Chapter 57: Butterfly(5)

After Lin left I wanted to go home as well, it was a long day, and tomorrow I needed to prepare to go with the police to show them where the hidden lab was.

"Ethan, wait. I wanted to talk about what you told me."

"I know that it is a lot to talk about, I know you have a lot of questions but we can't afford distractions in a time like this. I promise that the moment all of this is over we will sit down and we will have a long talk about it. For the moment you just need to trust me."

"...Ok, for the moment I won't ask any questions but we will talk about this."

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

I went home and I talk with Nya.


"I know, it was a pretty hectic day."

"Yes, it was, but what makes me so surprised is that you are dragging down a man you respect, you idolize, in the mud, and then punch him while he is down, while that man offered you today to become his partner."

"You say it like I'm some kind of monster, I'm doing this for the greater good and you know that all this is only circumstantial. Do you think that, if he know what I was up he wouldn't do something similar, maybe even more extreme?"

"It's not that, I just don't like the situation, I know him, I worked with him. He is one of the most brilliant minds in the world, a loving father, a good man... I know you know this as well and yet... You're condemning him without the slightest hint of guilt or remorse."

"He's a man fueled with grief, powered by hatred, and that hatred is furthered flamed by the lies Amon is feeding him. The person you see is only a mask he puts on to blend in."

"How can you say that! How can you say that all of those good things about him are lies, yes maybe he is lying sometimes, but I think that all of those qualities are still there! They just need to resurface."

"What do you want me to do? I'm not a miracle worker although at times it might seem like that, I don't know how to do this any other way, I'm only human, and I'm not perfect, I'm doing the best I can. My the spirits have mercy for him because I won't."

"This what scares me the most nowadays! The fact that you are changing, that we are changing! A few years ago we would have done anything to make him see the light, but now... Now we are going to ruin him because it's easier. I don't like what we're becoming."

I embrace Nya and stroke her silky hair.

"We are changing, we are growing up, we have started to see that the world isn't all sunshine and rainbow, that sometimes even when the heroes win they still lose, it pains me that I can't do better, I wish all the preparation I've done since young was enough, but they are not. We aren't doing it the easier way, we are doing it the only way we can"

"For how long have you seen the world like this?"

"For a long time now, so long that I started to become insensitive to it, even at this moment what hurts me more is that you have seen the cruel nature of this world and not what I'm about to do."

We didn't say anything, we just went upstairs and went to bed, we didn't even change, we were too tired to do it anyways and slept in each other embrace.

You are reading story I’ve reincarnated in a world with benders at

I woke up that morning and changed my clothes.

"Hey, Nya wake up, wake up!"

"What, What is it?"

"We didn't have time last night to talk about this but I'm going to need your help today."

"Sure, whatever you need!"

I go to the table and write the address of the place where I keep most of my weapons.

"I need you to go to this address and enter the room with a heavenly gate on the door."

"A what?"

"Did you see that huge gate in my draw book, that one surrounded by light?"

"OOO, I get it, what do you need me to take from there."

"That place is my armory. I need you to take the briefcase on the bench and from the wall the long-looking weapon and the short one."

"Wait... Is that the thing you called a sniper? Didn't you say it was a work in progress?"

"I finished it in the meantime. Just listen to me! I'm going to the Sato mansion so I can dismantle the weapons he has. I will go with the police there! I won't be able to take any decent weapons with me, I need you to be close by in case something happens and I need backup, I need my suit."

"What suit?"

"Just bring the briefcase and anything that may seem useful, all of the things there are labeled and I showed you my notebook, I think you will be able to know what is what."

"Why do you want me to bring all this firepower? Aren't you a little too paranoid?"

"Let's hope so! By the way, take the bike."

We kiss each other goodbye and we went our separate ways. I went to the police station and she went to the deposit.