Scarred. That was the only word I could come up with to describe my immediate surroundings. Sat down in a… land craft of some degree. It was something I haven’t witnessed before. Not in either of my past lives. There was magic, but that was heavily constricted by an individual’s innate talent and capability to withhold their own power. One could be talented in its use, finding intelligent ways to utilize the energy only for their body to not be suited to sustain such a mystical art.
Right now, however, that wasn’t the case. It resembled that of a car, if not bulkier, and more obviously suited for transportation like that of… an ‘Armored Personnel Carrier’. If I remembered that name correctly. Levitated above the ground, it bypassed this rigid terrain with no issue. Miles of dead, gray dirt stretched onwards before me. All of it continuously rose up cliff by cliff, and this ‘vehicle’ merely scaled it as if it were leisurely strolling.
If leisurely scrolling meant rapidly accelerating upwards, sticking to the ‘ground’. If I had to say, then this clearly wasn’t an earth, or a planet that remotely represented it. There seemed to be fields of endless ‘sand’ at the top of this cliff. Far more lively than the charcoal colored terrain inside of this ‘hole’. As we neared the top, in the sky, debris could be seen high in the air. From what I assume to be outside the planet’s atmosphere. It was definitely struck by something.
There were a multitude of other passengers, though they looked more so like prisoners. With the mass amounts of collected confusion amongst their delicate looking faces. Ignoring that of the previous bunch responsible for dragging me, and the rest, into his contraption. Completely different, yet still Women, their brawny bodies were like that of solid stone. Tall statues with weaponry that didn’t fit that of this vehicle’s technology. There were 6 in total. Lacking for the amount of other passengers, who I counted to be 40, but I had a feeling they didn’t need anymore.
They were similar to the assortments of armaments that I, or the Church, would’ve used. Cloaks that covered their entire body, offering minimal insight to whatever weapons they were carrying By this, I’m assuming it’s a race of ‘warriors’. There still might be firearms that I haven’t seen, which still wouldn’t dissuade my previous thought. Their attire was sleek and minimal, a definite lack of extra plating, but I doubted it was needed. Upon their chests was a notable insignia. Shaped like a diamond with several other colors interspersed within. White, Yellow, Blue, and Pink.
Each one of them had numerous amounts of hair which were tied neatly into long ponytails. Their eyes, like that of the previous female I had first encountered in this world, were shaped like gemstones. Based on their grisled expressions, it was clear they were soldiers. If their guarding stances didn’t give anything away.
The others couldn’t even be compared. Frail and skinny bodies that looked like they’ve never seen conflict along with features that could only be described as ‘beautiful’. Much like the rest of this race’s ‘people’, all of them were different colors. Like those of a rainbow, the different combinations were somewhat eye-catching. Surely that was intentional. It was unfortunate for the body, since I happened to be among those in this same situation. Which seemed to make what was coming up all the more difficult. Though… one of the main sights I found intriguing were the gemstones embedded in different places of their body. Most of the guards had them primarily placed on the center of their necks while the other beings being escorted had them in other areas without any sort of pattern.
Feeling it important to dictate If I had one of these ‘gemstones’, I slid my hand across my face first. Searching my own body, it concluded around the nape of my neck. It would also prove important to compare my situation to those around me. My senses spread, aided by the closing of my eyes, and focusing on my nerves.
[{“Facet - 3W0C, Cut - 0NQ”}
Unassigned Pearl.
Proficiencies - | `Seeing` F | Swordsmanship B | Body D | Soul S | Mind A | Inorganic | ]
Strange. That wasn’t there beforehand.
[Inorganic > `You do not adhere to the needs of an organic lifeform. Rest, food, water, or breath. You are composed of physical light. Since such is, the gemstone found on your body is the most important aspect of yourself. For, It projects, and maintains your form. If it were cracked or destroyed. I’m sure you could tell what may happen.`]
[Body D > `Created for the purpose of entertainment. Your body isn’t suitable for much else. Susceptible to damage, your form would easily give way If subjected to most forms of external damage.]
Quietly, I thought. It would make sense for the differing coloration of those around myself. If I can get access to a reflection, I should find out my own appearance. No reflective surfaces exist in this entire vehicle, unfortunately.
I turned my ‘sight’ to the nearest guardsmen in the area. A striking pain assaulted my ‘mind’ as I tried to grasp ‘something’ from them, but with persistence, and an exchange of awkward glances. I was successful. Of course it would be difficult to glean in onto another, I’ve only ever focused on ‘seeing’ myself so far.
[{“Facet 4L0U Cut 6WA”}
Quartz Guard - Amethyst.
Proficiencies - | Spearmanship ( - ) D | Body B | Inorganic |
[Spearmanship ( - ) D > `The very basics of knowing how to handle a spear. What more is there to say?`]
[Body B > `Created for the purposes of fighting, protection, and escorting. Its body is highly durable and capable of dealing punishment. Leagues above what you can handle.`]
Before any more thoughts could be had, the entire vehicle came to an abrupt halt. Those soldiers standing by the exits and entrances moved in unison. Most likely having done this multiple times beforehand. Several murmurs were heard amidst the group I was with. Terror… unsureness, a wide array of different emotions regarding this situation. If I were like them, then perhaps I wouldn’t be faring any better.
“Out. Now.” All it took was a stern voice to quell any doubts or any other thoughts these frail beings had. Their murmurs stopped in that instant and they instinctively sat up straight. Each one slowly rose from the seating area, scrambling out to meet the demand. Having listened, with no rattled nerves, I found myself to be one of the first girls out of the vehicle.
The sight that met me next was something that would most likely remain with me during my stay in this world.
Countless, and I mean… countless other different figures were around for all of the eye can see. A massive area with a stone floor stretched on for miles above… what I assumed to be sand. Large spires were erected in the air, casting over a transparent, blue dome. There were multiple other vehicles like ours, with their own assortment of guards. It drew those of my situation to stare in wonderment.
Soon enough, we were back on the move. One of the guards shoved me forward, due to me being the first one out, toward a ‘main stage’. The rest followed suit, and soon, all I could hear was a combined march. Disheveled… sure, but it was still ‘ear deafeningly’ loud until we reached specific points.
Stopped and lined up behind one another in rows of 2, I found myself beside a girl who had departed after I did. Her expression relayed all the signs of anxiety, but that was to be expected with this situation.
Chatter of all sorts echoed from around me. Most of it coming from the mass amounts of guards who were stationed at their own groups. If I had to make an estimate… there had to be hundreds of thousands; easily. Yet, despite all of that, there was a bizarre sense of unity. That was only reinforced when everything fell silent with the appearance of one figure.
While It would be difficult to see it, lights flickered in the air only to expand into that of a ‘screen’. A ‘hologram’? Whatever it was, it allowed me to notice ‘her’ in entire detail. A tall woman with green skin and wild, long hair that sat on her left shoulder. A deep, emerald gemstone took the place of her right eye. Based on her outfit, she had to be a military official of some kind. With the different marks embedded on the bulky looking armor on her body.
Her expression radiated confidence, even if I couldn’t see it personally.
“My fellow Gems. Today is one filled with confusion, today you have taken your first steps into joining our wonderful Empire. From all of your faces, you are scared. Of course you would be. You awake… to a strange, hostile world. When I first emerged, I was scared too, but… You have no reason to fear.” As she spoke, those around me whispered more, but for only a second. Hushed by the words this figure spoke as they listened. There weren’t just frail ‘gems’ like me around now that I had a good look.
There were others being led by different Quartzes, but I couldn’t get a definite description from this far away. We were sorted…though that’s rather obvious.
You are reading story Tired, but not finished. An attempt at an Omniverse. at
“Some of you are future conquerors, future pioneers, future scientists , future architects, and future artists. Turn that fear into admiration, expectation for what you will accomplish for yourself, and those around you. You are Gems, you are more than any organic will ever be with your infinite lifespan.” As the woman’s hand motioned to the side, more holographic lights formed new images. A vast array of technologies, vessels, and other structures that couldn’t be fully described with words. “We are here to relay the will of our Diamonds… Who seek nothing but to nurture us and the Empire, so that it may be eternal.”
She paused.
“Know this. This is only the beginning of your story, and those who seek to interrupt, will be met with harsh punishment. I will leave you on these words because you will be brief on your specific roles in this glorious existence.” The woman raised her hand. Just as she did so, the images cut off without any other warning.
Nothing but silence filled the entire massive area. Not even the guards spoke any longer. The pressure that one figure radiated. One could easily tell It was loyalty, perhaps even fear that was inspired in just a couple words. Eventually, however different groups begun to shift. Visited by approaching figures on the horizon. The guards straightened up, cleaning up any lazy posture they may've displayed prior. Important figures, quite obviously.
Just as she had disappeared, however, another approached our group. Another tall existence which towered over even the guards. She bared her sight down upon my group, which only served to heighten their anxiety.
“Please state your identification, Madam Nacre,” One of the guards spoke. Straightening themselves, their hands relayed the image of a diamond.
Bathed in jet black skin, her arms were as skinny as twigs, yet oddly… fell in line with the vibrant, gold dress she wore elegantly. Her silver hair stretched all the way down to her dainty waist. Her eyes seemed to roll at the Guard’s request as she spoke with a tinge of annoyance.
“Nacre - Facet 9R6Y Cut 3XR,” She responded fluidly. It was clear that they memorized these designations, which I, too, would need to do. Which wouldn’t be hard, given the fact I can review it through my own ‘sight’. Odd… how it changed from ‘Linia’. Then again, I assume I was technically ‘reborn’ given my inorganic status now.
One of the guards nodded their head in confirmation briefly bringing one over to whisper to their ear. Amongst themselves, they tapped the sides of their gemstones, which brought forth another holographic projection. I assume it was an identity check and it came up 'green', which let the other guards grow visibly relaxed. That only seemed to further annoy the tall woman as she motioned her hand. The guards who relaxed, then visibly tensed up again, beginning to direct my group forward alongside the woman. As we walked, with my gaze pointed at the stone in contemplation, I saw her look at me through my peripherals. Her mouth opened, presumably to say something.
“You, in the front. What’s your designation?” Pausing, I acted as if turning my attention to the woman. Only to be met with a glare. Avoid eye contact, noted. “Well, are you dull? What’s taking you so long to answer, Pearl?”
“Apologies. I am Pearl - Facet - 3W0C, Cut - 0NQ.” I responded, lightly lowering my upper body as I walked. Confrontation should be avoided, especially If they are a superior. I assume... in this case less is more in terms of appearing competent. She didn't seem to be a fan of overdoing... anything, despite, what I believe, to be relatively eccentric behavior.
“You would do best to call those of my stature, which can make these clods kneel, by ‘Your Clarity’. Are we clear?” Her hand motioned off to the guardsmen who helped escort us when she mentioned the word ‘clod’. One of their faces scrunched up, but the rest paid no mind to it.
“Yes, Your Clarity,” Nodding my head, I lowered my voice further, though just enough to for her to hear. The other ‘Pearls’ around me seemed to listen in. I wonder if any of them were taking notes, happy I was taking the fall of ignorance for them to learn. Wouldn’t that be amusing?
“Good, you learn fast, and don’t stutter. Now… You are quite a beautiful one, with your silver hair, and golden eyes. I may very well take you as my own Pearl, what would you say about that?” Take me as… her own? Taking a fresh product, especially one she just instructed on proper ‘etiquette’ must be a chance or she’s testing me. Regardless, I’ll respond appropriately.
“...I do not know, Your Clarity. I don’t believe one as lowly as I would have the right to refuse, lest you decide I am somehow adequate to serve,” As I spoke, with my head down, a light sound echoed in front of me.
“Yes… Ha. You do learn fast. There is no other need for discussion, since you already match my aesthetic. I’m not one to change a Pearl’s emergence-given form just to suit my tastes. That would be rather idiotic, since they weren’t suitable for me in the first place, but you. I can turn a good entertainer out of you yet.” The woman spoke, but to herself I’m assuming. She looked at nobody but herself, ‘laughing’ quietly under her own breath as she held the side of her own face. Jewelry… Did this race not count as minerals or is it different? Strange.
“Shut up, back there!” One of the guards raised their voice, shoving the shaft of their polearm against one of the Pearl’s muttering to another. Talk until spoken too, a very common rule amongst a caste system. I would definitely need more information on how it operated before I could move comfortably.
“Quite the ruffians, aren’t they? Either way, yes. I am quite satisfied. After I instruct you Pearls on your purpose, I will be training you to bring a new wave of culture into this Empire. Ho.” The gem snickered to herself. Entertainment. One of the only things I didn’t experience in my past life all that much. This may very well provide a new experience, though I am unsure if this will help me in the long run. Only time may tell.
It had been… several hours, from what I’m guessing, until we stopped traveling. That ‘Nacre’ had placed us in another transport vessel, but this one actively flew. Traversing miles in the span of seconds. It was wonderful. Even in my prime, in my past life, I doubted I could move as fast as this vessel.
The ships interior was wildly different from whatever transport device had brought up to that main square. There were actual luxuries such as padded seating, 'buckles', and an array of other items of vanity. Perhaps this was the 'Nacre's' private shuttle? It was plausible, but, aside from items of vanity, It was far too loose to assume. The rocketing vehicle came to another abrupt stop and it didn't give any of us whiplash. Another marvel of this technology, I suppose.
It hovered above a massive lake and slowly lowered into the water. It was more like an ocean, since I couldn't see the land which surrounded this massive body of water. Green... that's not a color I'd expect, especially after I saw outstretches of desert. This planet had to be massive compared to what I'm used to. Hearing the muffled sounds of disturbed liquid, I witnessed us rapidly descend toward a massive, metallic structure placed at the lake's floor.
I heard a coupling sound grab ahold of the vehicle's exterior to which a latch opened. 40 different Pearls were instructed to get out by another guard who had opened the latch that lead to the hallway of this new complex. Listening keenly, I stepped out first like before only followed by the others once they gathered confidence or were shoved out by another guard.
Clearly, this structure was metal, but its material seemed more... like stone. It gave metallic thuds and whurs, but the texture was like that of granite. There were numerous 'eyes' implanted in the walls, which constantly surveyed the area. A 'camera system', perhaps. As we walked through the bizarrely textured hallway, some parts of the wall grew transparent which allowed those walking through to gaze into the deep, bio-luminescent water.
Mystical... truly. As some gems awed at the sight, others grew more nervous. All of us were ushered into a sizeable room... about commonly sized for '40' 'people'. Desks lined through different rows as each one of us were designated a seat. I happened to be in the very first row... sat at the far left. It seemed we were now going to wait. How long, I had no idea.
The smokey-gray Nacre stepped into the room after 3 hours, give or take, while holding a holographic plate. Several runic symbols were etched onto its screen as she tapped it various times. Each time affected the room, adjusting the lights appropriately, and bringing down different other projectors. Boards folded out of the walls as it more and more started to resemble a place of learning.
With a content sigh, The Nacre exhaled. Holding both of her arms open-
“Finally, now I can be-” Another voice intruded on the gathering thought.
“Now that the lovely guards are by the exit, let us finally discuss what you will be doing to serve our… wonderful empire,” A similar woman stepped into the room as the sleek, black Nacre moved off to the side. Narrowing her eyes as the lighter-colored one approached and took a hold of the data pad. A look of displeasure spread across her face. Fully white with opposing colors to the original Nacre, her overall demeanor seemed more professional than the previous gem.
“This is my task, you cannot si-” Once more, the original Nacre was silenced. The new introduction’s tone overlapped with her own.
“I was assigned here by the stationed Emerald herself. If you have a problem, do not whine about it to me. I’m only here because I heard we had… more gems than what was predicted from the emergence, thus I am here to assist. There are an abundance of Pearls, but never this many, and with your track record. I couldn’t trust you to do an adequate enough job.” The bright woman’s smile seemed to agitate the other woman, but… The smokey-colored gem could only shake her head and bite into her nail.
“Now. Let us begin the lecture.”
More than what was supposed to emerge. Hopefully this didn’t allude to my existence, and hopefully I hadn’t jinxed myself. I couldn’t tell for certain, right now.