Kuo said.
His teeth chattered trying to belt out words from his mouth. Li-Hua gawked up at how strangely Kuo started to act unsure how to handle the situation.
"Can we go home now?" Li-Hua inquired.
"He seems okay to me." Atlus chimed.
Maria wrapped her fingers around Kuo's naked waist. It came as a complete surprise to him that she would do that when they would ask to go home finally.
"He is still under observation," Vasily stated.
"But I feel better than before!" Kuo announced.
"It is our responsibility after all to make sure you are fully aware. We will have you checked up before leaving." Vasily explained.
"We have only the best here." Maria snickered.
"You mean I can finally leave!" Kuo piped up.
He became animated and excited hearing the news. Not knowing his fate only a day ago he felt relieved by the good news.
Maria rubbed her hand against Kuo's neck slightly feeling a small prick Kuo thought nothing about it.
"Sorry I was busy!" Paige answered.
"No worries! Kuo looks like he is fine today!" Li-Hua explained.
"That's great! The car is pulled up and everything." Paige replied.
"Let me get him some clothes." Vasily interrupted.
"Are you hungry, Kuo?" Atlus asked.
"Now that you mention it I am…"
His voice trailed off noticing fatigue he didn't have earlier. Something draining him although he brushed the feeling off quickly only smiling back at Li-Hua and Atlus.
A woman dressed in a maid gown ran in with clothing setting it on the bed. Li-Hua helped pass it to Kuo who reddened.
"Can you all leave so I can dress?" Kuo asked.
Without another word, they all piled out laughing. Kuo swiftly dressed darting out the door. He didn't care they were priestly looking.
"Alright!" Kuo shouted.
"You look better at least," Atlus said.
"Let's get going already!" Kuo argued.
He froze. His knees and legs became jelly taking another step. Something was wrong and he tried his best to move forward only to stumble on his face in front of Atlus.
"Kuo!?" Paige and Li-Hua said in unison.
You are reading story The Strongest Spectral: God Hunt at
"What happened?" Vasily asked.
Peeking into the room to find Kuo being lifted onto Li-Hua and Paige's shoulders. His head swerved left and right barely able to eye contact with anyone.
"D-d-on't…ple-ease…" Kuo muttered.
"Take it easy…maybe you went too fast?" Li-Hua asked.
He swung his hand out to get loose from their grip. Sluggishly he fell to the floor. The prick he felt from Maria when rubbed his neck. There was nothing he could do other than accept his fate he thought.
Veering to the side with his eyes closed he could see a strange ball of light in front of him. Most likely nothing he thought. Li-Hua shook Kuo constantly.
"Kuo! Kuo, what happened?" Li-Hua shouted.
"Bring him back so we can fix him up." She said with a friendly smile.
"We really need to take him somewhere if you please." Li-Hua
"A suitable hospital is literally miles from here." Maria barked.
"And don't you have one then?" Li-Hua howled.
"Let him perish him then like I care," Maria growled.
Vasily hopped in helping Paige and Li-Hua lift Kuo into his arms. He was breathing erratically.
"Maria, shut up will you?" Vasily yelled.
Maria stomped off angrily down the hall. Li-Hua only nodded to Paige bringing him back to the room where he was kept earlier.
"Chara! Chara are you there?" Vasily cried.
She came into the room with a bow. Her eyes glittering grey enchanting everyone around her. For a maid, she was beautiful beyond belief to even Li-Hua.
"I am here, Master Vasily."
"Get the doctor if he is awake! Get the tank and oxygen mask from the spare room!"
"I want to stay!" Li-Hua insisted.
"We should get out of their way, Li-Hua…" Paige replied.
He tugged her away from the room as Kuo lay on the bed. Vasily had his hand on Kuo's chest listening to him wheeze. Chara took Li-Hua's hand leading her out after handing the equipment to Vasily in the tiny room.
"I thought he was fine!" Li-Hua yelled.
"There could be any reason at this point ma'am." Chara settled.
"Were bringing a doctor from outside" Li-Hua argued.
"We do not advise it, ma'am." She calmly.
"We can't just leave Kuo here!" Li-Hua spouted.
Vasily ran out of the room hearing the argument outside. Pushing Chara aside before she could speak anymore.
"Chara, tend to Kuo please," Vasily said.
He was nervous realizing everyone in the church lacked communication skills for simple tasks. Plopping her down on the stool by his bed he could see Li-Hua was seething while Paige was doing his best to calm her down.
"We are bringing a doctor for a second opinion!" She screamed.
"Please do, I will even give you his name in the town over."
Vasily handed her a paper. She instantly calmed down not knowing what to think next. She was getting second thoughts if this is really the place she needed to be.
"Thank you…I am sorry." Li-Hua said.
She exited with nothing more to say. Crossing the doorway she seemed to have forgotten what she same had originally come for.