Jackson hesitated before the doorknob.
Do I really want to go in there?
He decided to check the mail instead. Delighted to see he got a letter from his mom, and a box, which was strange.
At least that's one reason to smile today.
A tiny grin on his face, he walked through that door. No greetings when he came through the door, though he didn't expect one. Today was graduation after all, he assumed dad was still at the bar after it. It was a weird feeling, all of a sudden being considered an adult after being treated like a child his whole life.
A feeling of panic about that subject came over him, but he'd mentally reviewed it enough times that he got over it quickly. He sat at the dining table and opened his letter from mom.
Hi Jackson!
The doctor's say I'm getting better, take care of your lungs kiddo, it sucks to not be able to breathe easily. Never smoked a day in my life and I was hacking up a lung like I smoked since I was legally able! I guess I shouldn't call you a kid anymore though, happy 16th birthday! I know its few weeks early, but I got you a little gift! When I turned 16, my mom got me a beautiful gold bracelet that I've had forever, so instead I bought you a locket with my face in it! And your dad's of course. Wherever you go in life, know that I'm always there for you, no matter how faraway I am, think of me as just a phone call away.
P.S. I know I could just text or call, (besides your phone being broken) but a letter is more personal.
I await eagerly for your response
Jackson looked over at the box, his heart feeling lighter than it had this morning. He opened the small box, and saw the locket inside. He put it on right away, looking down at it and feeling it in his hands.
Since mom went out of her way to get me a present then... Plan b it is.
Thank the gods it's plan b.
He finished his response to mom and put it in his bag, he didn't want to leave this in the mailbox for... him to find.
He got everything ready to go, and then left his letter to dad taped to the door. Knowing him he'd only notice it there tomorrow. He adjusted the sword at his side, he'd never really carried one, only used one a few times. He'd get used to the weight though, it was nothing compared to his huge backpack.
It was his dads sword he stole, really he had many, being a blacksmith and all, this one wasn't special, just a copy of a his first one. He had many copies, trying to improve the design. He wouldn't notice one gone missing.
He took the long way to the gate, not daring to go near where the bar was. Domus was a pretty small town, but it was packed close together so people could be safe from monsters, though they rarely showed up near here. Besides horned rabbits, he shuddered at the memory. Anyway, the city exit was close by. Domus didn't have walls or a gate like the big cities did, it was just an abrupt change to farmland. It felt... Strange. He was running away. Just like that.
All those years of pain and self pity, and now he just walked away with nothing more than 5000 obols, camping supplies, and a high school diploma to his name. Things... changed after his brother died. That was obvious, but more so than that. Jackson locked himself in his room and started reading and studying obsessively. He wanted an escape from the pain, his parents were getting worried and his friends were too.
Despite the age gap, Jackson and his brother were very close. They were as close as brothers could be. He really looked up to him. His mom eventually got Cancer. It wasn't too bad at the time, she got treated and got over it. But it came back, and worse. Her immune system got weakened and as of recently, got pneumonia.
If only you could magic the problem away. But a spell to cure disease is notoriously hard to learn, so much so that schools that teach it are in the few. Besides that, it's an expensive treatment, and the rich get richer. At least general healthcare is free. The one good thing that's happened is that his mom is on the path to a full recovery.
After his brother died, he started ghosting his friends. Not intentionally, he just wanted to be alone. After 5 months, they were more acquaintances than friends. And a little later, one of them died.
It felt like everything was out to get him, including himself. He blamed himself everyday after that. He could have prevented it. His friend went on a walk in the woods alone and died. He knew it was dumb to blame himself but he did anyway. They used to walk along the trails together, and it was perfectly safe, at least they thought it was.
He only really went to school and then stayed in his room all day after that. Eventually Jackson himself became toxic to the people around him and, well, it's best not to dwell on such things.
But now was the time to make his own happiness. He had to run, because he wanted to leave his old thoughts behind, as well as him. He didn't want to think about it any more.
You are reading story How I Want to Thrive at novel35.com
He walked on the path to Licentia for what felt like forever. Many trucks passed by, not a single one stopped. Not that he expected one to. The sky was getting dark, his legs hurt, and he was hungry. But he had to admit, he felt alive. So he found a little clearing by the road and sat down. Before he got his camp ready, he wanted to think.
Am I... Proud of myself? He chuckled, feeling just a little bit happier. Maybe I'll allow just a little happiness.
After a few minutes of feeling free and prideful, he got to work. Or, at least he tried to.
He heard a snarl. Then the small thumps of feet on the ground. Many feet. He turned around, and fumbled with his flashlight before turning it on. It was dark out but not yet pitch black, he saw the outlines of big four legged animals. When his flashlight turned on, he let out a yelp.
Huge. Rats.
He turned and ran.
From what he heard he wasn't being chased. So he slowed down, which was his first mistake. But gods was he tired. He sat down, breathing heavily. He took off his backpack so he'd be without the weight. How he outran those things he didn't know. Didn't stop him being frantic though.
His second mistake was not being frantic enough.
His only warning was his flashlight and the extremely faint pitter patter of steps. He barely threw himself to the side and felt burning across the side of his face, barely below his eye. He was in shock and almost didn't move but the pain helped him pick himself up and draw his sword.
His swordsmanship was only level 10 but at least he had the Swordsmanship Basics ability to help guide his hand.
Another strike hit his arm, but he got out of the way just enough for it to not be too bad.
The rat lunged at him and Jackson sidestepped, while hitting the rat mid lunge, just barely. This hurt the rat badly, but It still didn't run. It's footsteps still eerily silent.
The wound slowed the rat down, which made it much easier to track. He went on the offensive now, draining enough of the rat's Health to soften it's hide. From there on, the fight was easy enough.
Jackson was very much not good at fighting, he only knew how to use sword because his dad made them, and he taught him how to use them. He won because the rat was reckless, and because of adrenaline.
"Oh, shit! God that hurts!"
His arm and face hurt, blood running down each of them. Thank the gods he was prepared.
He got out a first aid kit and got to work.
Cleaning and bandaging a wound sucked, especially if it's your own. Even if handy dandy spells help out.
Minor Injury Recovery was a spell that, frankly, took too long to learn. Especially for how little it did. But Jackson was grateful he had.
Jackson had to use it sparingly though, it was a spell that needed sustenance to heal you and he didn't have enough food for that. The spell usually encompassed the whole body but with his control he brought it to just the wound on his arm. His face hurt yeah, but he needs to use his arms for things. It'd take a bit but it would heal eventually. He had set up camp before he looked at the fight notifications he hadn't addressed.
Perception anomaly.
All of a sudden his heart was beating faster than it was during the fight, and he had to calm himself down
Deep breaths, it's just a coincidence, they're not too rare.
Just a coincidence.