I look at the burning page and take a deep breath, I stand up and go outside. Nya's birthday is coming up and I need to finish the motorcycle, I need to buy the last part and do the fine-tuning before that. If I want to put my plan in motion I need support, sure I have Nya and Korra and if I told Mako and Bolin about it they would surely help, the wild card was Asami, sure the Asami I knew from the anime chose the avatar's side but now I don't know and I would much rather find out sooner rather than later.
I go to the bending arena to meet Mako and Bolin since I know they will probably move today since the arena is now closed down and I want to see if they are ok and to help with the luggage.
The police is still doing sweeps of this place and to be honest, I would do that too if I didn't know how a bunch of terrorists bought weapons in a place guarded by Republic City's finest. I'm still quite surprised by the fact that Amon has so many connections, I know that a lot of people hate benders but in the police force there are mostly benders, and last night only benders were guarding this place so how did he manage to slip all of those people with the gear inside. I even knew the guards and I am a friend of the team that played that night and yet they searched me as well. The good thing is that all I had on me was the suit, rolled under my normal clothes, and not the gloves.
'A mystery for another time.'
I went to the back and saw a car parked there.
'Huh, I guess Asami is already here.'
I went upstairs to meet with the brothers.
"Hi, guys! You're moving?"
"Ethan, the person I was looking for, come help me with those boxes."
"Sure thing, Bolin! So where are you guys moving to?"
"They are going to stay at my place."
"That's nice of you Asami..."
"It's the least I can do. So what brings you here?"
"Oh, I heard they will close the arena for a time and I came here to offer Mako and Bolin a place to stay for a few days, till they find something else, but it seems you beat me to it."
"Ethan, you're such a good friend, Mako and Bolin are so lucky to have you. Do you want to come with us to the mansion to help with the luggage?"
"Sure, thing let's go!"
On our way down we meet with Korra, she greeted us and told her teammates that if they need a place to stay they can come to Air Temple Island. They told her the same thing they told me, she didn't look upset about this at all, which I got to say surprised me quite a lot, it surprised me so much that I couldn't reign in my curiosity and asked her.
"Korra, are you ok?"
"Yes, why?"
"You seem way too calm from your usual self. I could have sworn that you would have at least made a face when Mako said is going to stay at Asami's place."
"I started to follow your advice, I think before I act, I analyze the situation before I do something I'll regret."
You are reading story I’ve reincarnated in a world with benders at novel35.com
"Oh, And what pray tell was going on in your head when you found this out?"
"At first I wanted to say something I wanted them to come to Air Temple Island, but then I thought. What can I do now, Asami was here first and it would be rude of them to come to Air Temple Island instead of her manor, plus would they really choose to come to the temple if they had to choose between the two of them?"
"Didn't you become Mother Tereza?"
"Who's that?"
"A great woman, why?"
"Wait are you making fun of me? It took me a great deal of effort to stay cool at that moment and you make fun of me?"
"Haaaaaaa, and here I was getting my hopes up. Well, it's a start."
"What are you saying?"
"Korra, I want you to remember this moment as the moment you took a step towards maturity."
"Huh? Ok..."
"Ethan, come on, we need to go!"
"I'm coming Mako! Korra you coming?"
"No sorry, air bender training."
I went down and we finally went left for Asami's place. It took us quite a while to get there even by car. The Sato Manor was at the edge of town, near a forest. It had a breathtaking view, in the anime we didn't get too many outside frames of the house and the surroundings so I didn't know what to expect but it was a sight to behold.
"Come on guys, close your mouths, we're here."
The car stopped and a butler came to greet us.
"Mako, Bolin, from now on he's your personal butler."
Those two were excited when they hear this, especially Bolin, he was over the moon. We went inside and we meet with Asami's father, Hiroshi Sato. He was my idol, he climbed from the lowest of the low to the philanthropist he is now. He was smart, kind, loved his family, all qualities that I admire in a man if it wasn't for the fact that he hated benders with a passion he would be my role model.
"Good day, Mister Sato! I'm Ethan, and it's an honor to meet you, sir, I'm a huge fan of yours."
"Please, the honor is all mine, Asami talks often about you and how smart you are, and I know about you from Nya, she's a great engineer and she always talks about you how great you are at everything. Besides, you have started to make quite a reputation in the scientist circle, all the things you write are works of art, my favorite being your work about the evolution of technology in the next hundred years. It's a nice change of scenery every time the science publication put's one of your projects in and it's nice to see new blood in the community."