A couple of days went by and my seasickness started to fade away. The combination of me using internal energy and the medicine that the sailors gave me helped me tremendously, now I could enjoy the time at sea as well.
To be honest, I didn't travel a lot in my past life and it didn't bother me too much since I was satisfied to say in my comfort zone, I had the internet and didn't have the urge to go anywhere since I could watch videos about the place and I could order the things I wanted from that area online and get them delivered straight at home, but coming to this world made me change my view.
I was in a brand new world with new places to explore that no one has ever been, places full of "magic" and wonder. Joining the avatar was originally all about thrill-seeking and sightseeing so I planned to enjoy every second of it. I loved the difference in culture that the Fire Nation showed me during my trip and I was excited to see The Water Tribes, due to globalization most of the traditions disappear in my past world and the only things left were museums, which I never liked to visit. Even though I matured a lot from my past self and stopped seeing this world as just a game some aspects of my view remained, like my insatiable thrust for adventure and my desire to grow stronger.
I had a nice and peaceful life in the past but it wasn't as fulfilling as this one, there were some days that I just lived to see the next day but here, there isn't a day I don't enjoy, that I don't feel loved, that I don't feel welcomed, I feel like I'm more part of this world more than I felt my previous one. Nya is also one of the reasons I like this world more than my previous one, it's not that I didn't have a girlfriend back then but as cheesy as it may sound it feels like I meet the love of my life.
The more I thought about the more I started to feel grateful for all the things I had.
'I guess that Tenzin has started to rub off on me.'
I snap out of my reverie and look around for the others, Nya was asleep, Korra and Mako were talking and laughing in a corner and Bolin was playing with Pabu. The only person left was Asami that was mopping looking at a book, she wasn't even reading since her eyes were just staring at a fixed spot.
"What's up Asami? You ok? How's the book?"
"Yes! The book is very interesting, you should give it a read sometime! Since your here I wanted to talk one more time about how we are going to approach Varrick."
"You sure? The book seems quite boring to me since you have been stuck on this page for fifteen minutes now. While the others might not perceive this I can see that you're not feeling like yourself tell me what's on your mind, maybe we can find a solution together."
"I know that you want to help but I'm fine! I'm just tired, I haven't been sleeping well, so I can't wait to get ashore and rest in a proper bed."
"Do you remember Amon's lieutenant?"
"Yes, Wu I think, wasn't he, your martial master? I remember him being a great fighter."
"He was, but what I want to tell you is how he was to Nya and me, while he might not look like it he could spew a lot of words of wisdom, in a sense he was like a father to me. If he practiced more what he preached things might not be in the state that are right now.
One of the things he told me was that opening up to someone isn't a sign of weakness but a sign of strength, because it takes great courage to show the people around you that you aren't as perfect as you might try to seem. It's a leap of faith because only in your moment of weakness you can truly see the true colors of a person and by doing this you shatter the illusion that you have made for yourself up to this point."
I got up and walked away, if she didn't want to talk about it I wouldn't press any further, those things required time and patience.
"Ethan, wait, it's just that I haven't been feeling like myself for a while, I just can't seem to find my place anymore."
You are reading story I’ve reincarnated in a world with benders at novel35.com
I sit back down and start to talk with her.
"Have you been talking with anyone about this?"
"No, I didn't find the time nor the need... It wasn't bad at the start. I keep myself occupied with Future Industries and every time I felt like this I would shrug it off, but lately, I can't shake this falling of being out of place."
"Have you been having trouble sleeping as well?"
"Yes, how did you know?"
"Because I have experienced this before when grandma passed away. I still blamed myself for what happened to her. I felt out of place, I felt alone, it also didn't help that I had been living by myself. "
"How did you move past it?"
"I realize it wasn't my fault and that I'm not alone and that there are people that care for me by my side. Asami it's not your fault, you couldn't choose in your father's stead, the sooner you come to terms with this the better. This trip will do you good, try to enjoy what you have and try to move on, as tempting as jealousy might seem it's only a fool's errand. It will not give you anything other than more pain, move on to greener pastures."
"I don't understand? What jealousy?"
"While the others might not be able to see it you still long for Mako, even though he is with Korra."
"What? Me? Never!... Is it that obvious?"
"No, while others might not be able to see it I am more perceptive than the average person. Between you and me, you just dodged a bullet, Mako is a great guy but I wouldn't consider him boyfriend material, he has the emotional age of a twelve-year-old."
"Mako isn't..."
"Yes, I thought so... Anyway, while you are on vacation try to enjoy yourself, drink, eat, meet someone! Staying stuck on someone or something once they are gone isn't healthy. On that note, I think you should talk with your father when you get back, he is trying to change."
"I'll try to have fun, but I'm still not sure about the latter... I just find it hard to forgive him..."
"I just giving you advice, in the end, it's your decision."