Chapter 101: Spiritual Journey(3)

It was night, no it was day, wait, maybe it was... It doesn't matter since the storm at the South Pole was so fierce that I could barely see what was in front of me.

'God damn it! I know that the evil spirits are hot on our tail and any minute from now they will attack. How the hell am I supposed to fight when I can't see, hear, smell, touch or taste any of the spirits. I'm a sitting duck.'

"Hey! HEY! Guy's I don't want to sound ungrateful for taking me with you but how much till we arrive?"

"We are close, just a little more and we arrive at the forest."

'Well the sooner we get there the sooner we leave.'


Out of nowhere, my snowmobile is thrown to the side and me with it. In this life, I got hit, stabbed, burned, so it's fair to say that I knew by now how to take a hit, sometimes I think this is my true superpower but damn, I didn't expect snow to hurt so much.

I got back up to see nothing but endless particles of snow. I entered 'limbo state' but nothing changed, pure white with flashes of black and purple energy was all I saw, nothing remotely useful. So I tried every method I knew to locate my opponents. I tried to use sound to locate the movements of the combatants but there was too much static because of the storm, I then tried to even smell them but nothing.

Then it hit me, I could control my internal energy so why not enhance my body with it. I used this ability quite often but yet I always forget that I can apply it to almost anything. I used chi on my eyes and low and behold I COULD SEE. Well kind of, I could see blurry silhouettes, different color silhouettes but this was a start.

I picked up one of my bombs from my utility belt and throw it at one of the purple blurs, unfortunately, it didn't go off, what it did do was get the attention of the dark spirit. Even in 'limbo state' my blood ran cold, I have no idea why. Maybe because of the energy it sent towards me, I've been more sensitive to those kinds of things lately, maybe because I knew that those things hit like a tank and I didn't even have my armor, or maybe because I knew what a spirit could do if it infected me with its energy. I didn't know why but fortunately my mind entered deeper into the void so I could calm down. Thankful it was in time and I dodge the charging spirit by a hair's breadth.

I then used chi on my legs and jumped to my friends. While I was expecting a kind of a superhero leap, it didn't happen, don't get me wrong I jump more than normal, and with less energy spend, kind of if you don't count the internal one. I was a pro athlete before and now I was a little more, how should I put it, it's the difference between a very good Olimpic track player and Usain Bolt.

You are reading story I’ve reincarnated in a world with benders at

'What did I expect, I didn't even clear my feet meridians so doing this with only extra energy it's quite good.'

I got near them and looked back to see where the spirit was, it was half a meter behind me, I didn't even have time to move to the side by the time it was at an arm's length from me. I did what any sane human being would do in this situation, a bullet dodge from the matrix. All that adrenalin I got from almost dying would have probably made me feel like Neo while doing this but since my emotions were suppressed I only felt the air rush past me as the creature claw almost grazed me.

I pull another bomb from my "utility belt" and threw it at the corrupted spirit. It worked! Even in 'limbo state' I felt a little hint of happiness.


"You mothe..."

The device exploded just I was about to turn and help the other. Not only did it explode but it also made the creature bigger, I was about to curse when it lunged at me, this time I wasn't as lucky as last time and it scratched my arm. Two things I found out from our exchange, this shit hurts like hell, it even made me feel pain in limbo so I could only imagine what would happen if I wasn't and it has poisoned claws, and a potent one at that, which each second I could feel it infect my internal energy. MY INTERNAL ENERGY! This thing is EXTREMELY dangerous and I made it mad. Luckily for me, I could use control of my chi otherways this would have been a death sentence.

I used a small stand of energy to try to expel it out. The infection receded a little but then it bit me harder.

'Sweet Mother of God! I either get it out all at once or not at all! This thing is spreading like it's nobody's business! I need to do this NOW!'

I used all my chi to get it out of my body, at first it went smoothly but then it started to fight back with amazing ferocity. It made sweat bullets, for one because of how dangerous it was, for the other because of how much energy I used to get it out.

I staggered to get back up and took a look at the spirit, if I didn't know better I could swear it had rabies. It charged at me like a mad dog and I did the only thing that I could, I throw the last bomb and prayed...