Chapter 20: Bitter Endings

Lance ran down the hall skidding to his room , slamming the door behind him and throwing his arms around himself trying to calm down. He felt like he was going to lose it any second.


Shiro was still there sleeping in the adjacent chair when he was abruptly awakened to notice the blood splattered all over his clothing and face, and his hands shaking so violently that he had been unable to pull them from where they were balled into fists on his knees. He looked up at Lance with an expression Lance couldn’t decipher but knew meant something wasn’t right.


"I...I killed..." Lance yelled. His breath stuttered and he tried not to choke on his own tears as he shook uncontrollably in his spot.


The snowy haired man didn’t move for a minute before sitting forward and reaching his hand out hesitantly as if he was afraid of spooking Lance further by moving too fast.


Shiro could see the fear plastered all over Lance’s face and knew he wouldn't be able to get through this without Lance letting it out. He sat for another few minutes waiting patiently until Lance let go of what was left of his composure and started crying.


"Lance..." Shiro mumbled.


"I want to become to a super hero!" Lance announced. 


Shiro raised an eyebrow at that, and turned to look at Lance who was sitting crossed legged looking determined.


"The only problem is...if were caught, Lance..." Lance’s eyes widened as he looked at his this man, "You're going to be in trouble! You can't just tell everybody about your alter ego."


"I won't! I'll keep it secret!" Lance promised, "So you'll teach me how to be strong? Like you are?" Shiro hesitated.


[You can be strong now idiots] 


"Shut up! I won't follow a damn seraph too!" Shiro shouted. 


His voice seemed so loud to Lance, almost like it reverberated off of everything around him. The silence that followed was deafening, and it made Lance feel worse for shouting in the first place.


[Don't you wish to be free, Shiro?] 


"That's not important right now!" Shiro shouted, more than a little frustrated that someone was taking advantage of him again, "Lance we need to focus!” 


"They aren't a part of my life anymore! Stop getting inside my mind!" Shiro growled. Lance flinched.


[One day you will need us, Shiro] 


Shiro sighed and turned back to Lance.


"Lance, I'm sorry about yelling. But I need to do this. I promise I will never lie to you again, okay?"


The door slammed open to his surprise it was Lance's mother and father. He pushed Shiro away roughly, his anger boiling up in him again.


"Stop being mean to him!" Lance snapped. Shiro looked between his parents and Lance.


Taking his fist Vance slammed Lance in the face knocking him down. Lance got right back up and glared at his dad.


"How dare you hit me!" Lance screamed.


In his mind he invoked the blade of blood that had congealed to to his body while his powers had been waning. Lance stood there defiantly, his eyes glimmering red in the glow of their bedroom. The air became tense as the others stared at each other wondering whether Lance's bluff was worth the risk. 


"Little bastard! Just cause you passed you think you are hot?!" Vance yelled.


Lance didn't even flinch and instead stepped forward until he was right in front of his father and lifted his leg. Vance moved to block him but Lance kept walking. His foot landed squarely in his father's stomach sending him flying back into the wall with a thud.


You are reading story Ascent of the Failed Villain at

He took one step back, breathing heavily but still glaring at his father.


Vance picked himself up and walked out of the room muttering curses under his breath.  


“I am not afraid anymore!” Lance shouted. 


"Oh, Lance!" His mother said. 


She rushed over and wrapped her arms around him, and gently stroked the back of his head trying to comfort him. A moment later Lance felt the cool grip of his knife in his fingers. He closed his eyes and began to channel his energy into the blade. A thin red sheen appeared across the blade's surface.


Shiro watched Lance carefully as he concentrated and felt himself relax as the power within the blade became stronger. He could sense Lance's power slowly picking up but not quickly enough for him to take advantage of it. He saw Lance take a deep breath and then he plunged the blade deep into his fathers side when Lance’s mother got in front him. 


“Lance, stop please!” She begged. 


She collapsed as Shiro watched in horror as Lance pulled his blade free dripping with his mothers blood. The boy stumbled backwards falling on his bed and laying down. Lance’s parents lay motionless amazed at his audacity as Lance laid there for several minutes staring blankly at nothing.  


"Finish the job if you so want!" Vance laughed. 


Shiro looked at Lance's face and felt his insides twist uncomfortably. It was hard to believe Lance really had done such a terrible thing, especially considering how close Lance and his mother were, he thought, but there was no doubt that Lance would have acted exactly the same way towards someone else if that person threatened his family. 


"Lance..." She said breathlessly. 


"Mom..." Lance sobbed.


"It's alright Lance, it's gonna be okay..."


Vance got up facing Lance eye to eye. His eyes were filled with hatred as he held up his hand ready to strike. Lance tried to scramble back onto his feet but he lost his balance and fell again only for his mother to reach out and grab onto the hem of his shirt pulling him back towards her.


Vance got up facing Lance eye to eye. His eyes were filled with hatred as he held up his hand ready to strike. Lance tried to scramble back onto his feet but he lost his balance and fell again only for his mother to reach out and grab onto the hem of his shirt pulling him back towards her.


"Since you finally decided you wanna be brave then finish the job!" Vance shouted. 


"No! Not again...!" Lance cried. 


He recalled his death she held him tightly as his screams echoed throughout the house. Then all at once he was released. She gently helped Lance push the blade into her stomach with a smile on her face. Blood poured out of her wound spilling all over Lance who was becoming numb with shock. He stared at the blood in horror.


"It's okay sweetie, don't worry..I'm here…just not like before…" she smiled weakly wiping the blood away from his face.

Her lips were quivering slightly as she looked at the blood on his face. Lance's eyes started tearing up again. She slipped in and out of consciousness as Lance clutched desperately to her arm. His body shuddered violently. 


Then suddenly the blade was gone, and Vance was standing in front of Shiro with his chest bare showing off his toned muscles underneath the tight black t shirt.


"Let's see how tough you are now huh? Let's see how much longer you're going to keep hiding your true self from everyone huh!?" Vance sneered.


"Shut up!" Lance yelled. 


Vance smirked turning to Lance's mother laid there dying on the cold ground. The sound of her blood pumping out of her punctuated by ragged breaths filled his ears. Lance squeezed his eyes shut, his chest tightening painfully at the sight. He wanted to run to her to try and stop her suffering but his feet were frozen in place unable to move. 


"You will soon learn why I am called the Crimson Crow!" Vance roared, "You are pathetic!" The Crimson Crow spat. Vance's eyes glinted menacingly as he clenched his fist preparing to throw yet another punch. His face grew red with rage and he punched and punched until his knuckles cracked. His face became distorted with pain as he continued punching relentlessly at Lance. 


“Stop!” Shiro yelled.