The pain was unbelievable. Pain that was unlike anything he had ever felt before. It seemed like an eternity before he stopped screaming. Everything faded to black and he welcomed the darkness. When his eyes opened again he found himself lying on a bed. He sat up slowly and looked around. He was in a room with white walls and a window overlooking a garden. He looked down and saw that he was wearing a white shirt and pants. He also noticed that he was barefoot. He stood up and walked over to the window.
"Good morning, Asher!" Naminé said gently.
He turned around and saw her sitting in the chair beside his bed. His heart skipped a beat as he realized that he forgot Elric mentioned Naminé would be there too.
He rushed to sit next to her. "What day is today?!" He inquired frantically. "Am I dead? Is this heaven? Or hell? Am I dreaming?!"
"You're not dead yet, unfortunately." She replied. "But we're close. Very close."
"Why?" He demanded.
"We have no choice! We have to save mankind!" Her voice rose, almost yelling at him. "Your mother the crowned queen sent her to this reality, Asher.”
"We are here to save her and take back the crown!" She said determined. "All of humanity depends on you!"
Asher felt blank as he stood there listening to Naminé talk and talk and talk confusing him nearly at every turn. He brushed the pink hair out of his face staring into his blank expression gradually coming to a halt.
“Are you okay, Prince Asher?” He asked.
“N-No! You are telling me my sister is here?!” Asher shouted.
“Where is she!? I need to see her! Tell me what happened! Where is everyone else? Are they okay?!" He grabbed Naminé’s hand tightly. “I want answers now, damn it! I want my sister!”
Naminé stared at him for a few moments processing what he had just said. The two stared at each other for a long time. Finally Naminé spoke.
“Were here to rescue her, Prince Asher!”
He repeated his words back to him. He paused again letting everything sink in. Asher still gripped her hand tightly. “If my theory is correct, then you will get your answer when you go home.” He explained.
“Yes! That’s where all of our family comes from, but for now this world is yours now, Asher.” he smiled.
‘My family…’
Asher felt numb.
“I need space…,” He asked.
“Of course…I am so sorry, Prince Asher” Naminé replied.
Asher watched Naminé leave the room closing the door behind him. “It seems impossible.” He muttered softly.
He laid back down on the bed staring up at the ceiling. A knock on his door pulled him back from his thoughts. He quickly got off of the bed and answered the door standing before the young woman who entered.
“Excuse me, Mr. Asher. May we speak in private?”
She was dressed in a jet black blouse and grey poofy skirt. Always carrying a small grin on her face, but also shorter in stature to Asher as he looked down on her from above.
"Why the hell do you think you just walk in here like that?" He shouted.
“Would you prefer it if someone else came in? It won't take but a minute, Sir."
Asher hesitated briefly. "Alright, fine."
He followed her to a large open space decorated elegantly. There was also an area with multiple seating arrangements. She waited for him to make himself comfortable in his own home.
"So tell me what's going on. Who exactly are you? Why does that woman want to rescue my sister? And why am I here?”
"First let me assure you that we are not here for personal gain. I will simply say that you belong here. Your life has been altered. In this timeline, it seems like you were born and raised here. However in this alternate universe, you are an orphan. You've been alone until recently.” She explained.
“How old am I?” He demanded angrily.
“You are sixteen.” She stated matter of factly.
You are reading story The Condemned Prince of Efrua at
“Sixteen!? I'm Eighteen!”
“Yes, sixteen. Now, may I ask you another question. Do you recognize me?”
Asher looked closely at her. Despite his confusion he was sure he did.
"I believe so, yes. But what the hell are you doing here?" He argued.
"I am here to help you."
“Help me how? I don't remember seeing you before I changed my mind!” He shouted.
"Do you know about your father?”
“Dad…? My dad? Of course I know about him.” Asher scoffed. “Everyone knows my dad! He was one of the greatest men alive!”
“He was indeed a great man. I knew him personally. In fact, you could say he's the reason I exist.”
"The reason you exist?" Asher questioned.
"Yes. If you hadn't taken a liking to me, he wouldn't have given me life."
“Life? That’s ridiculous. Were you a slave?” Asher inquired.
“Not at all. I'm not human."
Asher stared at her. His brain wasn't registering any of this, but he knew something about her, and it terrified him.
"Please understand, I'm not trying to frighten you." She pleaded. "However I cannot give you all of the details right now. I promise I will, however, let me explain everything you need to know. After all, I am only trying to keep you safe."
His brow furrowed. Was that supposed to sound reassuring or ominous? He had never met anyone who could read people so well and he didn' t trust it one bit.
"Fine. Where do you want to start with? My birth name? No. Sorry. Not important enough. My birthday?"
"No need to worry about that. The truth will come to you eventually. First let us focus on why you are here."
"Well that should be obvious, shouldn't it?" He laughed lightly sarcastically. "To stop the war between humans and monsters to save my sister and destroy my horrid mother!”
She sighed heavily. “You must understand. This isn't as simple as a quest to find the Holy Grail, Prince Asher. It doesn't end once you reach your destination. You're fighting a battle against both sides. This world is divided and you must work together to unite them once we find your sister.
“So who has my sister?” Asher questioned.
“That’s not quite clear. All we know is that your mother met a man named Eizen. He became obsessed with saving the world and was convinced to travel across dimensions in order to find this legendary item called Stone of Spirits, but he ended up failing and falling into the astral realm.Another was named Fafnir, and he is currently in possession of your father's sword The Cometfell.”
“That’s just it. We don’t know. But we can try.”
“Try what?” He demanded.
She closed her eyes momentarily concentrating. Asher began to feel uncomfortable being around her for even a second longer. He quickly took a few steps away from her. He glanced over his shoulder at her and noticed she was frowning. Then suddenly her eyes opened wide as she turned around towards him slowly.
“Hello. My name is Unity. I am from the other universe and here to bring back your parents and sister.Please, allow me to introduce myself properly and explain everything.”
There a slight tap on the door, Asher gets up quickly to answer it to find Naminé carrying several plastic bags of groceries gawking inside to find Unity.
“Oh! You came earlier than I expected!”
“Good evening, Naminé.” Unity greeted.
“Will you be joining us for dinner?” She asked.
Ashers stomach growled realizing how tiring it was talking to Unity. He was amazed how food could be bought without being hunted in the forests. The smell of fried chicken could be smelt wafting the room.
“We can talk later!” Asher drooled.