After I finished my speech I spend some time speaking with the people there, my angels especially since they were the higher ranking ones here. I told them about how this new organization was going to be run. I wanted to make a council, that will make the decisions and that everyone in the council will be an archangel. There would be twelve archangels maximum at a time: Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, Saraqael, Raguel, Remiel, Jibrael, Israfil, Azrael, Metatron, and Lucifer. I of course was Lucifer, the bringer of forbidden knowledge.
The other seats were quickly filled based on achievement, knowledge, and moral values. All the people that ascended were already great angels, except Asami, I left the spot of Gabriel empty for her since I said that I wanted her help in making a better version of the angels. The others were skeptical at first since they didn't know her too well, the only things that they seemed to remember were her being Hiroshi's daughter and that she was on the avatar's side. I described her a little to the new archangels and they seemed ok with her. Before the meeting, I asked Nya if she wanted to become one of the angels but she refused saying that she didn't want the responsibility.
With this out of the way, I told all of them the first order of business was to start to regain and consolidate our strength. The situation in the gear department was pretty grim, with most of the Equalists' weapons being taken away by the police and all. It wasn't that big of a problem for me though since I already planned to make a new set of gear for the organization. There are a few technicians and engineers in our ranks, I could provide the materials and schematics and Asami could provide them with the machines needed to manufacture.
At first, people were reluctant to part with their electric gloves but when I told them about the new suits I wanted to make for them they become more than willing to give their prized possessions up. Next was training, they still needed to train even if there wasn't any conflict at the moment, there would be meetings every week for practicing chi blocking, and after the suits were ready, I would start to give them lessons on how to use them. The only thing that was left was the chain of command and how to advance through ranks now.
Nephilims would be at the bottom, normal soldiers, angels, lieutenants, great angels, captains. To create a more clear order among the ranks we decided to give put intermediary ranks in between. I proposed having three additional subranks: blessed, enlightened, and exalted. With this in mind the requirements to become an angel or a great angel needed to be more strict, the good thing is that there weren't many great angels, to begin with since I didn't have time to promote a lot of people, the bad thing was that there were a lot of angels so I needed to demote most of them back to the position of nephilim.
With this out of the way, what was left was only boring stuff, I had already written a plan thoroughly beforehand so I gave them a copy each to look over and discuss at our next meeting.
Another week passed and the gang finally came back to Republic City, with everyone back we celebrated the win over Amon since we didn't have time back then with all the things happening all at once. The celebrations didn't last long because Korra needed to start helping people get their bending back, leaving the rest of us to our devices.
With time on our hands, I took Asami to meet with the other archangels, on the way I explained to her all the things that took place while she was gone and told her our future plans. She was skeptical at first about giving suits to people but other than that she was ok with everything.
At the meeting, Asami presented herself and started to get acquainted with everybody. She liked the people there since most of them were like her, had strong morals, loved the city and were smart.
After the meeting, I drove her home on my new bike, with Amon defeated I finally had time to remake my motorcycle.
"Ethan, I really want to help with all of this, everyone seems to be a good person that wants to help this city and its inhabitants but Future Industries isn't in a good place right now and I don't know of how much help I can be."
"Well I've been thinking, you know your father gave me an offer to join Future Industries and I didn't give him an answer, now, if you let me I would be more than happy to join and help you put the company back on its feet."
"Of course! It would be my honor but are you sure? Future Industries isn't what it used to be."
"So what? I'm joining because it's your firm now Asami, and don't worry about the money, I have a small fortune hidden away, with enough money to put us back in business couple that with all the design I have for new stuff, It's bound for us to succeed."
I made a lot of money from selling my design to different firms and didn't spend most of it since both me and Nya weren't obsessed with luxury and liked to live simple and modest lives.
I sign and became a partner of Future Industries, the next day I gave Asami the money she needed and a few designs for appliances to look over, like a microwave, a fridge, and a lot of this kind of stuff. With all of those things out of the way, I finally took that well-deserved vacation to the Fire Nation to visit Kai and Zane.
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