Chapter 3: Meeting my mother

After spending a long time as a soul without a body I finally reincarnated and now I am a baby, I am lying in a crib and I cannot move for obvious reasons, it seems that I have just a few days old so I am very small, I was curious to know in what world I had reincarnated but that could wait because at that moment I heard the sound of a door opening slowly, I tried to turn in the direction of the sound but it was in vain I could not turn around, I spent 1 minute then 2 and 3 but no one approached my field of vision, it was not until 10 minutes passed that I heard steps coming towards me, I made small movements with my hands and legs trying to get the attention of whoever was approaching, when I could finally see who it was I realized that it was a very beautiful woman had jet black hair, a figure like an hourglass, a figure like an hourglass, I realized that it was a very beautiful woman, she had a black and jet black hair, Her face could be defined as the pinnacle of human beauty, she had deep violet eyes, I stayed watching her for a long time until she saw me and a very big smile was painted on her face when she realized that I was awake, She stretched her arms and with tenderness and maternal affection she held me in her arms, I could feel the softness of her skin across my body, she brought her lips to my forehead and kissed me, the sensation I had was indescribable, she made me feel comfortable and protected, a moment later she moved her face away from my forehead she looked me in the eyes and with a melodious voice she said


"You are so tender and cute my beloved son Noah, you are so cute I could eat you with kisses all day long, it's a pity that your father is no longer alive to appreciate his son, but don't worry I will take care of you and love you on his behalf and mine."


"You must have woken up hungry my dear Noah here eat."


After saying those words, she pulled up the blouse she was wearing to show in all its glory her two breasts which were much larger than my head in the center of each were very beautiful pink nipples I couldn't help but reach out my hands to grab her breasts as my mouth began to suck on one of the nipples, milk began to flow from her breasts into my mouth, it tasted a little sweet and felt warm, she was caressing my head as she suckled me.

Sometime later I released my mouth from her breast not wanting to eat anymore, my mother seemed to understand so she fixed her blouse and placed me on a bed that was next to the crib I was in some time ago and lay down next to me hugging me warmly.

As I was being hugged by my mother I started to assimilate a few things that I could deduce from what happened, the first and most obvious thing is that this beautiful woman is my mother and she is very caring and loving, I don't know her name but I can learn that in the future, second is that my name is most likely Noah and my father seems to have passed away, also something that has me a little confused is that when my mother said that I should be hungry I didn't really feel hungry in fact I felt like I didn't need to eat, that seemed strange to me but I didn't give it much importance since it could have been just my imagination.


Some time passed while I was wandering with my thoughts and I noticed that my mother had fallen asleep, she looked even more beautiful to me while she was sleeping, she pressed my little body to her while she seemed to have a good sleep by the smile she had on her face, she started to babble some words a little understandable "My little Noah you are very tender~" I could feel how the affection she had towards me was very deep, I was also starting to fall asleep until I felt that his embrace on me was getting a little bit stronger and with every second that passed it was getting stronger and stronger, I couldn't breathe very well anymore I tried to move desperately to get him to let me go but with my little baby body I couldn't do anything, I tried to cry as a last resort but I had run out of oxygen, I couldn't breathe anymore his embrace got to the point that I started to feel a lot of pain.


You are reading story I CAN’T DIE at

I could hear how my bones were breaking causing me even more pain than before, I could not believe it, I had just reincarnated and I was about to die and at the hands of my own sleeping mother, I could not stand it anymore my consciousness was fading even so I managed to hear some words coming from my still sleeping mother "My dear son don't ever get away from mommy, I couldn't bear to lose you too, I won't let anyone take you away from me, you are only mommy's and no one else's" was the last thing I heard before I lost consciousness, I couldn't bear to lose you too, I won't let anyone take you away from me, you are only mommy's and no one else's" was the last thing I heard before I lost consciousness, But something strange happened I woke up the next day totally fine and I was still in bed lying with my mother still asleep and hugging me but not so tight anymore, I thought it had all been a dream but the taste of blood in my mouth told me that everything had really happened, I was very confused I must have died definitely a baby couldn't survive that, I don't understand what happened, maybe when I was in subspace and all that happened it caused some change in me but I'm not sure what it was, that may also be why I don't feel hungry and now that I think about it I don't feel thirsty either.

I have let out a sigh of helplessness not knowing what happened to me, but at least I didn't die and I can stay a little longer here, I must be more careful with my mother while she sleeps, she can't seem to control herself and what she said before she lost consciousness has me very worried about what she meant by all that.

Looks like my new life is going to be a little interesting I thought as I watched my mother wake up little by little until, she fully opened her eyes and saw me looking at her she came up to my forehead and gave me a kiss "How did you wake up my little Noah looks like you slept very well in mommy's embrace hehehehe" my mother said with a strange curl at the end, she seems to totally ignore the blood on her chest due to crushing me while I slept.

She got up from the bed and grabbed me undressed me and changed my clothes, putting me back in the crib from before, she turned around and left the room I was alone again with nothing to do so I did the wisest and smartest thing a baby could do I closed my eyes and went to sleep.


When I woke up the look of my dear son was glued on my face there was no emotion to describe how excited I was about this so I just brought his face closer and kissed him on the forehead, I got up and changed his clothes since his was stained with blood and my blouse too I did not know the reason but as I saw that my son was fine then I thought it could have been something else like my nose was bleeding while I was sleeping having had those wonderful dreams with my son..... I can't wait for him to be able to talk and start telling me things like "mommy I can't sleep" and lay down with me hugging me or even "mommy I need a kiss to start the day off right" hehehehehehe that would be a dream come true, I don't want him to get away from me and I definitely don't want some random girl to get close to him, maybe I should teach him that I should be the first thing in his life if that's what I should do so he doesn't want to leave my side but he is still a baby my plans will have to wait until he is a little older.

I left my son in his crib and left the room heading towards the bathroom to take a shower since I had to go on a mission later and even though I didn't like the idea I had to leave Noah with that witch known as Valeri to take care of him, maybe I should give up everything and go to a search to live there with my son just the two of us, although that would be difficult with the CRACKS appearing everywhere lately.

I went into the shower and bathed a few minutes later I finished getting ready and went to check on my little boy, I found him sleeping peacefully I approached him and whispered "I hope you grow up quickly my beautiful son" giving him a kiss on the cheek and sitting on the bed beside the crib waiting for him to wake up.