Chapter 8: Chapter 8 A Series of Fortunate Events Further

  Judith and the Baudelaires spend a few days resting before moving onto the next target on the list. Now they seemed to be moving from semi-distant relatives to seemingly random locations. The next being the Lucky Smells Lumbermill a sawmill located in Paltryville a small, apparently desolate rural town located far from the city the Baudelaires had lived in. Judith thinks they won't find much about V.F.D. there, but intend to go there to make the conditions there less terrible. As they head there She spends some time continuing the education of the child to prepare them for the tribulations to come.

  As the reached Paltryville they had passed by the edges of the Finite Forest which looked gloomy, black, as well as quite dark, and eerie. The ground is covered in patchy, brown moss, and the dark trees are very tall and have practically no branches, making them appear almost like pipes. The forest rests under a smoky gray sky, strengthening its macabre appearance and causing it to look quite uninspiring. The guidebook Klaus read said that it supplied much of the Lumber for many semi-famous locations, but was not known as a tourist location and many were advised to just skip the trip. The children were in complete agreement with this statement, but felt a duty to learn all they could of V.F.D. and safeguard whomever were the organizations targets.

  On arrival they beheld the towns paltry sites, making it's name a sadly true description. The one street there has a few small shops, none of which have any windows. Outside the post office is an old shoe dangling from the top of a flagpole, and across from the post office is the high wooden wall that borders Lucky Smells Lumbermill, with a sign made out of chewed gum. At the end of the street is Dr. Orwell's Optometrist Office. Judith and the children see immediately they figuring out the target for extermination from the fact that the Optometrist Office building is designed to look like an eye. It was made in an oval shape, with curved, skinny sticks sticking out the top. Most of the building is painting in a brownish color, with a big circle of white inside and a smaller circle of green inside that. Small black steps lead up to a round, black door inside the green circle. It is described as looking remarkably similar to the V.F.D. eye.

  Judge Strauss to the children and says, "The first thing we must do is to tour the sawmill to confirm if the target is the mill, maybe the building is shaped like this because Dr. Orwell has a sense of humor. In fact let us split the tasks I will go to the Optometrist pretending I need to get glasses, while you 3 examine the sawmill. I think that it won't take me long to meet the Dr. and will catch up with you children. I trust that you children can handle setting up and beginning the tour if not please let me know." After hearing her praise the children agree to splitting the tasks and head off with a determined stride to begin their task. Smiling at their regained confidence Judge Strauss turns to the Dr.'s Office and head's in.

  The Beaudelaires had previously discussed with Judith that the best way to handle any business is to imply that money will be spent, the more satisfactory the experience the more money would be invested. With that in mind they enter the sawmill they meet Charles who seems to be the secretary for the owner and begin their spiel at the mention that their guardian might be interested in investing in the mill, the door to the owner's office opens letting out a cloud of cigar smoke. The children begin coughing immediately at this sudden unhealthy cloud and are greeted by a sudden deep voice saying, "An investment in my projects and me will be well worth it, what is it you children wanted to see and were is this guardian who will be using your money?" The Baudelaires then explain that Judge Strauss was going to the Optometrist to get her eyes checked. Beaming at this little revelation he then proceeds to haggle with them about the necessity of walking the premises without appropriate legalities to be filled. The children proceed to convince Sir that their guardian took their opinion's seriously in any event that involved their inheritance and that if they weren't satisfied with he wouldn't even get the option to kiss the money goodbye. Seeing that they couldn't be persuaded to wait for their soon to be hypnotized guardian he gave in reluctantly and told Charles to show them their fine establishment.

  Charles first took them to their room that they laughably called a library seeing as it only held 3 books, The History of Lucky Smells Lumbermill, by Sir, The Paltryville Constitution, and Advanced Ocular Science. The latter was donated by Dr. Orwell. Klaus shows interest in the book by Dr. Orwell and is immediately handed a copy by Charles who seems quite nice if week-willed, explaining that Dr. Orwell had given a pile of the same book to the library due to being one of the most prominent citizens of the town. He also handed a copy of the history to all 3 of the children of the history of the sawmill, claiming that Sir has worked tirelessly to improve his situation even when facing adversities. They then proceed to tour the rest of the sawmill. The children are introduced to Foreman Flacutono who replaced Foreman Firstein just before the Baudelaire orphans arrive at Lucky Smells Lumbermill. He wears a doctor's mask and a white, curly wig that looks like worms. Charles explains that he was a recent hire to replace Foreman Firstein who had not reported to work in the last week.

  The children realize almost immediately that Flacutono is the Bald Man with the Long Nose a member of Count Olaf's troupe. They pretend not to know who he is as he is tasked with getting the children the appropriate safety gear to be safe as they tour the rest of the area. Foreman Flacutono immediately calls over Phil an experienced worker at the sawmill who proceeded to equip the children with hard hats, earmuffs and safety vests. Unfortunately for Sunny who is so small they had nothing that fit her, to prevent Flacutono from volunteering to take her somewhere safe Violet proceeded to use some of the factory tools to modify some scrap lumber, rags and the helmet to make an adorable turtle safety suit for Sunny to use. Very much impressed Charles proceeded to show them the premises praising Sir's ingenuity in cost saving's techniques, all the while Klaus takes meticulous notes of the facilities needed improvements and all the safety and worker violations occurring.

  These violations included that  workers are forced to live in a windowless room (with windows drawn on the walls) and to sleep in uncomfortable bunk beds. Apparently woken up daily to the sound of banging pots by their foreman. Their only meals are chewing gum for lunch, and disgusting casseroles for dinner. Their lunch breaks are only five minutes long.

  They work non-stop for hours. Furthermore, the work is laborious, exhausting and at most, dangerous. The mill is extremely noisy because of the constant sounds of machinery and saws. Finally all workers are paid in coupons that they cannot use. Once the Baudelaires have completed their tour they head off to see Sir. The children worry if they don't contact Judge Strauss soon they might end up breaking character in the face of all this corruption.

  While all this was occurring Judge Strauss meets Dr. Georgina Orwell or the first time. The Dr. is a tall woman with shoulder length straight brown hair with big black boots on her feet. She is in a long white coat with a name tag that reads 'Dr. Orwell' and held a long black cane with a shiny red jewel on the top. They share small talk as Judge Strauss sits down, she then asks why her male secretary seemed to have a glassy look to his eye's. Dr. Orwell explains that he has just received his annual checkup and had received some eye drops, in a few hours he would be fine. Judge Strauss is then led to the examination room and sits in the prescribed chair. Deciding that she had stalled enough Judge Strauss said, "You know dear you could do better than working here hiding fro V.F.D. in one of their old abandoned headquarters. There's more to be gained through proper uses of your abilities than hypnotizing a small crowd of people. We can pay you handsomely to assist us in apprehending the remnants of the fire-starters."

  At first Dr. Orwell was fearful and had been ready to react violently with her sword-cane, but was intrigued by the idea of ending the threat while getting paid for it. She remarked, "You obviously know the saying of catching more flies with honey than with vinegar. Collar me impressed at your forthrightness." Then the haggle started for how much help Dr. Orwell will give, letting the workers free from her hypnotism, her remuneration, and finely the protection from reprisals from the villagers and V.F.D. Apparently she had been approached by Count Olaf to split the Baudelaire fortune, but he hasn't been available to further their plans, in fact she had the former Foreman as her hypnotized secretary currently because she and the Bald Man with the Long Nose had no stomach for murder and figured this would be the best location to stash the Foreman for now. It was obvious that plans had gone awry and Dr. Orwell knew her position was precarious. After gathering signing the necessary hiring forms, and giving Dr. Orwell a new safe location to be met at alongside some money. Judge Strauss took what documentation Dr. Orwell had and requested the password that would release her victims. Dr. Orwell gave her the unlocking word, which is 'inordinate' she packed up her other belongings and left for the new safer location.

  After waiting long enough for the erstwhile Dr. to vacate, Judge Strauss used the phrase to help Foreman Firstein loose from his hypnotism. His reaction while less then stellar was calmed down by the Judge Explaining her plan to change ownership of the town's main source of employment to insure the residents actually get paid now. Judge Strauss explained that without his assistance the other workers would probably riot and burn the sawmill down destroying the only source of income this place would have. Barely calming down some Foreman Firstein explained that it might be preferable that everyone could go and get better jobs elsewhere. Agreeing somewhat, Judge Strauss explained that everyone had the right to decide their employment, it's a decision that should be made calmly, so that it would improve the way the choice goes. Upon hearing this the Foreman calms down and they make their way to the sawmill to free everyone from being hypnotized.

  They meet up with the children who had avoided following Charles to meet Sir claiming they wanted to consult with Judge Strauss on the good news he should be expecting. As they exit the building they see Judge Strauss and a person heading their way. The man claiming to be Flacutono who had been heading their way in a menacing manner saw the person with Judge Strauss turned around and proceeded to attempt to make his way out the back way. Foreman Firstein sees the attempt and begins to follow when Judge Strauss stops him and explains that the confrontation would be unsafe and distract from the true work of saving his fellow workers. Besides they would catch up with the Bald Man with the Long Nose at a later date. The Baudelaires and Judge Strauss share notes and proceed with the plan. They make way to the sawmill proper Foreman Firstein activated the emergency stop button turning the power off and proceeds to gather the rest tof the workers together. Then since the children had just been given a tour they were given a set of megaphones and proceeded to say the unlock phrase 'inordinate.' Once the workers were freed from being hypnotized they began to become furious, but before that Foreman Firstein got their attention through his authoritative voice, while the crowd paused the Baudelaires proceeded to an impassioned speech about the possibilities of future employment as long as they stayed calm and made peaceful decisions. Some workers such as Phil the so called optimist decided that their future would be brighter elsewhere that wouldn't resort to hypnotism to keeping their workers happy.

  After more than half left taking what belongings they had stored in the sawmill deciding that this small town had been too restrictive, the rest brought up the fact that they were owed a sizable income from Sir. Making their way to his offices they notice that he wasn't there. Charles was and he seemed saddened that his partner of many years had left him to fend for himself. Luckily he had handled so much of Sir's current work that he had access to all of the money that was owed to the worker. He had wondered why they hadn't been accepting their pay that he had been keeping in a separate account for this occasion, all access would have been lost though if the workers had rioted as the only copies he'd kept were in the desk he had outside of Sir's office. Charles proceeded to hand out the payslips to everyone, even the ones that quit. The only person he hadn't been able to pay was Flacutono who seems to have vanished. Once everyone was paid and they calmed down they realized that the one who had done this to them hadn't been just Sir, but Dr. Orwell as well, so their fervor revived they headed towards her office to find it empty. Before they could torch it Judge Strauss walked up and stated, "This is my property now, I just bought it this morning and would prefer not to have to jail all you fine folks for damaging my property especially if negotiations go well with Charles and the Baudelaires and I become your new source of employment at the sawmill. I believe with a little bit of rework, we came improve this small town's image, but it will take the work of you fine citizens to make it better. You've all gotten your money and are no longer under hypnotism. It's time to live in a more positive light and reach towards a better lifestyle."

  The crowd disperses and the negotiations ensue between Charles and the Baudelaires with assistance from Judge Strauss. Without Sir, Charles interest in the sawmill was nonexistent, so they get the property for a song. Charles proceeds to leave vowing to find someone who will show him more loyalty. The children and Judge Strauss proceed to set up Foreman Firstein now Supervisor Firstein to run the company following the new and safer guideline. While Supervisor Firsten looks for new hires and proceeds to teach the new guidelines. Violet proceeds to improve the safety of the lumber equipment using her inventive skills with the assistance of her siblings and Judge Strauss. Klauss explains the new safety requirements the devices need, Sunny shuttles back and forth with small materials, tools and paperwork, while Judith gathers the necessary supplies. Whatever couldn't be made safer is replaced and whatever machinery that was too damaged or worn was scavenged to reinforce/improve others. Once done they left to go meet Dr. Orwell to learn all they could from her before they were off to the next location. Once they finished getting updated that some of Count Olaf's crew weren't that bad, they had just dealt with what came their way. Their decisions while unsavory where nowhere near as bad as what some of the more fire happy former V.F.D. members got to. Turns out that some members didn't go by names, but by their physical description. After hearing a couple more things they go their separate ways obtaining the promise that Dr. Georgina Orwell was done using her skills for evil, as long as she was paid that is. If not Judge Strauss vowed that she would hunt the Dr. down, lock her up and toss away the key.

  Heading to the safe-house for some rest the Baudelaires realize that they seemed to not have any more relatives left on the list and are saddened. Judith seeing that reminds them that families aren't always about blood, but shared experiences and the willingness to share the bad as well as the good. Hugging them all goodnight they go to bed.

[Ding successful in assisting in saving the town and sawmill, upgrade in maintenance skill, and gain Woodcraft I. For preventing the death of Dr. Georgina Orwell and changing her path from evil to neutral you gain her knowledge of Optometry and Hypnotism, Increasing skill in Medicine and gaining Hypnotism H skill. +28 Karma]


User 01010111

Race: Eukaryomorphic Human (Human with many animal and insect, and some plant traits)

You are reading story Karma Corpse System Omniversal at

Age 60 Level 39 (exp 10100/39000)

Condition: Normal


Strength 38H

Dexterity 56H>60H

Constitution 70H>80H

Intelligence 56H>60H

Wisdom 55H>56H

Charisma 20H>21H


Acting H, Basic Languages D+, Body Language E, Camouflage F, Car Mechanics H, Cleaning G, Cold Resistance F+, Cooking G, Digging F, Dive D, Driving G, Enhanced Hearing D, Enhanced Smell C, Enhanced Swimming C, Enhanced Touch F,  Enhanced Vision E, Fist Fighting F, Heat Resistance G, Herpetology G, Night Vision H, Maintenance G+, Mathematics G, Marine Martial Arts H, Medicine H+,  Parallel Thinking G+, Shooting H, Surgery H, Volleyball G, New Skills (Hypnotism H, Woodcraft I)


Entomorph: (Fall Armyworm), Fungalmorph: (Mushroom), Jurisprudence, Lachrymose Leech, Plantamorph: (Elm, Evergreen) Pupa, Stoic, Uncommon Physical Growth, Zoomorph: (Anchovy, Bass, Blue Wildebeest, Camel, Carp, Chicken, Crow, Cow, Crab, Deer, Eel, Goat, Goose, Hare, Horse, Impala, Kangaroo, Llama, Lobster, Mackerel, Mole, Mouse, Mussel, Octopus, Oyster, Pig, Pigeon, Possom, Prawn, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rat, Reindeer, Salmon, Sardine, Seagull, Sheep, Shrimp, Squid, Trout, Tuna, Turkey, Vole, Zebra), World Compass

Corpse Absorption Progress

Ant (.07824), Aphid (.00203), Bedbug (.00072), Bee (.00502), Centipede (.00009), Cockroach (.00696), Dandelion (.00026), Earwigs (.00081), Flea (.00043), Fly (.11805), Ivy (.068), Jellyfish (.00011), Lice (.00052), Mosquito (.07886), Moth (.00163), Pill Bug (.00184), Slug (.000497), Spider (.00053), Wasp (.03207), Worm (.00061)

Abilities:Tutorial Pocket. Sealed (Diagnose H, Flight H>G, Ink Squirt, Photosynthesis.)

Achievements: Family Man, For The Family!, Globetrotter, Survivor

Karma: 196 Total Positive