Chapter 2: Chapter 1: Final farewell and New beginning

I was abruptly teleported while conveying my gratitude to the divine one.


I have been teleported to my parents dream. It is the scene when I usually come back home from work. My father sitting on the couch reading newspaper while my mother is preparing dinner for us.


 The other surrounding details were a blur due to this being a dream I guessed. Thinking how this was the last time I will ever see either of them my eyes welled up with tears. I called out to my mother and father after which they looked towards me. They walked towards me and I held them in my arms as I wept.


“I’m sorry for leaving both of you like that. I died because of war among gods and by their power so coming back to you is impossible. They promised to reincarnate me in a world called Ianixar”


I explained to my parents what happened and what’ll happen next.


My parents just hugged me back and cried.


My mother spoke. “my son, you left us so abruptly” *sob* “Take care of yourself in that other world. Eat healthy food and stay healthy. Always remember health is wealth everything else is secondary. Also stay away from the 3w’s wine, women and wealth. They are the cause of all wars. So stay safe.”


She held my face and kissed my forehead.


My father only said “Stay strong and face whatever that new world has to offer head on. While you’re at it conquer that world and make me proud.”


That brought a smile to my face. My father being the same as always.


“Thank you for everything father, mother. Take care of yourselves and you’re both not old and can try for another child.”


Which made both of them chuckle After that we said our goodbyes and the dream blurred.


After the final farewell to my parents, I woke up in a jungle with luscious large trees, grass and bushes. I stayed lying on the ground for a while just staring at the sky to let the reality that I would never see my parents again settled in. After a while I closed my eyes and took a few deep breath to let go of all that was and focus on my present and future.


I stood up and opened the demi-god store (D-store in future for short), it was filled with potions, weapons, armors, mana stones, familiars, skills and a lot of other stuff of different types and rarity. The currency for the store was silver demigod shard which I had none. I had bright gold god essence and 10 of those with the addition of 2 more essence every month.


Is it possible to take that divine essence out of that shop and use it myself? Lets try….yeah it can’t go out of the shop and even if it did and I used it on myself, I don’t think even immortality will help in keeping myself alive and I would die a very agonizing death. Hopefully it would be fast ,the thought of slow agonizing death by divine essence makes me shudder.


There was an option to convert those which I did then my demigod shards went to 999,999,999,999,999. with 1 god essence turning to that much demigod shard the god I met must’ve been a supreme god at least.


I need to set goals and decide how to power-up. For the responsibility I got from the gods its clear that after they tear open a dimensional crack, they will come here in numbers and as long as the dimensional crack is open they will keep on pouring out. I need an army who can stall them long enough so I can close the dimensional crack and we round them up or push them back into dimensional crack then close it.


Lets keep these two options and use them according to the situation. With no clue where the battlefield would be or what we would be fighting against angels or demons, it is hard to plan and take precautions. Worst case scenerio, both angels and demon tear open a dimensional crack at the same time in different places.


Threats identified. Now how to solve them. With a need for a large army, should I request troops from other kingdoms? Their mobilization would be delayed and the number of troops may vary due to their political nonsense. Or is it better to ask every kingdom to make a separate division for the sole purpose of battling angels and demons? But why would kingdoms listen to me? Even if I’m strong they wont dedicate a portion of their subjects for me or even try to make me join their kingdom but I have no status, prestige or anything to my name that’ll make them hear me. I guess that’s something to work on.


It would be easier to make my kingdom then at least I can move them at will and for important positions I can use trustworthy people or golemns?

You are reading story Modded Reincarnation at


Summoner class would also be very useful here when we are talking about large scale wars at least their quality in exchange for my mana will also be good enough to stall the rather stronger enemies. I will also need massive amount of mana as well but that shouldn’t be an issue due to my d-shop. For humans, training takes a lot of time,  I will need to give them potions to grow as well. Before giving them potions I need to make sure they are loyal enough.


A general direction has been set,

-Power up using that d-shop,

-Take summoner as my class,

-Build a kingdom.


For now, let’s open the d-shop and take some common potions each of strength, stamina, agility and mana. It costs 1 shards for 5x common potion. 5x common potions for 1 demigod shard feels too expensive. But I don’t really have any other option. So I bought 5x for each of those for 4 shards.


I took the strength potions and started drinking, it was very bitter and caused some pain in my body. It was hard drinking all of those potions and after I was done, I was full of nausea, barely keeping myself from puking all the potions I drank and my body hurting everywhere.


While I was recovering I decided to try what every reincarnated person does! Yes, I yelled status……but nothing happened. I stopped then and there, so I wont embarrass myself further.


I opened my d-shop to buy other necessary items while recovering.


I bought analyze skill, dimensional storage ring, filled it with food, water, alcohol, weapon, armor and bought classes as well apprentice swordsman, apprentice magic swordsman, apprentice mage and apprentice summoner. After buying all those I bought ‘mana sense’ so I can sense where the mana is thick enough, so humans/other races can survive and not die or become monster due to it.


After taking those classes, the pain in my  body increased so much that I even had to buy a legendary healing potion and drink it for all that excruciating pain to stop.


After the pain stopped, I jumped a few time, threw some punches to be familiar with my new strength then picked legendary armor and a legendary sword. Both were made from adamantite with excellent magic conductivity, from what it says in the description in d-shop.


There was nothing special about them in appearance, you could even mistake it for common sword and armor or am I being cheated here? Lets try using my new skill I got with both my apprentice swordsman classes and mana conductivity with them to see if its the real thing. It cleared the tests splendidly, I didn’t have anything to comparison for mana conductivity so I bought a common sword and tried with both, the adamantite one was much smoother than common one, which removed any doubts of it being a fake.


I bought and drank another 5x potions of each type, This time there was no issue other than the disgusting taste, no body pain either because my body is stronger now than before.


I summoned a dire-wolf as a companion, who was white in color, I only remembered one direwolf names so I named it after her, nymeria. To complete the summoning ritual you need to name your summon. After the ritual was done and I felt a certain connection to her, I can’t exactly talk to her but if I say something to her she can understand due to being my summon and feel her emotions.


I realised I can understand her emotions when I said “Come here nymeria” and she happily came to me, while I was patting her head after she arrived next to me, her white fur was so soft that I patted her for a while. It was my first summon and I realised I can easily summon her anytime and recall her.


Where does she go when I recall her? She went to my soul space, which every summoner have.  I want to search for a few monsters to check my strength. Before I started heading over to a suitable place to establish my kingdom, the places with thick mana have stronger mob monsters and the chances to come across a high rank monsters is higher. Its suicide going there before I drink enough potions.


“Nymeria, lets go hunt some monsters” *howl*


This is how our journey in Ianixar begins.