Chapter 39: W1- 10: The Day of Trial II

"Klover, what the fuck are you doing!??" Marcus yelled in disbelief of my actions earliest.

"Uhhh......distracting them....?" I know Marcus can deal with them pretty easily but he can't do attacking and defending at the same time as the siblings behind him have no experience in fighting. They're only in the way.

To top it off with a 4 mutated goblins, I should probably called it hobgoblins. 5 ranged ones and 12 normal ones. This is completely different in the quest they never mentioned this in the details. Escaping is no option too. Those hobgoblins are probably fast. They can probably catch up with the two. And I just seemed to have made it's hostility directed at me. 

'Shit...' But this is probably a good experience and a lesson for me. If I lived, that is.

"Kieeecck...!!!!" One of the ranged goblins prepares to fire it's arrows at me. Quickly hiding in one of the blue trees while the goblins charges finishes it's charge.

'.....this isn't good.' Another life and death situation for the second time. I probably might not make it this time.

'Hm....where did the hobgoblin go....?' looking around to see one of the four of them gone. Oh looks like the Marcus, Cordelia and Mivon are gone. That's goo-

"Kiiee-ki-ki." A disturbing laugh resounded behind me. It's a hobgoblin, shit I forgot. Standing almost 3 meters long, an ugly, malicious smile directed at me. It's green bulky ski- *swish*.

'Shit....!' An arrow was suddenly fired at me. I forgot about them. Barely dodging the arrow another blow was sent to me.


Klover....punched by the standing hobgoblin in the face, blown meters away from the current destination. 'That hurts.....' Klover thought blood spewing from his mouth. The tree supporting the blow only worsened his condition. 

'.....where is Marcus anyway, can't he just hurry up...urrggghh.' Blurriness invades his surroundings, barely being able to see. The last hope, burning inside of him, keeping him in despair. He stands up. The laughing of other goblins can be heard.

'They're near.' He thought. Adrenaline coursing through him, with his mind registering this situation as a final battle to the death. 'Can I win.....?' He thought.

'Might as well die trying...' Holding his tears from the pain he continued walking. Fear is no longer in his system. He knows he probably might die or not. But he has learned to accept it.

This is reality of a fantasy world, not everything you can expect in a anime, manga or novels. They mostly only show the bright side of it. Not it's darkest side. 'The goblins are here...huh....' Holding his bloodied dagger he prepares a stances, though his memory has not consolidated the moves Marcus trained him for the past three weeks. Those three weeks are enough to drill some of the moves in his head albeit a few.

"Ki-kie-kie-kie." An ugly laugh resounded again. The goblins showed up in front of him mocking his state. 'They're mocking me.' Klover thought, glared at them with resentment. 

"" His vocal throat was damaged. Rendering him almost unable to speak. Not that he minds anyway. The hobgoblin who punched him from earlier showed up in front of him, grinning and laughing.

'.....I'll fucking kill yo-' Until Marcus showed up from the bushes with his greatsword in hand. Sneakily severing the hobgoblin's head. 

*Slash* Klover, didn't actually expect anyone to save him. Even if they did he probably might be dead as they are late.

"H...a..a." Barely making a laugh is enough for Marcus to turn to the source of the sound. Surprised and relieved that he is safe. 'How can he not notice my presence anyway...?' Klover thought.

"You okay kid!!!???" Marcus bursting with worry and anxiety to which Klover responded with. "" 'Oh right I can't speak.' This troublesome for Klover but Marcus seemed to understand what he is saying.

"I think we should ge-" "N.....o..!!!" Klover interrupted, his thoughts fully shown in his face. 'Do you really think I'll wait for another 2 years just to retake the test again....? Fuck no, I want this shit done immediately.' Is what he thought steeling his determination.

"...fine, I'll take care of the big ones, can you take care of the others....? Still unsure about his decision. Klover hesitantly nodded. 'Finally.' He thought as he prepared his stance.


Taking my stance, Marcus immediately charges at the remaining 3 hobgoblins. Provoking and focusing their attention to his.

You are reading story The World Beyond at

Here I am stuck with 17 goblins, dazed. Using this opportunity I hastily crept on the ranged ones with my dagger. My body still hurts from the aftershock though. 

"Kie-!" Killing them one by one until the normal ones are left. After killing the third one is the time the goblins paid attention and showing their hostility at me. 

'.....come at me..' Showing no confidence whatsoever I forced my body on the fourth one they are quiet slow to react, almost the same as my current movement speed. And hurriedly stabbed the fourth and-

*splat* "A...g." They got me, there is probably poison in the arrow. Hurrying to kill the fifth one I noticed my vision slowly fading. 

"Kiee-." The final ranged goblin died before it could scream. That's done, I just need to take care of these ones.

'Urrgg.' I need to finish this quickly. Signs of headache appears and a subtle loss of vision came. I really am gonna die this time.

'Fuck...' The goblins realizing my condition laughed at me again. 

"" I retorted at them, dashing as fast as possible slowly killing them one by one on the neck. They are quite persistent. Some covering their neck to avoid being killed, quiet an idiotic move I see. I targeted their eyes instead. Until there is




' am I...?' waking up in a familiar ceiling I realized I'm back in my room. 

"!!!!!.......I failed huh...." Remembering what happened surely wasn't a dream, cause it felt to real to be one. But I failed.

'Guess I'll have to try again.' I said, slowly standing up and stretching my body. Waiting for another two maybe doesn't seem so bad. I can have more time to prepare I guess.

Walking down into the kitchen I spotted Marcus making food. I don't know what time it is though so I'll just think of as food.

Hearing my footsteps Marcus hurriedly turned around. Relieved.

"Glad that you are alive kid. No routine for today, first eat some breakfast." So it's morning then. How long did I pass out.

" me....what....happened..? I said.

" passed out kid for 3 days, probably from overworking your body to it's limits, thankfully the poison isn't as lethal as we thought.Nolan healed you though while you were asleep." Hm... that's great. I guess...

"......did I pass the test....?" I said weakly. Marcus seemed to grin at me. Probably a good sign....?

"Yeah. You did it kid. While the other two didn't, the three of you get to experience the dangers of adventuring and subjugating nest. An experience is still an experience."

'...yes, that's good to know.' I thought, relieved.

"So can I call myself as an adventurer now...?"