Chapter 10: Facing floor 99: Elemental Valkyries 1 ( Wind and Ice)

Rae's POV

Suddenly the air all around me seems to be quite cold and hostile. For some reason, the still air that was initially there is nowhere to be found. All I can feel now was the violent intent of that valkyrie oozing out of her in such waves that I am now certain that she was not taking me seriously before. The once stable ground I stood upon suddenly started to feel very unstable and fluid-like.

The spear she holds is glowing very intensely. Her white wings seem to have become even whiter.

For some reason, I can't even feel my legs. The land that is in her so-called domain seems to have grown to be even more... Well, let's just say unique. 

I really feel like my perception of all that was around has been altered somehow because the balcony-like place I was at before feels to have become bigger and is now covered with this cloud-like suspension. If this was an effect of a skill then I can't just help but feel amazed. Maybe this is the true potential of mana domain.

... Okay what is she doing? It looks like she is stirring the air around her... She is creating a whirlwind. With the build-up she is making, I will definitely lose 500... well all of my Hp if I receive the attack head-on... Okay, How did I know that? This is getting weird. She is almost done. I need to get out of her line of fire... I can't seem to run away. It just feels like I am trying to run underwater. What is happening? Oh I know maybe using my magic barrier plus the mana absorption will protect me... my body is really slow, can't it go any faster? Oh, right I am using thought acceleration right now so of course, it would be slow.

Oh No!!! She is done creating her whirlwind attack but my barrier has not completely materialised... This is a very dangerous situation because if I receive that attack I will be instantly dead... Wait what if I receive the damage and immediately cast an attack spell preferably a light one before my HP reaches zero? With any luck, my amethyst-like trait might kick in and save me from certain death.

This is a very risky gamble but it is not like I have a choice so I will go with that.

... Casting light projectiles in this situation feels like I am doing it in slow motion but looks like it is working... 

That attack was quite... damaging. Let's just say it felt like what I would assume the winds of the Planet Jupiter would do to a human body... It literally felt like my skin was about to be blown out of my body and my Hp was really recording the damage as it was going down at such an amazing rate that If my spell was a millisecond slower I would have definitely been dead but fortunately, my plan came to fruition and my Hp is back to its full capacity and the Valkyrie did receive some heavy damage I think.

[ Alert!!! The necessary threshold for reverse counter level 2 has been met due to this the skill Reverse counter will be levelled up... Levelling up the skill Reverse counter... Successfully levelled up. The skill Reverse counter has been levelled up to level two.]

She is already up?... Am I really using Thought acceleration because the way she is moving seems to look to be of normal speed, actually above average speed... Wait does she have a cloning ability because now they are ten of them each targeting a spear at me?... I can't see her anymore, Did she disappear?... No, she is just moving at a hundredth the speed of light in a thousandth of a second or a millisecond... How did I even know that?

She must be using light magic enhancements so if I want to defeat her I need to do the same, which means I will have to put some light magic enhancements. Maybe just use photons to accelerate my thought process...

... I feel like I have just been seriously hit and stubbed over a thousand times. Well, that is actually what happened I think since I blurrly saw her stab me a thousand times instantaneously. My HP Is now definitely at zero so it looks like I am going to die again. I am starting to lose consciousness. I can feel myself sinking back into the abyss. Before I die I am definitely going to get the last attack...Maybe not...

Looks like I am back in the dark-... 

...Why am I floating? And where did these things come from?... Oh, Right I am Half angel right now so it makes sense that I have wings. But Why is that Valkyrie down there looking like she just had a fatal blow? If I recall I am the one who was just utterly destroyed a few seconds ago... 

Am I dreaming?

[ Alert!!! The threshold for Blunt damage resistance level two, three and four and Reverse counter level 3 have been reached... Levelling blunt damage resistance to level 4... Levelling successful. Blunt Damage is Now at level 4.

Levelling Reverse counter to level 3...Levelling successful.

Furthermore the requirement for the skill stub resistance lv 2, Instinctual defence Lvl 1 and The secret skill Celestial wings have been achieved. 

This Host Body has received the Titles Valkyrie slayer and Survivor.

Experience points for overall levelling have been achieved thus Overall levelling of the Creator will be achieved.]

Is this really true? So I am not dreaming? How did I even achieve this result? I really don't understand what is happening... This familiar feeling. So all that was happening in the dungeon was truly levelling up.

Okay, let me just check My status to see how many levels I have gained so that I can confirm this is reality.

Status II

Name: Raphael

Gender: Female

Race: Half Human, Half Angel

Overall level: 1

Racial level: 0+14-14

Job level: -

Class Level: -






Str:890, Int:600, Vit: 770, Dex: 90 lck: 365, Agl:1200


Def: 2350

Phy atk:1275

Mag atk: 1045

You are reading story The Science and Magic of A Reincarnated Genius 2 at

Phy def: 1660

Mag def: 690

Magic attributes: Light magic, fire magic, water magic, wind magic

Resistance: Dark magic

Traits: Celestial Kin, Connected status

Titles: Valkyrie Slayer, Survivor, Discoverer 

Skills: Blunt damage resistance( lv4), Stub resistance(lvl 2), Rune decryption (lv 1)

Magic skills: Healing magic, Extra dimensional storage(lvl1), Barrier Magic( lvl2), Mana absorption(lvl1), strengthening magic (lvl1)

Special abilities: Mimicry (lvl 1)

Reverse counter (lvl 3)]

Although my stats have gone up why am I still at Level 1. And what's up with my racial level... Well my stats did go up so I can't complain...

So that Valkyrie is dead. She is disintegrating. Her Spear which was in my hands is also disintegrating. Wait... How did it reach my hands? Okay, What truly happened during that seconds' gap? Did my body do something instinctually? Or Was there something that Liza did to save me? Either way, it doesn't matter now. It is time for me to face the second Valkyrie.

... Where did Norn go? I can't seem to find her. Even if I do find her, she is not going to help in any way. I can't believe I thought that she would help me escape this Labyrinth in any way. She just seems to not care for me in any way so I should also not care for her.

Now, How do I use these wings again?... Okay, I am flapping them very nicely but it's really hard to fly with them... For some reason, they don't even feel to be attached to my body. 

How do I achieve lift with these things?... Ok, I think I am getting the hang of it, there we go very nice... I feel like how someone who has just learned how to cycle or drive would feel.

The door is glowing just like in the dungeons. The symbols that were in the dungeon are showing up again. 

" The fastest of Winds now blows freely."

What does that even mean?...

Looks like the door is opening... Is that a wall? The door was placed behind a wall! What kind of joke is this...

Let me just fly to the next balcony and face the next Valkyrie and keep going till am out of here.

...Okay I know how to accelerate and gain lift but how do I stop? At this rate, I am going to plant my face on that door.

That was quite the rough landing.

"Welcome challenger to the Domain of Hildr the second weakest of the nine Valkyries, I will face you now."

...Okay what just happened? The place just suddenly became very cold. My perception yet again of the balcony is being altered... To some point, it is resembling the domain of the archdevil leviathan. 

Looks like she is ready to go all out right from the beginning, not like Olrun or whatever her name was. 

Okay, this is quite the mana she possesses... She has literally conjured up a snowstorm. In her hand, I can see she is wielding a sort of long sword... I am not that much of a sword expert but I think that is what is referred to as a bastard sword.

It looks to be quite crystal-like that someone could mistake it to be made ice...Maybe it is.

The sword itself looks to have a sort of blue hue around its edges.

The Valkyrie is just floating above me brandishing her sword while conjuring the storm.

The temperatures were now at a very critical point and my body couldn't help but start to shiver uncontrollably. My vision became more and more blurry... As I was struggling with the low temperatures she attacked me with quite a number of Ice shards. While I was able to avoid many of them some did hit me... 

My leg was unfortunately the biggest receiver of her attacks. Coupling the cold and the injury I had received, my body was left immobile for sometime. The Valkyrie seeing this decided to come down for what I assume was to be close-quarters combat.

I tried using healing magic on the wound that I had received from the Ice shards she had thrown but for some reason, my wounds were not healing... Of course, Why would they? The light magic enhances the healing abilities of the cell by tapping into some powerful frequencies but this still depended on the cells' ability to work that out so since the cold inhabited the metabolic abilities of cells then Regeneration was highly unlikely... To heal myself I need to use fire magic but do I still have it? I remember the last time I couldn't use my fire magic because of electron inhibition but what about now...

Let me try conjuring up some fire...It is really taking a lot out of me just to do simple things. The air is getting very very cold with each and every step she takes coming close to me...She is now just a few inches from me and I can't even move. Concentrating on making the spell work is really taking out a lot from me... I have to try and concentrate just enough so that I can at least conjure up a jet of flames. There I was able to create a jet of fire... Wow, she really moves fast but not as fast as Olrun. Looks like she is afraid of fire... 

The air around me has now started to become a little bit warmer. Looks like my body parts are now defrosting. I can finally move...

Time for a close-quarters combat match. She is trying to run away, No I won't let her... Wait is she a long-range fighter? If so why does she have a sword? No, let me not jump to conclusions.

... Did she just fall, her form also seems amateurish. I had not noticed but she looks to be a very young girl. Is she really one of the Valkyrie? If she is then how can Olrun be the weakest when She was clearly far stronger and faster... Let me not take things at face value maybe she has an ace up her sleeve.

She is standing up, I am starting to feel a little bit sorry for her... Her body!!... It's Growing!!!!. Her hair too is starting to turn be a little bit darker. It was a very light blue but now... Her aura too seems to have become a lot more intimidating.

Do Valkyries have two forms or is there something here I am not understanding?

Either way she looks like a completely different person and the stance she has now taken is seriously a scary one.