Chapter 8: 8

“Zyro Forberts.”

“United Kingdom 5th Holy Knights Order, Commanding Officer.”

 In that way, someone read out my name and title.

 It was a voice cold enough to make you feel depressed. 

 I listen to the lengthy incantation-like preliminary remarks that follow with half my head in the clouds. 

 Otherwise, I would have felt like beating someone to death. I was angry. As usual. 

“Then, defendant Zyro Forberts.”

 Someone was calling my name again.

 The Inquisitor. 

 Inquisitors are the ones who preside over trials in the Kingdom and are endowed with the most authority over issues in court. 

 An official position serving under the royalty of the United Kingdom. I can’t say for sure if it’s someone selected from the Eight Royal Families, but it’s probably from at least a similarly high ranking noble house.  

 Because this is the first ever [Goddess Killer] case.

“–Zyro Forberts. You led your Holy Knights on the night before the incident and approached Demon King Phenomenon No. 11.”

 I can’t see the face of the Inquisitor who continues speaking.

 A thin veil blocks me from the Inquisitor and the members of this committee hearing.

 This is the court system of the United Kingdom.

 In the past, the United Kingdom was formed through the integration of about eight nations. During that time, they landed on this system after incorporating the systems of each country. 

“And before dawn. You entered into a battle with the [Goddess] Senerva. Is that not correct?”

 The way he said it was more like a statement, but that was what I was asked. 

 At this point, my entire body is tied in chains, pretty much restrained like a beast, only my mouth is free.

 So I thought this was my last chance to testify about what had happened — what a stupid fool. 

“That is correct.”

 I answered honestly.

“I fought against Demon King Phenomenon No. 11. It was tough because the promised reinforcements never arrived.”

“Defendant, only answer what you are asked.”

 The Inquisitor interrupted my words. His displeasure reverberated. 

“We will continue establishing the facts. The defendant, along with the Holy Knights under his command and the [Goddess], engaged in an unsanctioned battle, resulting in devastating losses. Is that not–”


 I said clearly.

“It wasn’t unsanctioned. There was an order.”

“Fortress Gartuil gave no such orders, there are no records of that sort.”

“That’s a lie.”

 I could assert.

 A messenger had dispatched a formal order via a fast horse. It was an order from Gartuil High Command, and it was genuine because of the stamped Sacred Seal. 

“It mentioned that allied forces were isolated and needed rescue. That’s why I rushed. The 7110th Yutof Infantry Regiment–”

“No such regiment exists.”

 The Inquisitor roared.

 Or to put it differently, an intimidating sound echoed.

“You were unsanctioned, impatient, and forced your subordinates and the [Goddess] into a reckless battle.”

“Wrong. I–”

“For some time, your men have been renowned for engaging in unsanctioned behaviour. I have heard that in order to attain your current achievements, you have committed several infractions of the rules.”

 At that point, I finally understood why the Inquisitor was holding on to such displeasure.  

 Is my very existence itself displeasing?

“It’s a battlefield. Sometimes it was necessary to make decisions on the spot, and I had the authority to do so.”

“The authority bestowed on you by the United Royal Family. You have misunderstood. Above all, you, in the end–”

 The Inquisitor cut himself off for a moment, as though it was something too horrible for him to let pass through his mouth.  

“You killed the [Goddess] Senerva. Is that not correct?”

“That is correct.”

 When I answered, a buzz ran through the room..

 Beyond the veil, I hear the committee members exchanging words with each other. 

“But there was no other way. The forces we were instructed to rescue did not exist, the reinforcements who were supposed to link up with us never came. We were isolated–”

“They were not supposed to come. Because in the first place, there was no such order, and you acted independently.”


 When I yelled, the committee members became even more stirred up. 

“Senerva — the [Goddess] was at her limit. She had used up her power. For the sake of our praise, she ended up having to stake her life in the battle.”

“You are to blame. You engaged in battle because of your own selfish desires.” 

“She thought that she’d be sure to receive gratitude from the troops she helped.”

 I was already ignoring the words of the Inquisitor. He didn’t matter.

 Instead, I thought I had to tell everyone about what had happened then — for the sake of Senerva. What she tried to protect in exchange for her life. 

“Is there any guy here who knows what will happen when a [Goddess] loses their power? They break down and become vulnerable. They are corrupted by the Demon King Phenomenon.”

“No such case has ever been reported. The possibility has also been denied by the Church.”

“Are you stupid? There’s no way the guys in the Church can admit that.”

 I get their reason. The Church guys have a doctrine. 

The [Goddess] must be perfect.

 As long as that’s the case, I think this is a fact they cannot acknowledge. But the Military — the soldiers who fight against the Demon King Phenomenon need to take this into account. 

 At this time, what I’m hoping for is the Military.

You are reading story Hero Punishment at

 I thought if it were the Military, they would take it seriously and investigate the threat I was detailing in my testimony.

 The truth about a dying [Goddess], which up to now had never been experienced, a possibility which was not even allowed to be mentioned. 

 This should make a significant difference in future operations involving the use of [Goddesses].

“Nothing is more dangerous than a Goddess corrupted by a Demon King Phenomenon.”

 There was even the chance that a Demon King wielding the power of a [Goddess] would be born. 

 That had to be avoided at all costs.

“Senerva knew that. Corruption had begun, so I–“


 Said one of the committee members.

 It was a calm, but very commanding voice. 

 I remembered that voice — I burned it into my eardrums and will never forget.

“The defendant has repeatedly blasphemed the sacred [Goddesses]. We have already completed confirming facts about the key matters… From here on, we should prohibit further statements.”

“That seems to be so.”

 The Inquisitor nodded heavily to the words of that committee member. 

 I learned from this exchange.

 The things that should happen in this court had been decided from the beginning. It was nothing more than a stage play. 

 It was too late for me to notice now.

“Wait. Listen to me!”

 I raised my voice as guards grabbed me from both sides.

“That guy’s up to something crazy. But I don’t know what he has to gain! There’s guys up there in the Church and the Military who put serious thought into setting up this show.”

 Both shoulders are grabbed and I am thrown against the floor.

 Pretty strong. My head was dazed.

“This isn’t the time to deal with me, you need to hurry up and find those guys–”

 Then another blow. Again, my consciousness is about to disappear.

 A muzzle is pressed against my mouth. I get beaten again as I shake my head to try to avoid it.


 Me, my Holy Knights, as well as Senerva, the ones who set us up. 

“I’ll definitely kill you.”


“–What did you say?”


 Suddenly, a voice called from above my head.

 From the sky? No. I’m just lying down — in a very poor prisoner’s bed.

 Blink and look around.

 Small room. Iron bars. Stone wall without windows.

 No matter how you look at it, it’s a prison. The room I was assigned to. Most of the rooms the Hero Corps are allowed to use are like this. 

“Perchance you dreamt of something?”

 Looking down at me was a girl with golden hair.

 This kind of room wasn’t fitting for her. The [Goddess] Teolita. She proudly puffs her chest and even folds her arms. 

“Venetim, that untrustworthy seeming man notified me to rouse you. Be grateful and extol me.”

“I see. Thanks for your efforts.”

 I said while still lying down.

“Tell him I’ll go soon.”

“That’s not possible. Zyro, you’ll return to slumber when I take my eyes off you.”

“That’s right.”

“Honesty is a virtue, but this is not an issue you can resolve through such honesty! And you have yet to praise me for making my way to rouse you!”


 I groaned.

 It’s going to be about something I don’t want to do. 

 Venetim asking for a meeting means the next mission is going to start. Probably soon after this. 

 It was a bit too much to break all the bones in Dotta’s body — this time I’m going to be paired with more troublesome guys. 

 I can already sense it.

 I can hear yelling from the corridor. Teolita frowns and turns her head towards the noise.

“Zyro. What might be that outrage I’ve been hearing since earlier?”

“His Majesty.”

 Teorita looked confused after I replied with a yawn.

“What exactly does that mean?”

“Just as I said. Self-proclaimed His Majesty. A former terrorist whose convinced he’s the King. The Combat Engineer of our Corps.”


 Despite Teorita still having a look of confusion, I got up. 

 Because there’s something to do. Damn it. I’m about to vomit. If I don’t do this, then this [Goddess] will bother me all day long.

“Want to go……… The one who always does well to wake me up, [Goddess] Teolita.”

“That’s indeed so!”

 Stroking her head, she smiled like there was nothing better than this.

 This face is agony to me.