I used grammarly for the correction, I don't know if it is better, worse or the same, if you could tell me, I would appreciate it, thanks for your help.
My mother suddenly appeared and started to argue with Valeria when she was trying to take me somewhere, their argument lasted a short time until something they called a rift appeared, taking advantage of this situation of confusion my mother snatched me from Valeria's hands, she didn't like it at all and almost hurt mother with her tail but mother dodged it, Valeria stopped when she realized that our safety was more important and with mother decided to stay away from the rift which logically I also thought it was a good idea, They were running for a while away from the rift and during the way we met what they called abyssal , they were very terrifying creatures, I tried to be silent so as not to draw more attention than necessary although Valeria and Mother were very strong those beings could not even get 5 meters away from me since mother only had to move her arm as if she was cutting and the abyssal was divided in 2, instead Valeria hit them with her tails making them shatter into pieces.
We moved far enough away from the city until we reached its borders where we met military men who I could observe showing a lot of respect and fear for my mother I guessed she had a position of power in the army, they talked about very serious things, it seemed that our city was not the only one being attacked, my mother and Valeria seemed to be thinking about what to do next but something strange started to happen to me, I was glowing even I had to close my eyes because of the glow when I opened them again I realized that I was no longer with Valeria and mother, now I was in a very gloomy place some buildings and houses were destroyed and on fire, the air smelled of blood and death from time to time you could hear heartbreaking noises of people who had possibly died, the sky was a dark red color because of all the smoke and the most shocking thing was that the crack was very close to where I was.
All around me I could see that there were also many children, some were younger than me and others older, although the oldest I could see seemed to be only between 7 and 9 years old, I was confused a moment ago I was with my mother and then I was in a place that I can easily call hell surrounded by other children.
That glow must have teleported me or something, but why me to these other kids plus because we are near the crack and I don't see any abysmal.
My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of something breaking when I turned in the direction of the sound, I realized that another crack of no more than 2 meters had opened and from this one 5 hooded people came out, I could hear the crying of the other children and in their eyes, you could feel the fear, some had peed themselves from fear.
One of the hooded men climbed on one of the debris so we could all see him and pulled down his hood, he had a face that caused fear in all of us, his eyes were yellow with a vertical iris like a black reptile, his skin had wrinkles and bumps and his color was mostly purple with some black spots, he had no ears but only some holes where they should be and he had no hair.
He looked at us for a while in silence as if he was looking at simple ants that with one foot he could kill, he slowly opened his mouth and spoke.
"Poor and pathetic beings do not be afraid because you were chosen to serve under the command of our glorious and powerful leader, you will have the joy of being taken to the abyss and be purified by it to become the epitome of strength, become beings far beyond any logic, become abyssal..." (Hooded)
I don't know if he thought that would calm all these children or what, but it didn't work the children started to run trying to escape and those who didn't run was because the shock had left them unconscious, their escape attempt was useless since they found that they couldn't escape because several abyssals had surrounded us and prevented them from escaping, I for one didn't even try, I can barely crawl and escape just seems impossible to me.
The other hooded men began to approach the children and their faces were the same as before, they approached and grabbed the children one by one and threw them into the crevice, after the children were thrown into the crevice you could hear some heartbreaking screams, but no one cared about that but to think about how to escape, some of the children who insisted on trying to get through the abyssals were devoured and torn to pieces horribly before they could know what happened.
It had been 5 minutes since they had started throwing the children into the crevice and now we were only what we could not move easily mostly babies, the hooded men approached the babies and grabbed them by an arm or leg carelessly and threw them as if they were debris into the crevice, one of the hooded men approached me ready to throw me into the crevice, he grabbed my ankle and was going to pull me but stopped abruptly, he lifted me so my face was in front of his and sniffed me like I was a dog.
"Mmm this is interesting, you have a very pure spiritual energy going through the rift and being close to the abyss environment I don't think I can corrupt you; I must personally take you to the leader she should be able to corrupt that spiritual energy you have so until we get this over you are going to stay with me" (Hooded).
The hooded man who grabbed me threw me over his shoulder like a sack and kept throwing more children into the crevice, I started thinking about what I could do to get out of this situation, and an idea popped into my mind [I haven't tried in a long time but yes I should be able to do it even in this baby body], I concentrated on my palm and in it appeared a small white dagger that fit my small hand, [It seems that I can still transform my soul into weapons that's a relief but I don't think I'll be able to kill him with my strength, I must wait for the right moment].
After proving that I can create weapons I stayed still so that the hooded man would not suspect anything, I was like that for a while but I could not find any opportunity to free myself and even if I managed to do it they could catch me immediately, I was getting desperate, Now all the children had already been thrown towards the crack and the hooded began to cross it, the one with me was about to cross the crack, I didn't know what to do, I was about to use the dagger and hope for the best and before the hooded crossed the crack something flew by his side, it was a ball of flesh and bones where you could see the faces of the abyssals that had been crushed.
It was my mother! She had a very scary look on her face that was directed towards the hooded man behind her a few military men could be seen approaching, I couldn't see Valeria in any of them and that seemed strange to me.
"HAHAHAHA, I didn't expect to meet the wind demon in person, but I think I heard you say this thing was your son" (Hooded).
He lifts me grabbing my arm without any care, on his right and left side were placed the other two hooded men who hadn't left yet, mother looks at them as if the only thing in the world she cares about was killing the 3 of them.
Although the hooded man had spoken so confidently I could feel his hand trembling, my mother could not attack because I would be affected by his attack, time passed without anyone moving until mother's face showed a rather sinister smile, and he jumped in our direction, the hooded man who grabbed me placed me in front of him using me as a shield while the other two stood behind him, but still, mother didn't stop, when he was close enough he swerved to the side avoiding hitting me and a mocking smile appeared on the hooded man's face knowing that mother wouldn't hurt me.
"I knew you wouldn't dare to hurt your son just to kill me, you don't stand a chance against us, you should just give up and let us kill you" (Hooded).
"You took too long, but I see that sometimes you can be of use Valeria" (Julia).
The hooded man didn't know who he was talking to he turned to look at the rest of his companions only to see how the two of them had been pierced in the head and heart by a pair of whitetails.
"My dear I am stronger than you can imagine" (Valeria).
The hooded man moved as far away as he could keeping his eyes on both of them.
"W-Who are you how could you kill those 2?!"
You are reading story I CAN’T DIE at novel35.com
Valeria and Julia were getting closer to the hooded man more and more he did not know what to do placed Noah on his shoulder, but with a palm on his back.
They both paused thinking about what they should do to rescue Noah they knew that if they got any closer the hooded man would not hesitate to kill him.
"I can't beat them they are too strong for me, but unfortunately you guys can't let him die so let's make a deal, I don't kill this baby, but in exchange, you two must die" (Hooded).
"You think that's a deal, no matter what you say those who gave in to the control of the abyss for more power can't be trusted" (Julia).
"Besides, even if we did, you'd surely take it to the abyss and that would be no different than dying" (Valeria).
"You have no say in this you have 2 choices, you die and I take him for the abyss to corrupt him or I kill him in front of you and then you kill me, although I see you are not going to allow..." (Hooded)
"AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" (Hooded).
The hooded man suddenly let out a cry of pain and staggered in pain separating his hand from Noah's back, Valeria and Julia didn't miss this opportunity to attack him quickly, Julia grabbed Noah and pulled away while Valeria ripped off his limbs leaving only a half-alive torso insight.
Noah had taken advantage of the fact that the hooded man was distracted and couldn't see him create a dagger and thrust it hard into the hooded man's back, he had managed to hurt him but the recoil of the force broke one of his hands, but he had managed to distract him enough to be rescued, he looked at his hand to see what state it was in but to his surprise, it was fine although a moment ago he felt it had broken, he decided to find out later since he couldn't do it now.
Julia checked to make sure Noah was ok she found that there was nothing wrong with him and let out a sigh of relief as she hugged him tightly [I thought I was losing you forever my little Noah I'm going to punish that jerk who tried to hurt you], Julia turned and walked over to the hooded man who lay dying on the floor.
"How should we kill him, Julia?" (Valeria).
"We should break every bone and then heal him and do it again until he can't differentiate which body part it is that we are breaking" (Julia).
"Ha...ha...ha...ha I think they are forgetting something, they think this attack is already over, there is still the main show" (Hooded).
"What are you talking about" (Julia)
The hooded man did not answer, he just closed his eyes and died, those who had heard what he had said did not understand what he meant, but they did not pay attention to him, they just took it as the ramblings of a dying man.
"Now that’s over Julia let me hug Noah" (Valeria).
"You can't I'm with him" (Julia).
"We made a deal, if I hid and waited in the back while you rescued Noah, you told me we would share him" (Valeria).
"I know what I said, but it was in a moment of weakness" (Julia).
"No matter what it was you can't take it back now" (Valeria).
"Tch is fine" (Julia)
Julia took one last sniff of Noah before passing him with some annoyance to Valeria, Valeria hugged Noah and sniffed him like there was no tomorrow.
Julia was about to grab Noah again, but everything suddenly started to shake, they all raised their gaze towards the biggest crack that had started to shake and contract, they didn't know what it could be, but it couldn't be anything good so they started to flee the area, they hadn't gone far from the area when they heard a thunderous noise and saw the crack start to implode taking with it everything in its path.
Valeria and Julia knew they could survive but the rest would not be so lucky, so they quickly decided what to do, they both got together and placed Noah in the middle, they released as much spiritual energy as they could to create a shield to protect the 3 of them when the implosion reached them it instantly charred the soldiers but nothing happened to the 3 of them, but even so the shield was being destroyed faster and faster, the 2 gave everything they had to try to keep it as long as possible but it was useless just when the implosion was finishing it released a strong shockwave that separated the 3 sending them in different directions the last thing they both could see before falling unconscious was Noah being carbonized just like the soldiers.