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Only after three more explosions, a few minutes of rest, and a new set of clothes, did I finally get the right control to fire lightning. However, it was small, and looked like it could fizzle out any moment during its flight time. It truly shocked me to see such small lightning bolt, if you could even call it that, when the build up was so much, even resulting in an explosion that destroyed my clothes, which were made from the same stuff that made up our bodies.
I learned that one from Orious, when he expressed his shock and disbelieve at me destroying clothes meant to hold and evolve with our power. Then he congratulated me for being strong enough to destroy, or at least separate, divine energy, even while being a minor God.
But back to the lightning I threw. It flew remarkably slow and unnaturally, like it was in slow motion, but still fast enough that any human could not react to it. When it finally hit the tree, it only spread across the bark and sizzled for a moment, while also letting out small electric sparks that glided across the bark. When all that finished, there was only a small burn mark on the bark, that was reasonably hot, but still bearable.
Honestly, I was still super happy with the result, even if what I expected the lightning to look like and do did not happen at all. Just the fact that I could throw lightning, and I was still in the learning phases, meaning the strength and firepower could improve, made me relish this moment and grin in anticipation at the future. Unfortunately, that illusion was broken when Orious, who I forgot was still here in my happiness, walked over and put his arm around my shoulder again, like when we first met.
"That's good. You did it on the fifth try, but you did it. Hey! What's with that face, it me eight tries to learn to use my strength divinity. You should be proud of yourself, and that is without the Focuser. So, good job." Orious complemented me, making me feel giddy for a moment before it went away when he said.
"Now for your other Divinities, Thunder, Weather, and Sky. Let's try Thunder first, as it is the closest to lightning at the moment." I nodded. "Thunder is a direct byproduct of lightning. It is the thing that comes after the lightning, the big BoOoM after lightning. So, Thunder is a sound, and that is what you have to achieve, a big BoOoM without the catalyst."
Yeah, that made sense. Kind of. "So, what I'm I supposed to do to use this divinity. I can't really think of useful ways to use sound." I said with a contemplative tone and face.
"There's a lot of stuff that can be done with sound, but you are not the God of Sound, you are the God of Thunder. Which basically only gives you authority over the sound that lightning striking makes. You only have authority over that." Orious said, clearing my doubts and explaining my divinity for me.
"Ok so, the same process as with lightning. Yeah?" He asked, getting a nod of confirmation from me. With that, I again looked back at the time of spreading my Divine Presence and focused on the time that I released my Thunder Divinity. Trying to feel what I felt back then, I felt power, the power to make all mortals under its roar pause, the power to become a symbol of lightning, the overwhelming presence of power.
That's what I understood Thunder as, the status giving entity of lightning. The giant army in front of the king and his strongest troops, marching forward and spreading of the king's greatness.
That is Thunder.
With that, I opened my eyes and a massive wave of thunder rolled out of my body, making the trees and grass wave constantly. Orious winced slightly from the sound before looking at me normally again. With that, I tried to focus the sound coming out of me to leave from the front of my body. The waves of sound constantly getting stronger and stronger as they concentrate on a single point of space before they suddenly break and spread again.
With that I kept trying. Concentrate the sound waves to come from my front, the sound waves break and go back, repeat. It took me around four more tries before finally getting it right and concentrating the sound release from my front. Now that I succeeded with that, I need to learn to release it from my hands. Or rather, I wanted to learn to release it from my hands.
I raised my hand and tried to release the sound of thunder through it. However, the result was not to my likeness, or even to the goodness of my health, because the sound not only did not come out, it got stuck. Stuck at my palm, where it preceded to reverberate inside of, which made my entire arm explode.
"AHHHHHH!!! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! AHHH!!!" I screamed, and screamed, and screamed some more, falling to the ground from the pain. I screamed for multiple minutes, experiencing unimaginable pain, before I noticed that my arm was back. I clenched my hand in disbelief, only to feel some phantom pain, making my arm start to hang from non-usage.
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"Try to not move that arm for a while. Your divine energy may have healed it, but your mind is still not healed." Orious commented from the sideline. "It's common to see newly birthed Gods lose a limb or two during their training. Consider yourself lucky, some even lose their heads." He continued, making me feel a shiver up my spine.
"But don't worry, Gods can't die that easily, even if your entire physical body is erased, you are still alive. If your Divine Soul is erased however, well that's a different story. But don't worry about that, lets move on from this divinity, it's obvious that you are not ready to use it without the Focuser." I nodded at that. It certainly sounded better than thinking about that horrible pain.
I sat down on a new cushion that Orious had gotten me, the other one flew away from the sound waves earlier. I closed my eyes and focused, we decided I would focus on my divinity over the weather, since thunder had kind of scared me a little. Anyway, the same procedure happened for this divinity as the last two, concentrate on the feeling and bring it out again.
Which resulted in making the sky darken a little with clouds. This divinity was a lot easier to release than the last two, as it just required the change of the weather. However, it was much more difficult to maintain than the last two, making the small cloud that was growing in the sky teeter out and fade, making it sunny again.
I tried to maintain the cloud two more times before I finally got it on the fourth try. I looked up and saw a small but growing dark cloud. Closing my eyes, I tried to move the cloud around the room, and I succeed. Like that I moved the growing cloud around the room for a few minutes, before getting it to settle on top of me.
I focused again and tried to command the cloud to make rain, which prompted the cloud to fade again. I tried this multiple times before succeeding on the third try.
'I can create rains like the one in my world, before I died. But I need to train more.' I though as I look at the cloud, releasing great torrents of rain upon this world-room. Then look to the ground, now moist and wet with water, as a deep and happy smile is revealed on my face.
'I wonder if I can release lightning like this.' I questioned as I look at the cloud. Then I closed my eyes and concentrated, trying to bring lightning down without using my divinity over it. I concentrated and thought hard, but never did the lightning come. There would be slight rumbling from the cloud every now and then, but never any lightning.
Confirming that I couldn't bring lightning from the cloud right now, I sighed, and stopped the rains from falling, then dispersed the cloud. Now onto my Sky Divinity, which should let me change how mortals view the sky, even if the cosmological objects in space don't really move, I could still change and move the sun, moon, and stars however I want, without actually affecting them.
So, without further ado, I closed my eyes again, for like the twentieth time just these past few hours and concentrated on the sky and my divinity. I immediately tried to change the suns position, which failed. I should've learned by now to start off small, like changing a few stars around.
I succeeded.
I continued to change a few stars around, every time adding more and more stars to change before I could finally move the moon or even add a few more. But adding moons to the sky without actual moons already visible would need a lot of power from me, I could just feel it.
So, I stuck with just moving what was already there, the massive amounts of stars and the small moon represented in the room. Opening my eyes to see the sky changing in massive and small ways, each perceivable by me in the smallest of ways, is an amazing sight and feeling.
Controlling the change was hard, but not so hard that I could not do it without closing my eyes, therefore treating myself to a beautiful view. I spent the rest of my time in the training room just messing around with my divinities, getting better control over them, and understanding them as well.
At the end of the training session, I had succeeded at concentrating the thunder soundwaves to release in small bursts of powerful sound. My lightning was strong enough to deeply burn the bark of trees, I could change the weather of the entire room almost instantly but with deeper concentration, I could make it rain, hail, and increase the wind, making it feel like a hurricane. My sky divinity had also advanced enough that I could move the sun around, add new stars, or even add one more moon, but that was my limit.
All in all, a very productive day today. I wonder what I will do tomorrow. Ah wait, tomorrow is my ceremony, damn.