Chapter 10: Chapter 10

A staccato burst of gunfire echoed off the distant cliffs. Hitori tilted his head, capturing the sounds as he walked. The village of Monte Aldé, nestled deep in the mountains of the Eastern continent, was under siege. The arrival of a fleet of helicopters stopped the immediate danger, but the assault was sure to resume when the invading metafauna shored up their numbers.

Hitori took a deep breath. The scent of cut pines and tilled earth filled his lungs, though it was mixed with an undercurrent of smoke and blood. It was almost pleasant, asides from the blood. Perhaps charmingly rustic?

Given you’ll be stationed out here, I suppose it’s good you like the stench.

He was navigating the circular rings of the town, making his way to a farm on the outskirts. He’d come from the Civic Center, the largest building in the village. As he approached his destination, he heard some chatter around the corner. Before he could identify the speaker the sound was cut off by the distinct whoosh of a powerful Flame Arte.

He cleared the last house in time to see Gordon turn away from Protius.

“Totally fine, plopped in the middle of a war zone,” Gordon said. “Ah, Hitori! Bet you have excellent news.”

Hitori smiled at him. “Nervous?”

“Me? No! About what? How every metafauna on Eastern’s outside the wall?”

“Exactly, nothing to get worked up about,” Hitori said with a grin. “And I’m sure barely any of them want to eat you, given how scrawny you are.”

“Har har,” Gordon said. “Glad the meat in your head hasn’t gotten to the funny yet. Hate to loose your sublime wit. And who’s this old board? Our evaluator?” He motioned to an older woman behind Hitori holding a clip board. She was in her late thirties, and wore armor that gave the impression of wings folded over her body. Her face was fixed in a scrunched, serious mien, and she didn’t react to Gordon’s comment.

Hitori gave Gordon a flat look, then made like he was about to say something but thought better of it. Instead he motioned for his team to circle up. “Okay, the situation is getting complicated, but our mission is simple.

“First, as you can tell, the village is under siege. Has been since Saturday afternoon and it’s gotten steadily worse ever since. Dragon Battalion was present when it started, and it interrupted their final exam. They weren’t able to stabilize the situation.”

“What happened?” Elvira asked. “This village has been here almost forty years, why are metas attacking now?”

Hitori smiled at her. “Ah, you read up on local history, excellent. And that’s a great question. Unfortunately the answer is, ‘The Commander doesn’t know and doesn’t care to speculate.’”

“Really? We have no idea?”

He shrugged. “There’s a few theories floating around. Dragon Battalion was here for a Titan Hunt, and some people think one of the targets figured it out and pressured the tribes into attacking.”

“By Titan Hunt you mean killing praepotent metafauna, right?” Elvira asked.

“Technically one rank below,” Hitori answered.

“Are we here to finish Dragon Battalion’s job?” Protius said. “Kill the targets and see if things calm down?”

“Not quite,” Hitori said. “Given the chaotic situation it’s been decided a Titan Hunt would be too difficult for junior mercenary teams, and the Commander doesn’t want to antagonize the local tribes by ganging up and making it look like an extermination. Instead we’re going to do some reconnaissance, hopefully figure out what’s causing this.”

“Like it’s that easy,” Gordon said. “Pop out and have a look about.”

“Hey, it’s supposed to be a test,” Hitori said with a grin. “Any other questions? If not I’d like to load your WebComms with a map of the route, in case anyone gets lost.”

When he got to Elvira’s Comm she turned him aside and asked in a hushed voice, “Can I have a minute to talk?”

“Of course, but let me get everyone moving first.” Hitori finished with her Comm then gave a quick series of sharp whistles. The rest of the team formed up and headed south.

Elvira frowned. “I suppose I’ll have to learn that too.”

“In good time.” Hitori motioned for her to follow close as he started walking. “What do you want to talk about?”

Elvira took a deep breath. “Okay, so… I wanted to apologize for yesterday.”

“For what?” Hitori canted his head, eyes searching his memory.

“I… I snapped at you all of a sudden, and…”

“Oh, that? No, don’t apologize for feeling things,” Hitori said. “I mean, I appreciate your concern, but I’m glad you felt comfortable enough to speak up. I’m sure you’ve been overwhelmed since coming here.”

“Yeah, at least,” Elvira said, then shook her head. “I-I wasn’t being fair…”

“Maybe, so what.” Hitori shrugged. “Look, you noticed a contradiction, and had the guts to point it out. That’s an admirable quality.”

“But it was so… petty.”

“If you’re afraid to talk about the little things, how are you supposed to confront the big ones? If someone can’t handle their foibles being exposed, it’s their problem, not yours. I just wish I had a better answer for you.”


“I really do believe Nova is pathologically pragmatic, but, you know, it does seem sentimental to keep the Park around right now. Well, maybe, anyway. Something to think about, I suppose. Maybe we’ve been changing?”

“For the better?”


“We’ll see.” Hitori grinned. “Oh, we’re almost to the wall. Do you mind if we continue this conversation later?”

“What?” Elvira looked around. “Oh, yeah, the mission.” She poked her tongue out at Hitori when he gave her a flat look. “I guess we can…. Where’s the gate?”

“It’s a learning opportunity?” Hitori put on his mischievous smile. “I hope you got good and comfortable with your Dash Tech yesterday.”

Protius, Gordon, and Chandra jumped up the wall and out of sight in one fluid motion, leaving Hitori and Elvira on the ground below. The evaluator was standing a short distance away, her face still scrunched and stiff as a board.

Elvira watched where her three teammates disappeared, a mote of concern floating across her eyes. “I have a bad feeling about how this is going to work.”

“Oh, you mean you don’t want to jump right in and go for it?”

Elvira hemmed a moment. “Actually, you know what, I am going to go for it and you can’t stop me!” Elvira ran at the wall before Hitori could say anything. She jumped and planted her feet the way she practiced yesterday, except now roughly perpendicular to the ground, then shot up with a snap of air.

Hitori heard a gasp above, and saw her flat on her back, facing the sky. She seemed to float, carried aloft by her rapidly diminishing momentum. She began to fall, and twisted her body towards the top of the rampart with a short scream, a mixture of thrill and fright. As she was about to slip past the wall-walk Gordon snatched her hand, pulling her onto the narrow path.

Damnit Gordon, I was hoping to watch her splat a few times.

Hitori joined them a second later. Elvira’s skin was flush at the cheeks, and she was breathing hard, but otherwise appeared in good spirits.

She grinned at Hitori and laughed. “It almost worked!”

Hitori smiled back. “I was going to tell you to build up a little forward roll, but otherwise you figured it out nicely.”

“As much as I practiced the darn thing yesterday, I’d be embarrassed to not get the general idea.” She looked at Gordon. “Thanks for the catch, by the way.”

He shrugged, then jumped from the wall to the other side. Elvira followed to the edge and looked down.

“Unfortunately we didn’t have time to teach you the Impact Tech,” Hitori said. “I can carry you so you don’t waste any VF.”

Elvira was still staring at the ground, a contemplative look in her eyes. “VF? That like a fancy mercenary name for Vital Energy?”

“Short for Vital Force. It’s punchier in a conversation, I guess.” Hitori moved closer to her.

“Cool,” Elvira said, then looked at Hitori. “You know, it’s not far of a drop.” Before Hitori could respond, she hoisted herself over the parapet. Hitori watched her land into a roll and end on her feet. He followed after her.

“Oh, parkour,” Hitori said. “Nice.”

“Yeah, I used to do it when I was younger, a sport I was in to. Wasn’t sure I sill had it in me.” She smiled. “Looks like I’m a bit out of practice though.” She pointed to a line of blood on her hand before rubbing it away.

“We’ll set up a course for you later,” Hitori said. Elvira watched his eyes with a wary gaze. “Anyway, for now, let’s get on patrol.” He signaled to his team and lead them south into the mountains.



A cold wind bit at Elvira, navigating a maze of cloth, padding, and armor to nibble her skin like a starved rat. A layer of frost smothered her sleeves, and she kept beating it away. Her Vital Net, who she playfully named Vinni, was judging her poor life choices.

Didn’t see why her VN was blaming her though, Elvira was the one out of her element. She huffed at Vinni’s reply.

They’d been traveling so long Elvira’d forgotten what standing still was like. Thoughts of sitting felt like an opulent dream. The team was chatty initially, but grew increasing quiet over the last few hours. They hadn’t encountered any metafauna, only regular animals scampering away as they passed. She migrated to the front of the patrol with Hitori after a few hours.

Hitori taught her about keeping watch and how to act if they were ambushed, but eventually settled into silence. She wasn’t sure, but he seemed to be watching their surroundings with extra care. Was she missing important details?

Hitori looked at her and hummed. “I think you’ve practiced up here long enough. Go to the back with Gordon and see if you can’t pick up a few things from him.”

“Ah, okay,” Elvira said. “But… is something wrong?”

Hitori made an odd face, one she’d seen a few times. Maybe he smelled something in the wind. She heard from Li Nova trained to enhance their other senses. It passed in less than a second, then he smiled at her. “No, I don’t think so anyway. Things are… more peaceful than expected. I meant to rotate you back a while ago.”

“To actually learn something?” Gordon yelled from behind them.

“More like actually pay attention!”

“Har har,” Gordon said. “I’m a great P.O. and you know it.”

“Oh yeah, remind me how the field exam went last year?”

Gordon huffed, but otherwise remained silent. Elvira slowed her pace long enough to fall in step beside him.

“What’s a P.O.?” Elvira asked.

“Postérieur Observer,” Gordon said with a shrug. “To contrast with Forward Observer. AKA, the guy at back and the guy in front. Don’t know why they got to be so fancy about it.”

Elvira laughed. “Maybe it sounds cooler than back guy and front guy?”

Gordon laughed too. Hitori cast them both a disparaging glance, but Gordon caught it in time to reply with a rude gesture.

Elvira managed to suppress another laugh, which instead came out as a snort. “We probably should keep an eye behind us though.”

“Oh great,” Gordon said with a smile. “Mr. Hard Work has a buddy.”

Elvira rolled her eyes, and they walked in silence a few minutes. She balanced her time between keeping watch and observing Gordon. At first she thought he really wasn’t doing his job, but eventually noticed he turned his head a little wide with each step. It would have been just enough to check out of the corner of his eyes.

“Can you really see behind us like that?” Elvira said.

“You noticed!” Gordon smiled. “Yeah, I have amazing peripheral vision, I’ll show you. Know any sign language?”

“Li taught me a few words.”

“Perfect.” Gordon turned away from Elvira and held his hand up to the side, so far back it was almost behind his head. “Throw a few signs back here.”

“Uh, okay.” She tentatively moved her hand where Gordon showed her and made the symbol for lizard.

“Lizard!” He said. Elvira started, and then changed the word. “Ambush. Fight. Cave, plus you’ve got your other hand behind showing danger. Now you— hey! Rude!”

“Oh my God!” Elvira said. “That’s amazing!”

“Thanks, really am an excellent observer, Try-hard’s grumbling aside. Speaking of, new amor looks good.”

Elvira laughed. “I’d thank you, but I had no hand picking it out, so compliments to the armorer. You’re the first person to notice. I suppose everyone’s been really busy. Heck, even Li didn’t comment, and I needed her help to get dressed this morning because of it.”

“Plate armor’s pretty hard to put on. Wonder why she didn’t go with fabric.”

“Me too. I asked Mrs. Malikah about it and she was like ‘something, something, deflection characteristics’ and such on.” Elvira’s eyes went vacant a moment. “She sure can talk.”

“Sounds about right,” Gordon said.

Elvira shook her head, like she was clearing cobwebs from her ears. “You know, based on the rest of you, I’m surprised this doesn’t have, like”—she cupped her hands in front of her breasts. A touch of red glowed on her cheeks.

Gordon laughed. “Boob plate?” Elvira blushed further. “Really want a lecture on ‘deflection characteristics’ say that around Malikah. Have you thinking every damn blow and bullet goes straight to your neck.”

“Is it really dangerous?” Elvira asked.

“Only a percent or two worse. Some people still do it.” He motioned to the evaluator a half dozen paces behind them. She still had a serious look on her face. “Like the look of it. Assume so, anyway.”

You are reading story Nova: Omega at

“Alright everyone,” Hitori called out from the front. “It’s almost twenty thirty, so it’ll be dark soon. We’ll take a break until the sun sets.”

“Holy crab apples,” Elvira said. “It’s already that late?”

“Pretty far south,” Gordon said. “And Southern Solstice’s in a couple weeks.”

“Yeah, wow, time has been absolutely soaring.” Elvira shook her head. “Feels like I got here last week.”

Hitori spent a few minutes arranging a perimeter, then sat down on a big rock near Elvira.

“Do you know much about malhahon recovery?” Hitori asked.

“I know it happens faster when you’re sleeping,” Elvira said. “Something to do with your mental state.”

“Right, you might also have heard Vital Energy recovers faster too.”

“Makes sense. I’m assuming that’s related to malhahon generation.”


“So, what you’re working at here is now would be a great time for a nap?” Elvira said with a sly smile.

“You say it like a joke,” Hitori said, his eyes matching Elvira’s playful grin. “Although any relaxed mental state will do. On a related note, do you know much about meditation?”

“It’s popular in Seitoji?”

Hitori nodded. “I mean, yes, that is true, although they do it more for cultural reasons. It also has a pragmatic angle in that it’s a simple and effective relaxation technique. Still body, slow breathing, calm thoughts. With practice it’s almost as good as a deep sleep for recovering between fights.”

“Did you know the Spirit Core is technically the first kind of tag?” Protius said nearby. He was sitting cross legged on a rock with his eyes closed.

Hitori gave him a flat look. “Sharing random trivia that pops into your head is not part of the process.”

“Spirit Core?” Elvira said. “That one of those fancy mercenary terms for the Malhahonic Web Nexus?”

“I’d have thought Spirit Core would be more common, but yes.”

“Eh, maybe. I never studied this kind of stuff before joining the Grey Order, and with them it’s all technical gibberish. Bunch of darn nerds.”

Hitori laughed. “Anyway, for now find yourself a comfortable place to sit and practice some deep, slow breaths. I’d guide you through it, but I want to keep watch.” He turned to walk away, but then stopped. “Oh, and try not to say every old thing that pops into your head.”

“Tell me what to do,” Elvira said, poking her tongue at Hitori, who merely rolled his eyes and turned away to wander the perimeter. Elvira found herself a nice flat space near Protius, who had a slightly dreamy look. He was muttering something about “rumors,” “restructors,” and “Alvina.” She couldn’t make sense of it, so instead sat cross legged next to him and closed her eyes.

She had seen Li do this in their shared apartment a few times, though only on the rare occasion Elvira stayed up late enough to match her roommate’s short sleep schedule. She did her best to match the position and breathing tempo Li used, then tried not to think about things.

It didn’t work. At all. Almost as soon as her eyes shut, a barrage of thoughts barreled into her mind. She quickly went from daily musing into nightly brooding, that is, she started thinking about her family. It had been a very long time since she’d seen any of them. Her father and mother, of course, but also her brother. She felt her body tense.

What happened to him after… after—Her meditation was interrupted by a loud crash down the path. She was on her feet, sword in hand almost as fast as she opened her eyes. Standing uncomfortably close was a giant creature, larger than any she’d ever seen outside a picture book.

It had grey-green scales all over its body, some large as dinner plates, and each looked tough as the finest steel. A line of spikes ran down its back, from the neck to the tip of its tail. Four massive legs ended in titanic feet, with claws that dug into the hardened dirt of the path.

Before she could process anything, another crash came from behind. She assumed it was another of these creatures completing the ambush.

“Shit, Drakes,” someone muttered behind her. She was joined on her feet by the rest of the team, now standing roughly in a circle with weapons at the ready. The evaluator was nowhere to be seen, though Elvira felt it likely she was watching nearby.

Before anyone could take action, the Drake in front of Elvira reared back its head. The spines on its back lit up, and pulses of electric arcs rippled up from its tail. It roared, releasing a ball of what appeared to be lightning straight towards her.

She started to wince, but Hitori leapt in from her side at the last moment, striking the ball with the flat of his sword and driving it into the ground. A bolt of electricity writhed in the air, and deafening noise flooded Elvira’s senses. Her legs turned to pins and needles. Her vision cleared, and she saw Hitori turning away from the Drake, wisps of steam billowed from his sword arm.

He whistled, then turned her towards a shallow dip in the mountain side. The rest of the team was already moving and Elvira joined them at once. As she ran she saw the second Drake. It wasn’t on the path, but was instead a little ways off it and downhill. It moved to herd them away from the valley below.

As they got closer, the dip in the mountain proved to be more of a rough hewn path, leading to a large clearing in front of a cave. Out of which lumbered yet another Drake. Elvira noted this one was, at least, half as big as the others. Which made it only thirty times her size.

“This a joke?” someone said. Possibly Gordon… or herself.

“Cover!” Hitori yelled the moment he entered the clearing. Elvira snapped her head left and right, hoping to spot a decently sized rock. Instead she saw a silver structure materialize in front of her. Without pausing to wonder, she ran towards it. A red light surged from her left. She dived forward, and rolled into position behind the shelter.

Inside she found Protius and Chandra, huddled against the wall and peering out small slits. Elvira poked her head from the side, where she saw Hitori slip beneath a swipe from the first Drake. The second one ambled in behind it, sparing only a second to whip its long tail at Hitori. He deflected it with his sword, but otherwise couldn’t spare more than a glance as it walked by.

A line of fire divided the clearing, and on the opposite side lay a boulder currently smothered in flames. The question of why was answered when Gordon popped out to fire at one of the Drakes.

Hitori slid under another attack, parrying with his sword and unbalancing his opponent enough to buy time to whistle something at Gordon. In response, Gordon flipped him a very rude gesture, but proceeded to dive from behind his boulder towards the small Drake.

He rolled over a swipe from the relatively small creature, landing squat on his feet. Then, in a flash of movement, he was floating by its head, having delivered a powerful kick. Elvira heard the crunch of bone as the giant lizard’s head snapped to the side. It must have been a tech.

Thoroughly enraged, the little Drake twisted after Gordon, biting at air. He slipped behind its tail, and then whipped away behind another rock. It turned almost a full circle, scanning for its target, before giving a mad howl and spewing a stream of flaming liquid over one side of the clearing.

Meanwhile, Hitori whistled again, and this time Protius slid out behind Elvira. A pale blue fog streamed from his hands. He placed one on the ground, and waved the other towards the second drake as it was about to hop into the clearing. A line of that same blue fog traced a path over the earth towards it.

Elvira was blinded by a flash of light and felt a wave of heat wash over her body. When her vision cleared a split second later she saw the second Drake almost fully encased in ice. Its head and front claws were forced up and completely immobile, but it was already digging away with its hind legs.

Hitori looked straight at her. “To the path!” he yelled, before continuing to harass the first Drake. Elvira found Chandra guiding her by the elbow, while Protius already disappeared. A second or two later, Chandra was gone as well, whipping away with a snap of air.

Elvira thought that was a great idea. Her own tech couldn’t reach the ledge leading into the clearing, but would shave a few precious seconds off her time.

She Dashed forward, only to find Gordon did the same, though he landed a short distance above her. He turned to pull her up, but before she could take his hand she found herself slammed into the ground. A warm liquid splashed her face and soaked into her sleeves.

It was blood. Gordon’s, specifically. He’d been clipped from behind by one of the drakes, presumably the one which just tore a front claw free from ice. Elvira hoisted Gordon onto her back.

She scanned her surroundings, looking for a way out. About halfway up the slope, to the left of the path, Hitori was in battle with the first drake, keeping it distracted. The second drake wiggled even more of its body out of the ice, making the path too dangerous to follow, especially carrying Gordon. The smallest Drake was far off to the right, scrambling over the rocks as though looking for something.

She caught sight of a woman standing high above them on the ridge overlooking the clearing. It was the evaluator. Her face relaxed, and she was now watching with a neutral expression. She’d also drawn her weapon, a strange looking disc with a serrated edge that floated near the tip of her fingers.

Elvira wondered if she’d jump down and help if asked. Probably, but that wouldn’t likely do their grade any favors. Still….

Seeing the evaluator up there gave Elvira an idea. She tightened her grip on Gordon, ignoring the wet feeling on her neck, then ran to the right of the path, out of reach of the second Drake’s thrashing tail. There was a good bit of fire in front of her, but it wouldn’t matter. Assuming she didn’t screw up.

She jumped onto a boulder, landing at an upward angle with her feet set just right, then activated her tech. It launched her up, towards another boulder near the top where she struck hard, but on her feet. Right in position to Dash again, this time propelling her far over the top, soaring above a clump of trees. She squeezed Gordon’s bare wrist.

She hadn’t tested VF Transfers yet, but she needed Vinni to play nice and share with her friend. In a hurry.

Her VN complied without complaint, but Elvira felt a tinge of indignation. She saw a faint glow behind her, and assumed Gordon was finished sharing his blood. Meanwhile, she had the somewhat daunting task of landing without breaking her neck. Or Gordon.

To her surprise, as she neared the ground Gordon slid his legs in front of her, hugging around her chest. He landed like a spring, a wave of light pulsed up from his feet. They skidded to a stop. Gordon remained slumped against her. She pushed him away, and he looked at her with a weak smile.

“Still can’t Impact Tech, right?” he said. She nodded. “Glad to help.” He dropped his head. His face lost its color, and his hair was damp with sweat in spite of the cool night air.

“Are you okay?” Elvira said.

“Could go for a little snack, to be honest. And a nap.”

“Let’s rejoin the others.” She pulled one of his arms over her shoulders, holding him up as she walked forward. They met up with the team as Hitori landed to the side. He looked them over a second.

“Elvira, carry Gordon,” Hitori said. “We’re heading straight north.”

“Into the forest?”

“Yes, go!” Hitori said. Elvira threw Gordon onto her back and followed after him. “There’s some cliffs coming up soon. Protius, take Gordon down, I’ll take Elvira.”

Before anyone could reply, a loud crash echoed through the forest. A ball of scales and spikes rolled through the canopy then slammed into the ground in front of them. It bounced twice, taking down a tree along the way, and then unfolded into a Drake. Elvira was pretty sure it was the first one.

“Give it a rest already!” someone said. It might have been her.

Everyone quickly took cover. Elvira chose a particularly fat tree, and she could see Hitori behind a nearby boulder. They shared a look, and Hitori motioned towards the Drake and rolled his eyes. In spite of how serious things were, Elvira couldn’t help a small giggle.

And then the tree whacked her with a branch.

She screamed and toppled backwards, dropping Gordon as she fell. Roots burst from the ground, grabbing her injured teammate by the legs and pulling him in. Elvira leapt to her feet, drawing her sword, and hacking away the tendrils.

She heard a whistle, then found Hitori standing next to her. He pulled Gordon to his feet, then guided both of them away from the tree. It seemed to loose interest, and instead lurched towards the Drake, which was now under attack by several different trees and bushes. The other members of the team joined them a few moments later.

“What the hell is going on!” Elvira said.

“No clue, but at least the Drake is distracted,” Hitori said. “Although it looks like the trees are making their way down the mountain.”

“Towards the village?”

“Seems likely. Problems for later though. I’d wager the other Drakes are on their way.”

“What’s the plan?” Protius said.

“Same as before,” Hitori said. “The base of the cliff was pretty sparse with vegetation when we passed earlier, should give us a safe place to rest.”

Elvira moved to grab Gordon, but he smiled and started running. She followed after. In spite of his feeble color, Gordon set a good pace. She was barely catching up.

They reached the cliffs in less than a minute. Gordon jumped off without stopping, but Elvira skid to a stop on the cliffs edge. There was no way she’d be able to roll her way out of breaking something from that height. She started looking for a way down, when she spotted a small Seitojin girl standing on a rocky outcropping. The girl waved at her.

Before Elvira could respond, she found herself swept off her feet by a mysterious force, an arte, she expected, and then into the arms of Protius. He carried her over the edge, and they floated gently down. Hitori and Chandra passed a moment later, landing far below.

“I need to learn the Impact Tech,” Elvira said, looking at the ground.

“You don’t enjoy it here in my gallant embrace?” Protius said with an air of faux incredulity. Elvira rolled her eyes. “But yes, it’s a great tech. I mean, if you need it or whatever.”

“Are you saying you can’t do it either?”

Protius blushed. “Well, no, not quite. Couldn’t get the hang of it, I suppose.”

They continued down in silence, until they reached the bottom. Hitori grabbed Protius by the foot, guiding them into a shallow cave. Someone deployed a small lantern in the center. Gordon sat against the wall, munching on a snack bar with a canteen in the other hand. Even in the dim light his color was greatly improved.

“Alright everyone, rest a half hour, then we’re returning to Monte Aldé as fast as we can,” Hitori said. “I’ll stand watch.”

“Shouldn’t you rest too?” Elvira said.

“I’m fine,” Hitori said with a smile. Elvira noticed one of the pouches on his hip had been emptied. Elvira made like she was about to say something, but Hitori held up his hand. “We can talk in a few minutes, if you want. For right now you might want to clean up. You’re a bit, well, Gordony at the moment.”

Elvira retched. Her neck and arms were starting to get sticky. “Thanks for reminding me.” She walked deeper into the cave. Gordon looked at her with an inquisitive glance and a pair of rags in an outstretched hand. She sat next to him, taking one of the towels and started working on her arms while Gordon patted down her back and neck.

“You’re looking a lot better,” Elvira said. “Is granola really that effective?”

“Tonic.” Gordon pulled an empty flask from a satchel on his back, holding it in view. It was a narrow cylinder made of thick glass with a metallic cap. An array of fine needles sat on the end. A splash of dark red liquid was all that remained of the contents.

“What’s that for?”

“Can’t make a body out of nothing.”

“Oh, so it’s like proteins and stuff?” Elvira said.

Gordon nodded, and returned to patting her down. After a minute or two, he started, “Sorry for, uh…”

“Bleeding all over me?” Elvira finished. He nodded. She looked at him. “Just don’t do it again.”

He laughed. “Try my best.”

“I didn’t think mercenary work would be so… messy.”

Gordon shrugged. “Beats farming. I think, anyway.”

Elvira hummed noncommittally. She tried not to breath, or think, too deeply while they worked. She didn’t notice the evaluator step into their cave a few minutes later.