Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Not a good start.

After waking up, Thomas Poirro knew he was in big trouble, and it wasn’t his fault. Currently, he was sitting on a bench in a holding cell. The cell was 9 meter square with a small toilet and a bench.

Since the moment he woke up, Thomas was alone. There was no guard or any officer patrolling. It was calm and silent, but Thomas was anything than calm. The toilet in the cell help him confirm that he was still the same person. A face slightly below average with a small mustache and long brown hair. His beard was non-existent, so he theorized that he was around his 16th birthday. He had no glasses on so that mean his view has yet to deteriorate. This brings a little smile to his face since he knew that it can be help easily in this world. As long you have money.

Thomas was not smiling anymore.

He lean his head back against the cold wall of the cell. His left leg was jumping from the stress. He didn’t know what to do. Furthermore, he knows that they will find nothing about him, no address, no social security number, no parents.

No parents… Holy shit…

Tears were stated streaming down his face. For the first time in hours, he fully realized that he was alone without anyone to help him. He tried to bring a smile to his face by telling himself that everything was alright, but it kept dropping. He let his head drop into his palm, silently crying.


On the other side of the police station, Superintendent Le Plain and his officers were staring down at the screen. It was displaying the inside of the holding cell where their current mystery was sitting and crying.

The officers were currently uncomfortable, not because of what is happening on the screen. No, it was the seriousness of their Superintendent. Le Plain was a man who take his job very seriously, he usually doesn’t bother with the people his officers arrest. He wants to keep all his focus on bigger cases such has the recent Cults that appeared or the different crime organization. They didn’t dare to make any comment and kept wondering what was happening.

While his officers were nervous, Le Plain was in deep thought. They received multiple calls about a weird person walking around Paris near the Eiffel Tour. An officer was dispatched and arrested the suspect, but from the look of it, the arrest was unjustified. The person was not drunk or drugged and was neither violent nor provocative. The officer arrested him because he looked suspect. This irked Le Plain.

But when they tried to find who that person was, they got nothing. A total ghost. This gave them a reason to keep him. Normally, every person has a document proving their existence, those who don’t have one are usually criminals from gangs or crime organization who don’t register their children to keep them out of the system. Sometimes some people slip between the crack, but the error is easily corrected because they are still baby’s. Not young adults.

Following this line of thought, his current hypothesis was that the young man was from a crime organization, but he didn’t know which one. From the way he reacted when he saw where he was, he must have planned his escape long time ago and only executed it now.

But why now ? Something must have happened, thought Le Plain.

Without warning, he stood up, and he said to the officer nearest the door,“Officer Nicolas. Get him in room 3. We are going to have a talk.”

He took his jacket off the chair and walk with conviction toward the room. He was already playing multiple scenario in his head. Choosing which question to ask, how to word them and how to act. For him, making criminals spill is a game. A game that he is very good at.

Thomas was sited in front of a metallic table at the center of a stereotypical interrogation room. A small room with a one way window glass. It was quite dark in the room, with only a light bulb hanging from the ceiling. From what he could see, the bulb was about to die in the near future.

I am in an interrogation room, and I am checking the light bulb. What is wrong with me !

He shook his head and looked around, trying to find something to distract himself from his current situation. He found nothing. Not only that, but he knows he couldn’t do much. Trying to bullshit himself out of it is near impossible. What excuse can he give.

Sorry, I just came to this world, and also I am your creator. Teehee.

He laughed at the though and laid his head in on the cold table. He was pulled from his reverie by the violent opening of the door. The darkness of the room hide all nearly everything but the silhouette of the person.

The light of the hall showed a tall person with broad shoulders. He didn’t need the light to know that the person had a lot of muscle. In a few steps, the face of the Superintendent Le Plain appeared. He was a man in his forty’s. A chiseled face with a permanent scowl on his face and a slightly crooked nose. His hair and facial hair were already gray. He was currently wearing a white button shirt with black pants.

Thomas knew that his gray hair were not fully natural. Le Plain relayed a lot on magic to boost his mental and physical abilities, but he has never mastered those spells. He can use them, but not at their full capacity. He was a man who trained his body to his limits, be it strength or flexibility.

Furthermore, he was a man fully believed in his version of Justice. If the law force someone to be a criminal, he will personally walk up to the Parliament and fight the congressmen. He already did it in the past, he knew because he wrote it in his backstory and wrote a side-story where he stormed the building. Le Plain is in the top 20 most powerful “Adventurer” registered in the world. He was not to be underestimated.

While Thomas was thinking about Le Plain. The man in question was analyzing Thomas. He could see that he was nervous, but there was something that was hidden behind his eyes. Like someone knew one of your little secret and hang it around your head.

“Listen well you little shit. You are going to tell me where you come from and who gave birth to you so that I can pay them a little visit.“ ordered Le Plain.

You are reading story Living in my own novel ! at

As he was about to answer, Le Plain smacked his hands down on the table, breaking it in the process.

“ And don’t try to fuck me over, little shit ! I will bend you like a pretzel.”

Thomas knew that he will do it and that he was in danger. He would not survive it. He slowly lifted his trembling hand toward him.

Furthermore, he knew it was time to bullshit and he better make it has believable has possible.

“I-I don’t kn-now who are my pa-parents. “, stuttered Thomas. In his mind, he was slamming his hand against his forehead repeatedly.

He swallowed before continuing without stuttering.

“I am from La Seine.”

La Seine was a group named after the river. It was not a gang or cult. It was a homeless community filled with people who didn’t manage to join the society. Furthermore, it was impossible to know how many people were part of it. Many of them either join a gang or die during the winter. It is not rare to find their children or adults trying to join an Academy. The government offer multiple scholarship for people in need, but the requirement are high. Without any education, it is close to zero for them to have one.

Le Plain frown. He felt like an asshole. He was about to brutalize a kid. An orphan at that. He wasn’t going to apologize, 80% of the time. Those kinds of kids had to resort to crime to stay healthy, and the one in front of him was very healthy. But he can’t do anything about it. Without any crime or proof, he is holding someone for no reason and since he is the Superintendent, he must be the one to report this kid to the government and register him in the system.

Hugh… Overtime.

With a sight, Le Plain explained, “ Listen, kid. Tomorrow at 8, I will register you in the system. The station will pay for a hotel in the city for two months. I highly recommend you to find a job and to register for an academy. Next time I see you on the street, I kick your ass, little shit. Understood ?”

Thomas nodded dumbly. From his point of view, everything was going too fast. Le Plain surely gave a room because he didn’t want him to put a complaint on him. He knew that many politicians want Le Plain out of his position, because he is the only one to not bend over for them.

He has a record of arresting “young masters”. It is important to not forget that, he is not a muscle head. Le Plain is smart, he knows how to use his resources efficiently and how to acquire them. He has a lot of dirt on them.

Also, Le Plain is one of his favorite characters. He has strong sens of Justice and will not hesitate to go against the law in order to help someone. He could be a protagonist of his own novel. Maybe, once he is out of this world, he would create one. Hopefully, the Hero of this story will not appear here and in the novel. He truly doesn’t want to meet him.

“Thank you, sir” exclaimed Thomas.

In his eyes it was a trap, but he also gave him a roof for the next months. Furthermore, he will also have papers, it means that he will be able to bought things and find a job.

Le Plain let a smile rose on the corner of his face. He turned around to face the window and make a gesture with his hand. Thomas didn’t know what it meant, but the officers knew. One entered the room and escorted him out toward his cell.

Le Plain stayed in the room in deep thought.

Suddenly, he turned around and declared, “Keep an eye on him for the next two months. Make sure he doesn’t contact any suspicious person, put in his room the register form for the Academy exam and a few job offers. Doesn’t matter what job.”

The remaining officers nodded and left the room. Leaving the Superintendent alone.



Hello, me again. Hope you liked it. I truly hope I don't move too fast with the plot.

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