Chapter 27: W1- 24: B – Passing Months

Things will always change, for better or worse. With the environment as the catalsyt for it to trigger. They will either adapt or left to die if they don't act quickly.

So does human beings. Solving problems and decide whether it's right or wrong has a time limit before it's too late, for better or worse. Fate decides the outcome of the reality. Will they die or live to see another day.

Two Months Later;

Location: Great Blue Forest, Hunting Grounds

Current Time: Dusk (17: 57 PM)


"On it!!!" A yell was heard, slightly deep below the shades of the enormous blue trees, a hobgoblin was running away from the five people in fear.

That is until Klover catched up to him.

"Water!!! [Overflow]" He yelled, opening his own made scroll. Aiming it the running hobgoblin, a large condensed water was then formed at the front of the scroll. Firing it at an moderately high speed, unlike the one he bought two months ago.

"Giiiee-" A shrieked was heard from a large green monster, interrupted as it's head got cut off. Blood spurting out like a fountain from it's open neck.

"....oh shit." Klover groaned in disgust and pity at the poor and gory sight of the Hobgoblins severed neck. Not really much used to killing large creatures especially this one.

"Hmm... you~ actually did~ it. Well, not~ that I'm~ surprised an~yway...!!" Another voice was heard behind his back, it was Leafa.

Her green hair swayed by her hand, as she looked at him in amusement. Her yellow eyes squinted focused on the dead hobgoblin before him. Wearing a black legwear , her clothes composing of dyed green leather jacket with yellow shirt underneath. And a short shorts enough to not expose her lower figure and enough to provide the right flexibility during battles.

"Yeah...I really did it...!!" Klover yelled in excitement, nearly jumping as his childish tendecy in an edge of going out. Instead he just raised his fist to counteract his supposed actions.

"Yeah, yeah you did Klover. It's your first time after all, kinda reminds me of you in the past." Leight then too appeared now fully adult, which he bragged about it 3 weeks ago. Donned in silver chestplate and boots. Though leaving the other parts expose, it wasn't like the mission is dangerous or anything. Instead he wore recently tailored gray sleeves tightly strapped with black two belts.

He walked at the dead body to examine it. Touching it's blood with his bare hands. He stood up, satisfied with the results.

"You did good, honestly.... That's the final one for today, it's almost nighttime. We should head back, we'll continue tomorrow." He gesture him to come back so as the others too.

Times change, so do living beings. We adapt to survive the inevitable, to come out victorious once again....



Royal Capital of Magmeis, Adventurer's Guild; Second Floor

Current Time: Nighttime (19:34 PM)

"Cheers!!!" Yells are heard, today was a lively day. Hunts was at it's finest, increasing quality of monsters influenced by the Crack. But that didn't matter for no one.

Money was important, to them. Risks is what made quests interesting and horrifyingly concerning st the same time. 'High Risk, High Reward.' Or so they say.

The five people with the exception of Aaron are sitting in a pristine table. Currently upstairs of the guild. Porcelain floors that's common from higher class, is luxury for commoners itself.

"Man, this is the first time I went upstairs for this." Klover looked at lower floor, feeling superior to those who sat in there. Though he'll be in their place tomorrow.

But hey, who cares. An experience is an experience, you have the opportunity to do it, so why not enjoy it.

"Feeling quite superior huh." The violet haired woman, Ildi looked at the boy in amusement. Ever since her husband is in a coma she's been spending time with the four more often. Most likely to cope her lost, but still visits her husband often nonetheless.

Robes that represent the color of her hair with white stripes crosing vertically up to the of her chest. It was simple, but it was her favorite since her husband gave it to her.

"Leave him be, he's in the moment of his life right now." The gray haired girl, Sharon defended Klover with a smile. Dressed in a white transparent clothing, with the solid opposite color inside of it. And a white skirt, that covers most of it's lower parts when in combat.

"Fine fine, I'm just amused about how excited he was." She waved her hand in surrender, the five currently waiting for the food to arrive.

However, their conversation went unnoticed to Klover himself, smugly looking at the people downstairs minding their own business. The feeling of superiority is aw-.

"Here's you food, Dear Adventurers." A waiter came in. Snapping him out of his actions as he looked at the food itself. He nodded in satisfaction, as he too minded his own business.

"Now then, let's stop the talking for now. And let's eat." With Leight's words the others nodded, their expressions formed into a smile


Though there are moments, one should not take it for granted. One should cherish them, for the day they disappear from his life will come.

She will be alone again...


Innerleft Side of the Capital; Blue Oak's inn.

Current Time: Near Midnight (11:43 PM)

"I'm back." A bell chime was heard the moment the door opened. Knowing the voice Jack immediately greeted the guest.

"You're late, did you eat already..." The silhouette revealed the already tired Klover. Barely keeping his shit up.

"Yes, I did. I think I'll eat the one you cooked just now tomorrow." A faint voice was heard in the teen, his vision felt like haywire, he wasn't drunk. He was extremely burnt out, and tired.

It's his first time having a celebration like this. Being completely neglected by his parents made him ignorant in things like this. He cursed them.

He shook his head.

"I think I'm going to sleep." He rubbed his eyes, he yawned as he went upstairs. Only to pause for a moment just to say something to Jack.


"Yeah, Goodnight." He smiled as he went to his room to go to bed. Clearly not forgetting the ogre incident, but he persevered and slept peacefully anyways.


In his dreams he felt nothing, still floating in an endless void. Not even his voice, body movements nor can he hear anything. Just pure silence.

Until voices suddenly resurfaced in his head.

"You are a failure." Murmurs were heard. Belittlling the the asleep boy

"No wonder they left you. It's because you're pathetic." Words were said in a mocking tone in his ears.

Instead of reacting badly he formed a smile.

"I don't care." He shrugged it off. Words like this have almost little to none effect on him. Confidence supported his words.

" don't...?" The once black void once formed into a blood red sky. The he feared the most.

An ogre.

He flinched slightly, it was a dream. Yet his legs can't stop shaking.

He knew. The monster then raised his large arm. Then slashed through Klover's head. Slicing it up like it was nothing.

Before the dreaded situation happened. He said his final words.

"Fuck you."


The chirping of birds woke the boy up. It was currently daytime, saliva poured out of his mouth as he slept sideways.

"What...?" Was the question he could only muster. Dreams that poke his interest are always the one that disappears quickly.

And a dog biting Klover's hand in his dream in the past? Nay, it will always be in his mind. Stucked for ages to come.

He tried to piece everything together, yet it was futile. He completely forgot about it. He shrugged as he went to start his day.

Not that it was of any importance...

Current Time: Dawn (5:49 AM)

You are reading story The World Beyond at

He woke up a little late. He looked at his body, signs of slight height growth have appeared for fuck's sake.

He became little tall!!!

....that's all really.

"Oh shit...! I forgot my routine..." He hurriedly went downstairs, only to be met by Jack who woke up too rather early.

"Hm...? Goodmorning kid." Still sleepy as he yawned the moment after he said those words. Rubbing his eyes to force himself to wake up.

"Goodmorning." After the very short conversation they have, he hurriedly went outside.

"Welp, you gotta do what you gotta do." Thus he began his daily routine. Atleast he slept rather well.


Almost an hour or two have passed since he woke up, after finishing to prepare himself he finally went outside, met with bustling streets of people preparing to open their shop for the coming customers.

To be honest, the crack in the sky has been the norm for now. No people panicked, because they got used to it. The evergrowing concern still intact in people's mind, since they don't know when those "Things" will appear.

"It' rather lively today." He spoke to himself, he kept walking. Aimlessly, since his party always wake up from 8: 00 AM and the guild runs 24/7, to him. There's almost nothing to do since almost all the quest are party related once, the solo ones...

Well....they are on another league on their own. He shove that topic out of his mind, he knew he'll get to their league someday. But that's gonna take years and he knew about it.

He resolved himself not to care about it. He sighed as he went his day in boredom.

Sometimes, there are things that makes us flawed. Humans seek validation and acceptance from others. We were taught to reinforce that flaw, to please a person only to receive  nothing is the new norm of today's modern society. what if we learned not to care about it. Remove the restraints to those that created it. Taking your time, to do what you want not restricted to what the society wants you to be. If only they learned it.

Comparing yourself to another person that is much better than you and you wished to become like that person, yet you do nothing. Everything is possible, it's just that the only one holding you back... yourself.

And Klover learned that lesson. Perhaps there will be a time where she will discard that lesson itself.

Who knows...


Location: Adventurers Guild, First Floor.

Current Time: Morning (7:47 AM)

"Ah....what~ a good~ nap~..." The crowd inside was busy as always. Filled with people of different ranks, lining up.

A certain five people are currently lining up with that said line. A certain green haired girl was still sleepy, rubbing her eyes. Even though she just took a cold bath recently.

"Atleast we didn't got late. There's finally a quest that we've been looking for. Isn't that right Klover...?" Leight in his knight outfit, stoicly started his conversation with the boy.

"Well, yeah. But isn't this a little too much..." Klover scratched his head in embarrassment, awkwardly smiling through the four. He's still getting used to being alone after that one year in Petval,  feelings of inferior and slight humiliation sprouted out of the boys emotion.

He knew they were helping, but he couldn't just shake off what he's feeling. He closed his eyes, shaking his head unnoticed by the four.

"Don't worry too much about it. We have nothing to do, plus you're currently mastering how to use scrolls and dagger at the same time in a fight right...?" Sharon said. She thoughtfully looked at the boy.

"Well, you're kinda right but I'm not in a goo-"


A door suddenly was kicked open. Interrupting the busy atmosphere at the guild, the sillhouette revealing the brown haired demihuman with brown hair and eyes wearing the same as Leight, but a golden medal was hanged in front of chestplate.

A Royal Knight, the outfit doesn't need to be flashy. Just show the medal and everyone will know you're one royal knight.

Created by the finest blacksmith available in the Kingdom. It was red ornated with jewels of different color, along with a golden outline.

 His hotheaded expression shown in his face as he yelled loudly.

"His Majesty has made an announcement!!! Everyone get the hell out here and must kindly go to the through near the palace and wait for further fucking announcement!!!" He panted as his lung couldn't take another word temporarily.

After that said announcement, silence were heard through the demihumans ears.

'Seems like it worked!!!' He clutched his fist in silence as he finally left. Leaving the people in the guild in unrest and worry.

"...seems like their finally announcing something. What could it be...? An adventurer talk, initiating a chain reaction as everyone too followed suit.

"Probably about the crack or something."

"...yeah I know, it's probably that. There's almost no problems living in this kingdom. His Majesty will probably announce something related to that." Another too spoke.

More and more murmurs were heard, reaching Klover's ears. Questions formed in his mind.

'His Majesty...?' He pondered onto himself. Curiosity coursed through his mind as he too questioned the others.

"What's the announcement for...?"

"It's probably the crack or something related to that, not really a big deal. But we should take it seriously." The violet haired woman answered Klover's question. The four too look in worry.

"Yeah...I think we should go." He felt relieved as he was finally free from quest they assigned just for him to get stronger. Right now, he naturally hated it, if people give things too much from him. Unlike the past him.

The five nodded in agreement as they too went outside as they went into outside guessing what His Majesty truly wanted.


Location: ???

Current Time: ???

In a dark cave where a sudden crack went unnoticed, finally opened revealing the beings inside.

They were human.

Wearing a black attire covering most of their bodies, as stripes glowed white horizontally from the bottome of their feet to the top of their neck.

Dozens of them appeared. With the same outfit they wore. Not revealing their faces.

That is until someone went against that word.

One, revealing a strikingly beautiful woman with white hair and green eyes. Her cold expression unwavering as if nothing else mattered.

The same goes for others too, as they waited for the final batch of their comrades to appear

"Remember our goal..." The white haired woman, "Ana" said. The others too nodded as if in a complete agreement.

They were desperate. Humans will do almost anything to survive. That same philosophy goes to other beings too.

Even if it means killing they're own kin..

"All to save our world."

"All to save our world...!!!" The others followed "Ana's" words. They shouted in unison in contrast to what the woman said. They followed her as hours went by.

...Until they are finally outside.

"We have to wait for others too to arrive." "Ana" stopped as she commanded the hooded people behind her. As she looked at the world before her.

She looked at it in envy. She compared her world to this one, desolated, barren and almost completely devoid of life.

She closed her eyes. One day, her world too will be like this if they won. She sighed as she said his final words.

"I'm sorry... but we only just wanted to live." The Archives will give the wish she truly desired. To save her world and her people....

....even if it means destroying another one...

For she is the Representative of her own world.

Pre Invasion: Start.

Time Until the Invasion: 94D 23H 32M