The next day around six in the morning all of the students were woken up from their shared rooms to meet the new headmaster going to a plain white room filled with nothing but desks and chairs.
All students were asked to stand by their new teacher as they would be getting their first assignments of the year as the new boarder who will be taking care of the school's affairs.
"Good morning," The new Headmaster said walking in the classroom and greeting everyone, "My name is Mr. Jameson." He held out his hand for the student who was sitting at his desk to shake it which the girl did.
He was dressed in a green suit with stripes and a black mask with silver accents. He swung a cane around on one side and walked to the front of the classroom where everyone stood, he looked them over and then spoke.
"As you know I have come here today to inform you that you will have to go through one more week of classes before we will get to know each other more then what we already do. However, I hope this doesn't seem like a punishment because I' d rather not have any of you fall behind. You will have an entire semester ahead of you, so make sure you don't slack off." He said giving them his usual smile before starting the class.
Lance wanted to laugh looking at the man who is said to be his teacher. He couldn't see his eyes because he had covered them completely by covering his face with a cloth-like mask but if Lance knew anything about him then he'd say that he was very handsome.
"Today you will just be chilling as the kids say!" he laughed.
The kids all cringed in their seats making long sighs. Most of them didn't have much patience for that kind of thing but they tried not to let it show. After all, they are all here to learn something different. Not only did they not have to follow anyone, but they could do whatever they wanted it seemed.
Mr. Jameson gawked down at his phone for a few seconds before looking at the door in worry.
"Alright class...let's go as it seems I have a small emergency," he called as he started walking out the door.
All the kids ran out of the apartment that was made into their makeshift place of learning. He shuffled out of the class realizing there was another boy standing behind him. His blonde hair was down over his face covering his eyes.
The boy looked sickly in the face wearing nothing, but black slacks, and a black shirt with no sleeves.
"Why the fuck are you still here?" He asked.
The boy shrugged before speaking, "I have nowhere else to go. So, if there's no point, why are you here?" He replied.
"Shut up," He grumbled, he wasn't used to having others talk back at him.
His aura was intimidating in every manner . He had a lot more anger than Lance did, but he didn't care. There was something about him that drew Lance in, despite his cold exterior, he felt compelled to try to be nicer to him.
The blonde smiled before turning back to his room and slamming the door behind him. Lance felt disappointed by their short interaction but decided not to dwell on it. He would try harder, maybe he would even befriend the other boy.
He heard the other kids outside playing and using their powers in an intense session. It was a game that they call, "Fight or Flight". Basically they use the powers they are given in order to either escape from the other person or fight them. Usually people play the second option to escape but some are afraid of hurting the other person in their power.
Lance laughed watching them dodge each other 's attacks. The kids were all laughing as well. They seemed like a group of children and Lance liked how easy everyone was together. Especially the ones who he never met until now. They were like his little brothers and sisters, he could feel their happiness radiating from them.
Running down the steps going outside he felt nervous for each step he took he had some scary scenario play in the back of his mind thinking about the other kids that he might hurt when he loses control.
His fear slowly became stronger with each step that he took causing him to run faster than he ever has in his life. When he reached the sidewalk everyone was staring at him in confusion. What he saw caused him to stop immediately. He saw four boys in front of him flaunting their powers making the younger girls scream with how harsh they were.
One of them got hit in the face with a lightning bolt while a boy with fire powers pushed an unfortunate girl away from him causing her to land on top of Lance.
Lance gasped trying to keep himself calm. The other three boys had looks on their faces as they stared at him. He wasn't sure if it was fear or amusement. One of them was laughing at him while another one was looking down at him. He looked up at the third one who gave him a soft smile before reaching down towards him.
"Look at this idiot!" One laughed.
Yeah what's his problem? Did he piss himself or something?!" Another one teased.
You are reading story Ascent of the Failed Villain at
"Oh I think he pissed his pants, let's put him into his place!" The last said.
Lance couldn't move; he couldn't move. Something was stopping his body from obeying. The mind reader from his first day came up slamming the boy in his face with her fist . Everyone turned to look at her and she pointed at Lance.
"That idiot! He's mine!" She growled.
Everyone stared at Lance as he didn't know how to react what the girl had just said. Why couldn't someone tell him what's going on?! His heart pounded against his chest causing him to hold onto the straps of his bag nervously.
Suddenly the wind picked up and the clouds gathered overhead threatening rain. Everyone quickly began to take shelter under the trees or under the bushes.
"Whatever we will finish this the next time!" A boy shouted. They all ran off leaving Lance alone and confused.
"Hanging out with a stupid girl!" Another said.
"Don't worry about them, but you really could have gotten hurt." She scolded.
Lance turned around to her to see that she was now facing him holding a water bottle. He reached out his hand taking the bottle.
"I am Letty and you know we will be living here right?" She sighed.
He nodded not trusting himself to speak. He thought that she might attack again or worse, but she seemed nice enough. The rain got heavier and she looked up at him with concern.
"We should go inside now! See ya later!" She yelled running off before he could respond.
She was gone in less than a minute. She just left him on his own? Lance was lost for words. What the hell happened earlier. Was he dreaming?
The rain got harder and Lance was soaked and miserable as he in after her. All he could do was sit there and wonder who exactly Letty was. After about ten minutes of sitting he decided to head back inside. He felt happy when he saw that most of the kids had returned inside.
An explosion inside had him up in arms as he ran into the building hoping everything was alright. He rushed to get into the elevator where he saw the smoke coming from the top floor. He quickly went upstairs seeing the smoke coming out of a vent near the ceiling.
An eldery man dressed in a white jacket outside of his room coughing violently and struggling for air. Lance quickly ran to help him and dragged him into the room closest closing the door behind him as he coughed loudly.
The old man looked up and saw him, he grabbed Lance's shirt throwing him across the room hitting a wall.
"Get off me!" He exclaimed. He then began to cough violently grabbing onto Lance's shirt.
The man looked like a mad scientist with the crazed look on his face and the smoke pouring out of his nose and mouth. Lance was shocked gawking at his discolored skin gray hair and blackened eyes.
"Who are you?!" He roared as he began to scratch at his neck. The veins popping out of them making it hard for Lance to see.
The man stood up straight pointing his finger at Lance's throat, "You! Tell me!" He screamed.
This man is crazy! Lance thought. Lance held his hand in front of him shaking his head.
He couldn't finish when suddenly there were two more explosions going off. Both times Lance had been caught between them as he was thrown to the side of the room almost losing balance but was able to catch himself before he falls.