First love changes your heart
He gasped awake after his dream.His entire body was drenched in sweat.He took deep breaths. After he calmed down, he watched his surroundings. The first thing he noticed he was in an unfamiliar room.The room was once beautiful but now there are patches of color missing.It was painted in deep blue.The room was neat and clean but there are very few furnitures.Some places of the wall are cleaner than other places of the wall.It seems the owner has moved some furnitures.Overall he could say the owner was once wealthy but now the wealth is degreasing.
A teenage girl entered the room.Taichi watched her with an amazed exptession.She looked like an ordinary girl but poverty was clear on her.Her dress had seen better days.The color of the dress has gone.Now it is a shade of grey.Her hair is black.She has a skinny figure and her eyes is a beautiful shade of blue.Her face has an tired expression.Her body seems like it has seen Proper food and good rest a long time ago.Though this was not what has bewitched taichi.Her face has the exact shape like his mother.From the nose to the lips she looks like his mother.If not for her hair,eye color,age and skinny feature he could have swear she is his mother.He quickly handled his expression.
"Are you okay?Is anywhere hurting?",the teenager girl asked while checking him.
" No,I am fine.",taichi answered while looking other side.
She chuckled a bit and said,"Am I also too ugly for you to look?Don't worry.I have accepted it a long time ago." This time he looked at her properly.She had bad skin.Her face was full with dark circles and pimples. Her hair was swinging wildly around her.The front two teeth of her was missing.
"No,no.It's not like that. You look a lot like my mother.", taichi said.
The girl wore an amazed expression.
" Really!Was she that bad looking?" She asked with an innocent curiosity.
"Without the pimples her face looks exactly like yours.And I am saying this honestly neither she nor you are ugly." He said.
The girl became speechless...."This is the first time in 8 months anyone has called me beautiful.Thank you.Where is your mother?", she told him with a beautiful smile."I want to meet her if it is possible."
His eyes wavered. He cleared his throat.
"She has died a long time ago."
"I am sorry.Please I didn't want to turn you to your bad memories." The girl said with a teared look."I have also lost my mother few months ago.I know how that feels."
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"It is ok.It just hurts me in a way that cannot be explained." He said with a tearful smile.She really is a good girl he thought.He directed the conversation other way."My name is taichi.Thank you very much for saving me."
The girl wore an embraced expression. Her cheeks dusted red lightly."sorry, I forgot to introduce myself.My name is Ria.Nice to meet you." "It is no big deal. I just found you a little far from the shore."
She told him with a nice smile. At this time his stomach growled.With an embracing smile he said ," Can I have some food?".......
Ria brought food with her.Their conversation then started while eating.He heard everything from her. Ria was living alone in a small town.Her mother died 8 months ago.Her father died when she was small.Now she does odd jobs to support herself.She was on a smhim.. boat catching fish when she found him.She was caught in a small storm.The storm took her boat.But her luck was good.She found a boat of her neighbors who were going to catch fish in the sea.She went with them.But when they were returning ,they found him.He has been unconscious for 2 days."What were you doing in the sea?", Ria asked him.
Blood and pain came to his mind."It is a long story.I will tell you another time." ,Saying this he focused on eating.She understood he didn't want to talk about it.So the meal finished without any further conversation.
Taichi came down from his bed.He was feeling a little wobbly. But he pressed and he was able to stand up."He went to the side of his bed where his shoes were.He opened one of his shoe's underside.Then he took out a 20000 ryo."Please take it.Or I will be very sad."
"No no please don't give me so much money.I refuse to take it." ,she said with a determined voice.He told her many times but she refused.Then a pain shoot through his chest.He collapsed where he stood.
"It seems I have not recovered yet." Ria came to his side immediately. "Don't worry.You take some rest." She tucked him inside that bed again.Suddenly an idea came to his mind.
"No ,I cannot do this.This will be dishonorable for me to freeload on you.Only if you take the money can I stay here.I will rent this room and 3 times a meal per day for this money for 10 days.",he argued with her.
She understood his intentions. A great smile came on her face." But you are giving me 10 times more than what necessary is."
"Baah!forget it!then I am going.", he said playfully." OK but 15 days not 10 days",she told him.They both smiled out loudly."OK deal"..........
4 days later When they were eating dinner a knock came from the door.Ria suddenly became stiff.Her face became afraid and all the bloods from her face was gone.Taichi immediately became ready for any trouble. His mind went into rage.He had seen Ria for the past days.Without any doubt he can say she is the most innocent girl he has ever meet. For her to became fairful there must be something wrong.He went to open the door but she hold his hand.Her eyes were teary. "Please don't open the door", she whispered pitifully. Her entire body was shaking. After some time a voice called out " Shit the bitch is not at home.Must be somewhere shaking that booty."Another voice called out,"stupid.Who wanna go with her.Are people mad?let's go we will come again tomorrow. "Laughing with each other they went away.Taichi wanted to ask some question. But watching her face he stopped. He hold her in his arms and his rage became boiling. Basturd it is not over.Nobody can call my Ria this and go.That night Ria spend by sobbing on his shirt and he councilling her.That night he realized he has fallen in love with Ria for the first time in his life.
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