Life was not meant to access the domain of the beginning and the end. There are four elements that can only be acted upon through the manipulation of the laws of physics, but never by magic. These four elements, the abstract aspects of existence, are space, time, gravity and mass. Mana, the fuel for all magic incantations, can come in many different forms which can be referred to as the elements of magic. Some are familiar: fire, water, earth, air, etc. Some are more situational: celestial, healing, spiritual, holy, etc. Mana encompasses many things. It can be used for many applications, nearly infinite in the variety that living creatures could need, want or wish for. Except for those four aspects. Magic cannot be used to provide or remove mass from fixed mass-energy objects. Magic cannot bypass the speed of light. Magic cannot make time turn backwards or loop. Magic cannot construct singularities. There are many such rules of this nature.
Space, gravity, time and mass are all the domain of the Divine Limit. This is the reason why the existence of the universe is predicated on the continued will of the Divine Limit. If He so chose, space could fall apart. Time could dissolve and flow forwards and backwards. Gravity could draw all mass into the center and revert all that exists back to before the infinite singularity of the beginning. All mass could instantly become null. This gives the Divine Limit unparalleled power, and allows it to forever hold its position as an unreachable elder god, one of the two pillars of infinity. This also allows the Divine Limit the ability to form tunnels through spacetime, to use gravity as its pet, to freely create and destroy anything and everything that exists. The Divine Limit could take Ajax and Shaula to Omicron. But, He cannot act in order to transport Ajax and Shaula to Omicron. That would be too simple for them. They would learn nothing if He did all the work Himself. He isn’t going to coddle them forever even if they are His babies.
The Divine Limit will instead make use of Ajax and Shaula. As the children between Him and the Mother, Ajax and Shaula are capable of using His power as well as the magic of the Mother, the progenitor of all magic. One day, they too will be able to bend time and space to their will, just as the Divine Limit has. For now, however, He will temporarily unlock one of Ajax and Shaula’s limiters. For a brief moment, their souls will have access to the knowledge of space, time, gravity and mass, through His mind. He will force them to activate their powers as a gift to them, like a father pushing his child on a bike with training wheels. On this day, they will know within their souls that this strength is theirs once they grow to be able to use it. The technique will manifest now. First however, their bodies will be transcended so that they can survive the journey.
“Shaula? What’s happening, Shaula?” Sweat drips down Ajax’s forehead as he considers the pain he has just been put through, the ear-splitting torment. Shaula looks over at him and speaks with a trembling voice.
“I-I don’t know, Ajax, this doesn’t… this doesn’t make any sense. You could hear the voice too, right? Like, I should be going fucking crazy, but you heard it too! Right!?”
“Y-Yeah, I did but… it looks like nobody else heard it. Th-They didn’t… hear… What… What the fuck was that?” Ajax sees his classmates; a good chunk of them have left out the door while his teacher remains with a few who perhaps are too curious for their own good. The lights are out and some of the students are looking over at the two of them with fear, awe and novelty while others are trying to get their phones to work. Ajax looks back towards Shaula and answers her as his heartbeat races.
“I have no fucking clue! I have absolutely no fucking clue!!” The both of them want to just go home and cry their eyes out. They prepared for an English test, not whatever this is.
Ajax looks at the surface of his desk. He was scratching it with his fingers perhaps in an effort to distract from the pain in his own mind. The tips of his fingers are somewhat bloody and bruised but luckily, his nails haven’t been peeled off as well. Shaula takes a few deep breaths. She sees his fingers and confirms something with Ajax.
“I-It was in our heads though. Both of our heads, whatever that was.” Ajax sits down in his seat as he thinks a few things over.
“Right… I guess that makes sense, I would have ripped my ears off to make it stop, I think, but even covering them did nothing. It’s like I heard it right in my brain–”
"Um A-Ajax, Shaula?” Christa Rowfield interrupts Ajax and the two of them look at her standing in front of a small group of students. Christa is cautious of what’s going on here. All that she can tell with some degree of certainty is that all electrical devices in the classroom have been destroyed while there was a phenomenon of mirage and dim rainbow light surrounding the bodies of Ajax and Shaula. To figure out why these things have all happened and coincided with both Ajax and Shaula screaming at the top of their lungs is far above her area of expertise and her pay grade. Perhaps if she were a physicist, an astronaut, an engineer or any other profession that could perhaps understand why these events are happening in this manner, she would be of assistance. All she can realistically do right now is run away from the two of them, but she isn’t so cowardly that she would just leave Ajax and Shaula, her students, to deal with this unbelievable situation by themselves.
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