It's been 4 months since mother had left, in that time my baby body has become a little stronger to the point that I can crawl and stand up, walking is not very good for me because when I try I fall down, another thing I have learned in this time is that apparently in this world there is something called spiritual energy, I think it is the same energy that I use to transform part of my soul into weapons but I'm not sure, you may be wondering how I know that spiritual energy exists, one day while I was lying in my crib I heard Valeria say that I had a very pure spiritual energy, speaking of Valeria since she started taking care of me she has been very strange at times for example one of the things I noticed is that when I pet one of her tails she tends to go to a separate room for a good amount of time, sometimes I hear her mumbling my name while she is doing whatever it is she does when she goes away, she also likes to hold me for a long time while incessantly rubbing her face against mine sometimes it gets a little annoying and when I get annoyed I avoid having any contact with her this makes her calm down although she knows to scare me the dead look she gets when I do that.
Other than that my routine hasn't changed much I usually wake up at noon, when I wake up Valeria feeds me from her breast I don't know how she can breastfeed since it doesn't look like she has children or is pregnant but I don't know I'm just a baby, after eating she bathes me together with her and usually pays a lot of attention to cleanliness I would even say she exaggerates with the cleanliness of some areas in particular, when she finishes bathing me she changes me and lays me down on her soft tails while I am lying on them she usually looks at me with an expectant look although I don't know what she wants, maybe she expects me to caress her tails and I almost always do it in fact I like it, at the end of all that I end up falling asleep and everything is repeated the next day I guess I'm stuck in the routine of being a baby.
But something different happened today after changing Valeria received a call, I couldn't hear who was on the other side of the call, but I could see Valeria's face change constantly during the call first she had a neutral expression, then she had a worried one, then a dejected expression and finally a sad one, she answered the phone and came towards me with a downcast look she hugged me tightly and between sobs she started talking
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Noah" (Valeria).
"I couldn't do anything, this was not something I could control, I just hoped that things with your mother would happen differently" (Valeria).
I couldn't understand what Valeria was saying, but my mind was already sensing the worst, my mother had most likely died in the mission she had been sent on and although it didn't seem so in the beginning, she and Valeria were good friends as I could feel the sadness in Valeria's words.
I was snuggling in Valeria's arms trying to push away that horrible feeling of sadness from my heart, but it seemed impossible, although I had spent little time with my mother even so it hurt me could call it the love that exists between mother and son that, although we think that there is not always present, while I was submerged in my thoughts Valeria spoke again
"Calm down Noah don't worry, even if we separate, I will continue to visit you every day because the love I have for you is very big and you are the only man for me, so wait for me because sooner or later I will come back for you."
"Until we have to separate, we are going to enjoy this time we have left together since when that bitch comes back, she is not going to allow us to be together like now she wants to have you all to herself so you should never trust her and always love me."
There were no words to describe what I had just heard to my mother nothing had happened to her and it seems that she was already coming back, the sadness that Valeria had shown was not because my mother had died but because she was still alive, and I don't think I heard wrong when she mentioned something about loving me this didn't bother me because I thought she was pretty and when she grew up maybe I would want to be with her but what worried me was the part about her coming back for me hopefully she is referring to when she grew up and she is not planning to kidnap me or something like that.
I woke up with a loud scream and tried to grab my baby only to remember that I had been separated from him for 4 months, but it felt like it had been years, but all this suffering was going to end very soon yesterday afternoon I called that bitch and told her that she only had a few days left near my dear Noah.
The mission had lasted too long since the area where the CRACK was had been infested by the beasts of the abyss we lost many men, but I couldn't care less the only one I care about is Noah and what that bitch could have done to him I can't believe I'm alone with her for so long hopefully he still remembers me NO! He has to remember me otherwise I don't know what I can do to him and everyone in that city.
Just as I was rambling in my thoughts a disrespectful soldier walked into my tent.
"A-Special Agent Julia the commander needs you in the war tent" the soldier spoke with a lot of respect and fear I don't know what he is so afraid of it's not like he has killed any soldiers lately.
You are reading story I CAN’T DIE at
I walked out of the tent and what I could see was destruction there were still fires from our previous battle, the ground was littered with the corpses of unrecognizable beasts there was nowhere to look without seeing destruction this is what the forgotten continent had become after several giant CRIPTS emerged and destroyed the continent I walked while the eyes of the soldiers rested on me, some still had a hint of lust in them maybe I should correct them by gouging their eyes out later, Sometime later I arrived to a tent much bigger than the others, in this tent there were 3 people, a corpulent man with several scars on his face, he was the leader of the mercenaries and his name was Robert, next to him was a woman with a white robe and pointed ears called Amanda, she is the representative of the elves and lastly a man dressed in a black suit and blindfolded giving a tinge of mystery, I knew nothing about him, neither his name nor what country or race he represented.
When they noticed me the first to speak was the mercenary.
"Oh, at last you arrive Julia I was thinking you had died in the previous battle" (Robert).
"As if that was enough to kill me, besides that's all you meant Robert I have a flight to catch" (Julia).
"You don't have to get defensive Julia we don't want to take up too much of your valuable time we just wanted to inform you of something" (Amanda).
"And what could be so important to bother me" (Julia).
"You should be careful when you go home Miss Julia lately many CRACKS have formed in the country you live in, we wouldn't want a repeat of the tragedy of the forgotten continent" (Man in suit).
"What do you mean?"
"What he means is that very possibly giant CRACKS will have formed in your home country and it is very likely that you will not survive so we recommend that you get away from that place as soon as possible."
Hearing this I worried for Noah's safety, Valeria can take care of him for a while if a CRACK opens, but I don't think he can hold out for long, but from what they say it hasn't happened yet so I still have time to get there, I ran out of the tent and in no time, I arrived at a transport plane, I approached the pilot grabbed him by the throat and spoke.
"I want this plane to fly now if it's not you I will kill you and look for someone else to do it."
The pilot without responding quickly started the plane and we took off instantly, relax Noah mommy is on her way.