Chapter 12: W1- 11: A Year Later

1 Year Later


In the Great Blue Forest, like the name suggests was full of large blue trees and thick vegetation, colorful bushes and a group of wolves full of blood. In there was a boy standing between a pool of blood sheathing his dagger.

"And that's all huh...." Klover said. It has been a year since Klover became an adventurer you could say he became a bit buffed but nowhere near Marcus. Finishing his quest today, he then carried the wolves in his sack or you could say an inventory sack. That's enchanted by space magic...?

Looking around to check his surroundings for more enemies with his magic sense. Spotting no enemies made him relieved, he then finishes his day by submitting his completion to the Adventurer's Guild.


"Can you please submit your proof that you completed it." As usual the guild often use this sort of thing to verify that you yourself completed it. Klover then handed his inventory sack to the female receptionist. To which the receptionist replied with.

"Can you please wait a moment as we take your guild card for bit?" Klover nodded, it's been like this since he became an adventurer, you could say he got to it. Going into the waiting room he sat on a chair and remembers what he did after he became an adventurer.

'It's been a long time, making Nolan and Marcus simply taught me magic, I chose Marcus though, I'd rather take the meditation than become a believer. And it was worth it. I met Cordelia and Mivon again met each other almost everyday. You could we became friends after the verification test.' He thought as he patiently waited for his reward. 

'I'll go home after this one.' He already afforded a rented home 6 months ago when he became a D rank, though his rank speed is above average there are still a lot of people who can climb faster than him. Like a lot. Today his rank today is C.

'I thought I got better at socializing, but I still have no friends in here.' He is basically isolated but not in a bad way. He can spot Marcus on weekdays, and that's the time they only talk. About Klover's experience, Marcus's life, rank, and Klover's new friends. He has no new friends.

The doors to the guild got opened, the place suddenly the people looked around to the newcomer but the place suddenly  got quiet, 'Why though...?' Klover thought in his life he has never seen an guild going quiet. Seeing the newcomer? Black hair and eyes with 12 girls behind his back, it's-.

"Hajime "Yamamoto"..!!!" The old man next to him suddenly shouted which causes Klover to be surprised. 'An Otherworlder too huh.' He thought before he questioned to the bald man with brown beard.

"Um...who's that....?" Genuinely curious about the newcomer probably....? He asked wondering why the old man suddenly yelled.

"You don't know him....? He's one of the fastest growing adventurer to reach S rank in just a month!!!!" 'The fuck....?' Is what Klover thought 'In just a month....? How is that even possible, it took me a fucking year just to reach from D to C and this guy just surpassed it in a  month!!??. And an S too at that.' Klover thought grudgingly, how can a person grow that far...? 

'No....he probably has a cheat skill.' Klover shook his to convinced himself. 'But how though...? Where and when did that kind of ability showed up in him...?' Thoughts started to tick in his mind until he got an answer. A theoretical answer.

"A blessing perhaps before he reincarnated..?" Klover said quietly and just decided to observe the group of girls. 6 beastkin with colors differentiating from brown, yellow and blue and cat ears too. 2 humans with yellow and white hair. 3 elves with your generic blonde hair. 

'The hell is with this guy....?' Klover continued to observe and tried to eavesdrop their conversation.


"I finished the quest Ms. Receptionist. It was quite hard but we finished it quiet easily." Hajime said as he smiled at the receptionist. Causing her to blush.

"Hey, I told you many times Hajime, you can't flirt with other women other than us...?" The human girl with white hair scolded Hajime in a bad mood, no all the 12 girls are. Glaring at Hajime.

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"I'm not even trying okay, princess." Hajime desperately calmed them down as he looked at the receptionist waiting for him to show proof of completion.

"Oh right I forgot, "Infinite Storage"" Hajime said as a black box appeared. 'This is really convenient.' Hajime thought as he summoned dozens of dead dragons to the ground causing the others to go wide eyed and their mouths open except for a certain someone as dragons are very hard to kill and capture.

The female receptionist shocked by the sudden appearance of dead dragons then said hastily.

"C-can you please wait a moment as I call the Guild Master...?" The receptionist then hurriedly went upstairs to inform the Guild Master.

'What's with the shock....? It's only large birds with scales though..?' Hajime thought, if Klover heard of this he'd probably call Hajime a dense retard out loud.

The Guild Master then showe- 'You know what I don't want to listen to this anymore.' Klover thought.

"As expected of a cheat though.... also a princess....?" Klover came to an understanding that the girl with white hair is a princess from another country. 'How did her father or mother gave him permission to leave her country though...?' There hundreds of possibilities that Klover doesn't want to think. Since it's a waste of time.

'I'll probably wait for my turn.' He thought as he disregard the Otherworlder with his harem of 12 girls.


"Klover "Kirsten"...?" Klover finally got called as he went to another receptionist.

"I'm very sorry for the delay of your rewards. Well, you pretty much know the situation right now so we doubled the compensation for you as an apology." The male receptionist said as he handed the inventory sack, Klover's guild card and the sack of money to Klover.

"Well, it's normal to be freaked out by the sudden appearance of rare and powerful corpses of monsters and I wasn't really expecting a doubled compensation but I'll take it. Thanks a lot..!" Klover said as he yelled at the male receptionist with a wave and then went home.


"I'm home..." Klover said as he entered his rented house, he already paid the landlord just yesterday as he has a lot of money to spare.

Entering the room of 5x5 meters squared made of wood and clean tiles with a complete setup of a bathroom, a kitchen and 2 bedrooms with a spare one. 

Preparing his food, he's thinking about the current events that happened earlier. 'A cheat skill huh, I'm jealous, with a power like that I can pretty much fix my life and become rich immediately....but I don't feel like I need it....' Klover thought as he finished preparing his dinner as it was currently dawn earlier.

Sniffing the smell of his selfmade food made of mushrooms and boar meat reminds him of the time he first became independent. He resolved his thought as he then ate his food. 'Yup I don't need it...' Klover thought.

'I need a power that is achieved by myself not given by someone divine.' He finished eating as he washed the dishes and maintaining his hygiene before walking to his bedroom. Determination showed on his face.

"I should probably go to the royal capital of Magmeis." Is what he finally thought as he went to sleep.