Chapter 4: Chapter 1

"Well, shit."

He was not being extravagant or sarcastic in any manner.

What had happened was that when he asked the chip to begin the download, he had also asked the chip to mobilize all the brains computing power, which naturally included the portions of his brain that kept his heart and lungs working, so naturally, he died.

But somewhere in the ether, another poor sod by the name of Greem, someone the same age he is, was making a potion and it suddenly blew up in his face, the noxious smoke of which killed him near instantly. But then, through the grace of the universe, his soul was reincarnated into the body of the man that was just killed. 

He immediately started panicking on what to do, now in a different world and without the chip. Luckily, he retained the memories of the guy whose body he had just taken over.

He is an apprentice in an adept tower, a sort of magic school, in a world called the world of adepts. This world is very much different then the one he used to know. This is a world filled with magic and monsters, where everything is possible. This world is supposed made up many different kingdoms in many different regions, but as someone on the inside, he knew very differently.

The ones who truly rule the world are those called adepts, wizards that have mastered many kinds of magic and rule the world with an iron fist, which those mere "kingdoms" in place to keep the sheeple appeased and clueless.

The tower he was currently in was operated by one such adept, anderson, with the sole purpose of creating and training many such adepts like him. In order to be selected to join the tower, you must have affinity for elementium, the magical particles of this world, in addition to being able to connect with these elementium using their mind and control them. Anyone not able to do this or does not have the affinity is immediately kicked out of the tower. All the normal people in the world would deem people like Greem as being lucky to have been born to become an adept, but Greem disagreed.

Adepts were merciless and cruel, they always put themselves first and never bothered to do anything that wasn't in there direct interest, including the creating more of their own. Anderson was a prime example of this, he never bothered to do anything related to the apprentices and simply kept himself in the highest floor of the tower minding his own business. The management of the tower was left to those apprentices higher than Greem. These guys were no better than the adept of the tower, so they kept all the safe and easy jobs like teaching the basics for the newcomers and maintaining the basic facilities like the experimentation rooms for themselves and pushed all the dangerous jobs to the likes of Greem.

In case your wondering why Greem puts up with this mess, it's because he has to. The Adepts of this world thoroughly and strictly monopolize the information regarding all things magic related. The only way he could even hope of having access to the information necessary to continue his journey, was to sign a magic contract with the master of an adept tower. These contracts always included harsh terms like mandatory time service and the doing of very dangerous jobs.

As such, the original Greem spend day to day, slugging by doing dangerous job that could kill him just to get by and then the job did kill him. But now he is a different man. The boy decided to take the name of Greem for himself so that no one would be suspicious of his true origin. If they did, they would likely lock him up and dissect him in order to find out how he could have come here from another world, let alone survive death and have his soul placed in another body. 

Initially he though he would thrive in a world of magic and science, thanks to his studious nature back on earth. However, he came to realize that knowledge was only available to those who took jobs as a reward and no extra jobs were available inside the tower, as those were already taken by other apprentices and he couldn't risk his health, as if he failed to do the job he was formally assigned to the tower, he risks being punished. 

However, he chose to persist in this pessimistic new world.

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