Birds chirping, sounds of cars passing by, Klover is confused and scared as he watched the nostalgic sight the three kids made.
It was his own memory, a distant memory he wanted to cherish, and to forget.
'Why am i even here...?' He questioned, looking at his younger self he seemed to not have notice him, so as the others too. His little self was just having fun with the three...
'Fun...huh....' He thought, he worked hard to achieve something of importance, yet the two of them always, always.....
.....surpassed him.
'Guess there's a difference between hardwork and being talented huh....' He thought, always being compared to his two year younger sibling. There was like a wall that prevents him from being like them. His younger self just believed it, if he worked hard he can just catch up with them, and his sibling included too...
Yet reality was cruel. Four years later is the moment his younger self realized he's just an average person, not good and not bad at everything.
Just average....
He winced at the reality presented before him. But right now...
This kid version of himself is naive and stupid. And he hated and liked that....
As his point of view shortly was shifted to the little Klover.
"Hey...did you get kicked out by your parents again...? You can always come to mine....!!!! The blonde haired girl and green eyed girl namely Shion said. She hugged the brown haired and black eyed boy, that is....
"Shion, leave him be....!!!" The brown hair and blue eyed boy namely Noah scolded Shion, as he in turn looked at Klover in worry.
The three of them are currently twelve years old.
"....are you alright." His worried eyes ticked the older one standing before him, yet he can't see it.
"You rea~lly lucky that I liked you so much...!!!" Shion hugged the boy even closer. The young Klover was struggling to breathe as he was suffocated by the extreme strength of the girl.
"...I deserve it you know, I'm not smart, athletic like the two of you, but I'm pretty sure one day, I'll be able to stand with the two of you by my side...!!!" Aura of optimism enveloped the little Klover.
If only you knew...
"Do you think I can stay too." Noah asked the blonde little girl, with in turn she responded with a cute pout, clearly denying about him being invited.
"Na-uhh~, this is the time for me and Kloe, ONLY...!!!" She highlighted the last words. Along with cute shaking with her head.
"Ugghh.....why not, it's not fair Kloe.Pet name for Klover, and he hates that name and decides to be silent about it. To only get invited only....! Noah grunted with a hint of sadness. The boring days of being cramped into his boring house.
"Hmph...!! To bad for you then....!!! Come on let's go Kloe, there are so many things we can do to my house..." A tight grip strength prevented the young Klover to resist, seriously are they're even kids...?
Feelijg the situation hopeless the young boy sighed a he followed along with Shion's antics as she clinged close to him until the two were at her house.
Shion's Room
As the two sat in their respective seats, Shion breaks the ice.
" can you tell me about this problem of yours....?" Shion was worried, young Kloe never shown his problems but sometimes cover it up with a smile in his face, yet his eyes breaks that happy facade.
She patted his back, as she doesn't know how to comfort him properly while letting his problems out.
"I....I honestly don't really know." Kloe desperately holds his tears out, he was desperate to get his parents attention...yet they never looked at him. They main attention is at his younger sister. She was perfect at almost everything, so he worked hard just to get their attention too.
"I....tried ye-yet they nev-never looked me...NOT EVEN ONCE...!!!!" His two friends and their parents was his only pillar of support. The dam broke he let his tears down as he looked at Shion.
*Slam* Kloe's dad hit him with a belt again. Right in the face.
"I'm sorry,imsorryimsorryimsorry." The poor innocent Kloe was a mumbling mess while curling his body. What did he do wrong, if he did something wrong then maybe he can fix.
He can fix it.... what is the problem...?
"What did I do wrong, pleasetellmetellmetellme. PLEASE....!!! I CAN FIX IT....!!!" He yelled pathetically out of desperation. He was tired, yet he'll do anything to fix that problem.
His entire family, including his sister is looking at him at disgust.
" want to know....???" His dad aggressively grabbed Kloe's hair, forcing Kloe to look at his suppossedly dad.
"'s you....!!! Why do you even exist....!!!???? Why can't you do the same as your sister...!!!! Why, why, why...!!! Yet I spent so much money to raise you both....!!! You useless piece of shit!!!! He frustatingly whipped his belt again at Klover's face almost hitting his eye. Bruises and blood from his arms earlier had seemed to dried up.
"....tsk.....wash up.....we'll be preparing lunch today, after this you're kicked out for a week." His father left him as Kloe was still crying, but forces his body to move to do what his father says.
"Y-yes.....fa-father...." He muttered, as his words are not heard by his family.
"...." Shion was speechless as she hastily hugged Kloe, a few seconds later she walked to her bookshelf as if searching for something, making Kloe question her what she's doing.
After a few seconds of silence, she finally found that book, she handed to Kloe with her hands as he read it's title.
It's title picture was covered with a boy with black hair, surrounded by girls....
Clearly confused by this, he shrugged it off as he read the title.
"Another world....." He muttered in wonder, why is Shion giving her this. Would this help anything...? Shion smiled.
" a novel..." Shion warmly smiled, she gently held Kloe's hands, as she continued.
"...though there are many novels I bought using my father's money, I bought this especially for you...!!!! Her radiant aura left Kloe in awe and jealousy.
"....but why did you buy this for me...?" Feeling confused as his tears have already dried out after the small breakdown.He questioned her, why would she give him something like this...?
"....why...?" Though it was low, it was quickly hear by the cute blonde girl. She giggled in response to Kloe's question.
"..sill~y, it's because I love you..." Kloe quickly shook his head of a he blushed beet red, she always says that she loves him, but he shrugged it off as he believed she meant she loves her as a friend.
Changing the subject he questioned her about the contents of the book.
"...what is the contents of the book anyways...?" He asked, clearly not knowing about the word "Spoiler".
"I think we should read it first." Shion cleary doesn't want to spoil the story since she knows it anyway. But she said it in a way it was simple and understandable to someone like Kloe.
"When I first bought this, my father asked why. When the book was clearly for boys and for certain reasons...!" Shion said as she put her right hand in her chin as she tries to remember what her dad says.
You are reading story The World Beyond at
"And what are the certain reasons...? Kloe asked curiously.
"Ah...right...!!! I think father called it-"
Klover's vision slowly faded away as he asked one final question.
"Why did you leave me then....???" He knew the answer, yet he desperately ignored that answer.
'They only pity him...right....?'
Everything then fades to black.
"" Unrecognisable voices are heard, his hearing still isn't right as his mind cannot register what just happened earlier, more like he forgot what happened earlier.
"Uurgggh....." An intense pain in his leg caused Klover to groan. His sense of pain beginning to kick off slowly, but surely.
'...what happened....' He thought. He finds himself in the same place they-...
'That's right....!!!' A sharp pain in his head made him remember the past events, they were surrounded with those enraged ogres. They have very little chance in surviving the onslaught. Though they killed the two of them...
Mana is a very concerning problem. Once your out of it, intense fatigue will eventually wear the user out to the point that they can't move an inch. Especially using an advanced spell.
"Gugghhkkk." He examined the source of pain in his leg. Only to find....
A fractured bone piercing his flesh inside out...Search "compound fracture" then you'll know.
Klover's eyes widened for a few seconds, taking in a few seconds to register what just happened as he was lying on a large blue tree. Blood spurting out of his legs.
His breathing became abnormal, he bit his teeth as the pain is getting worse until he can't take it....
"...ah....AHHHHH!!!!" He panicked, he checked his small bag only to be missing, until he finds it a few meters a way from him.
"Guugkkk...!!! He groaned in pain even further as he tried to move, tears of pain and fear washed his eyes. As he tried to move aga-.
"Ghkk...!!! It hurts...!!" He wallowed in frustration, he took all of his willpower to just pick his small bag.
*Crack* His bones cracked again, he doesn't know which of it cracked as he continued crawling. More blood spilled again from his pants. He gritted his teeth.
"AGHHHHHH!!!!!" A roar was heard again. He spotted that ogre who looked at him with the same intent to kill, who threw into this situation as he felt dread, as he hastily picked his bag.
*Crack* The pain is getting worse as another bone crack, Klover felt like he is about to die. He gritted his teeth even further, more tears of pain in face appeared.
"Ah....ahhhhh...." He groaned silently in pain, he can't die, he can't die, he can't die.
'I- I don't want to die...'
*Rumble* Footsteps are faintly heard. He still not near yet. He felt his anxiety going through the roof.
He checked his scrolls. Until he found Light [Heal].
The moment he opened it, he hesitated as he remembered what the gray haired lady said days ago.
'Thouuugh Light [Heal] caaaan heal almoooost every injuuuuries doesn't meeeean it wiill perfeectly heeeal thaaaat saaaaid injuury, espeeeecially the lethaaaal one. Iiit will onlllly "fix" it not reeeturn thaaat injuury intooo it's originaaal healthy staate.'
'Then what can I do then...!!!' Klover thought in frustation and fear, itching his head for any available spells for survival.
*Rumble* The sounds are getting nearer, to the point where Klover already spotted the ogre, he panicked even further.
'Ghhkk...!!!' He thought as he picked Water [Overflow] and Earth [Wall].
It was a do or die....
*RUMBLE* "ARGGHHHHH!!!!" Another ear piercing roar was heard again a few meters away. He was near as Klover was in death's door.
"Ghhhkkk..!!" He opened his scroll, as he yelled.
"W-w-water [Overflow]!!!" He yelled in panic as the same condensed water as large as a family table to top it off with the speed of sound was summoned.
Water flowed through the scroll as it was aimed intently at the ogre albeit unsure of where to fire as Klover was in the state of panic, as the result of that...
He missed...
The monster went even faster as he ran rampant using his arms to support his legs to run like an animal.
"ROOAAAAGGHHH!!!!" It's screams almost made Klover drop his scroll, he panicked even further.
"..shit...!!!" He kept firing as another condensed ball of water was then fired. Thus...
It was a success, he fired another one. Aimed directly at the horn but that didn't cause the ogre to flinched not even once.
As he prepared his final defense.
"Earth [Wall]...!!! He yelled in desperation. As the earth shakes, mud, dirt and stone was accumulated to form a single reinforced wall as he repeated his proccess over and over again.
Until he ran out of it....
He doesn't want to die...
*Crack* Then it was crushed by that said ogre like it was nothing, causing the boy to be in awe. As he kneeled there not knowing what to do.
Finally the monster was standing in front of him as it's red large features while also releasing steam from it's red body finally ready to kill him, it felt like time slowed for Klover as he kneeled in despair.
Memories, all but dark......
Reminds him that....
'You really are a failure....'
".....ody Strengthening."
*Crack* BOOOMMM*
A sound so loud, that birds flew away from their homes in fear of the unknown...
His head was almost crushed....
Malformed even...
"...-VER!!!!" A scream so faint in his ears as Klover lost his consciousness.