Chapter 11: The team

Noah's pov

While being guided by the people in front of me I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable with the looks of the 2 people behind me, no other noise could be heard apart from the steps of the group, they seemed to communicate with some signs indicating where to turn or when to stop, we were like this for a few minutes until we reached the entrance of the tunnel network, When we got out I could see that I was still in the desert only a few meters away there was a lot of vegetation, it looked impressive, the desert stopped abruptly giving way to a lush jungle, another thing I realized was that the figure of my companions since in the cave I could not identify them due to the darkness.


The 3 in front of me were wearing a suit that covered their whole body, one of them was very tall, I had no way to confirm it but he should be almost 2.5 meters tall, besides I could see that he was very muscular and the one who was standing on his left side, although he was smaller, he was still more than 2 meters tall but much thinner and with curves, In contrast to those 2 the one standing to his right was small, he was almost the same size as me, I am still a child but he had a wide body and a belly that the suit could not hide, I did not pay attention to the 2 people behind me because their looks made me a little reluctant to turn around so I decided not to pay attention to them for the moment.


We continued walking until we left the desert and in the jungle, we reached an area where there was a river that was not very big, the 3 people who were guiding us stopped and checked the area I guess to see if it was safe for the others who were behind stayed close to me and I who could no longer contain my curiosity I turned around what I saw were like the others a suit that covered his body, but the difference is that they had no legs or rather had TAILS!!!! They were like snakes, but huge and long, the way they were standing they didn't look very tall, but if you measured from the tip of the tail to the head, they would be taller than the guy who was 2.5 meters tall. I was very surprised after seeing that, but I remembered that Valeria had a tail and fox ears so it wasn't that unusual for someone to have a snake tail.


After a while the other 3 came back and approached us, with a glance they seemed to understand each other and took off the masks that covered their faces, the group consisted of 3 women and 2 men, the smallest and the biggest ones were men and the rest were women.


The smallest one had a big and unkempt beard of reddish color like his hair and was the first to speak.


"Well kid I want to ask you some questions, but first I want to introduce myself my name is Irvin I'm a dwarf as you can see and these are my teammates" (Irvin).


Irvin turned around and pointed to the others who came forward and introduced themselves, the first one was the giant muscular one


"My name is Leonel and I'm an ogre if you're looking for someone to fight, I'm who you're looking for anything else I'm not interested" (Leonel).

Leonel is what I would expect from an ogre, although he wasn't ugly, his canine teeth protruded from his lower jaw and he had no hair, his skin had a grey coloration, but nothing else remarkable


"Hello little one my name is Liana I am also an ogre and although Leonel did not say it I am his wife if he is bothering you do not hesitate to tell me" (Liana).

The next one was the woman who was a little bit shorter than Leonel and is his wife, she had her hair in multiple braids and her teeth didn't stick out as much as Leonel's, she was quite pretty, to tell the truth, and her face showed kindness and rudeness at the same time it was incredible.


The last to introduce themselves was the half-snake chichas.

"M-My name is Emma I'm a lamia, I'm afraid of birds, I don't like noodles, in my free time I like to sleep and the places where I'm most sensitive are... (Emma).

It was a bit strange the way she introduced herself and she couldn't finish the last thing because the other lamia covered her mouth with her tail…


"Ahem.... Sorry about that my sister sometimes doesn't know how to control herself, nice to meet you my name is Mia and it's a pleasure to meet you I hope we can get to know each other more deeply" (Mia).

Mia said the last sentence with a more sensual voice which made me feel shivers, but I didn't take much importance, both had full lips and beautiful faces what differentiated them was the color of their hair, eyes, and tail, while Emma had a red color almost reaching pink Mia had a purple color and although they were wearing suits you could still see the large breasts, they both had.


After they finished introducing themselves it was my turn.


"M-My name is Noah it's a pleasure to meet you" (Noah).

Even though I was nervous I managed to introduce myself properly or so I think.


"Noah uh what a nice name mmmm..."(Emma).


"I'm going to repeat it many times when we're alone Noah ♥" (Mia).

"It's a good name, but it's not as good as mine it's not as glorious with Leonel!!!, but it works" (Leonel).


"What did I tell you about picking on the boy honey" (Liana).


"Alright now everybody calms down, now that we did the introductions, I have some questions to ask you" (Irvin).


"Sure" (Noah)

You are reading story I CAN’T DIE at


"Well tell me Noah what were you doing in an abyssal spiders lair?" (Irvin)


"I was trying to get out of the desert, but when I fell asleep one of those spiders took me into their nest, but I escaped and that's when I found them" (Noah).

I saw no reason to hide the truth from them, although I'm not going to tell them how I escaped from the spiders or how I got to the desert.


"Although it's hard to believe that you escaped as a child it doesn't matter, now tell me what country are you from?"(Irvin)


"I don't know I woke up in the middle of the desert and had forgotten everything except my name" (Noah).

I think I sounded pretty convincing, even though it was a lie.


"Strange, but you wouldn't be the first one to have that happen, that would be all for now but I still find it amazing that an insectoid type race like you could survive so long in the desert without equipment" (Irvin).


"Insectoid race?" (Noah)


"Of course, you are an insectoid race, aren't you" (Irvin).


I didn't understand what he meant, but when I checked myself, I realized what happened after I killed that spider its blood and some hairs stayed on me giving me a purple color. I had to fix this misunderstanding.


"I'm not an insectoid race I'm just dirty wait I wash in that river" (Noah).


I went into the river and took off all the dirt I had on my body I didn't take off what I was wearing as clothes because everyone was watching me, I was in the river for a few minutes since the dirt was stuck to me when I came out, I was clean.


I saw Emma and Mia staring at me with amazement and lust I didn't understand why, when I looked at Leonel, he wasn't even looking he was fighting with a tree trunk while Liana was trying to tell him something that seemed important, I didn't understand why they were like that then Irvin approached me and started to check my face while mumbling.


"I can't believe it, you don't have pointed ears like the elves, you are not a dwarf, you don't look like half insect or animal and you are not a vampire, wolf, angel or demon is it possible that you are a human?" (Irvin)


"Jejejejeje if I'm a human I don't understand why the commotion?" (Noah)


"........." (Irvin)


"Sister, I think I'm dreaming, he's a human I think I can't resist anymore" (Mia).


Before I could understand what was happening a reddish-colored tail grabbed me by the waist and dragged me back with the color of the tail I could already tell who it was that had caught me I thought I was in danger and was going to create a weapon to defend myself but when I saw Emma's face I stopped it was strange she was blushing and breathing hard plus her pupils seemed to be heart-shaped, she pulled me closer and closer to her face and when I was close enough she stuck out her tongue and licked my neck


"Ahhhhhhhhh how cute, I knew it was love at first sight since we were in the cave, but now I can't control myself anymore let's do it right here ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥" (Emma).

"W-What's wrong with you Emma?! W-Why so suddenly" (Noah).


"Relax I'm going to be as nice as possible but no promises ejeje~" (Emma).


I can't deny that I kind of like that Emma loves me and wants to do it with me, but I'm still a kid and more importantly, there are still people and I'M NOT AN EXHIBITIONIST!!! Someone, please HELPPPPPP!!!!!