Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Kaphis’s Demand

The Hero Became a Mousegirl
Chapter 5: Kaphis's Demand 


“Fire and Holy?” I tilted my head to the side struggling to understand why Syene looked so surprised. Sure her fancy band had broken, but I hadn’t used any magic to make that happen. As far as I could tell its failure was entirely her fault.

“Caelan…” Kaphis called from behind me, a warning in their tone.

“Holy magic? Like healing magic, from the legends?”

“She misspoke,” Kaphis replied moving to push Syene away from me. “It is well known by all that holy magic vanished the same time the gods did.”

“Then what was she intending to say? The band is calibrated to be able to handle all known magic. Whatever caused the band to break, it must be something completely unique to her.”

“We’re leaving,” Kaphis noted reaching behind themself to take my hand. “It is not Caelan’s fault she cannot be banded. So let us through.”

“She must be banded,” Aurhert noted palming the hilt of his sword. “This is the law. There are no provisions for circumventing it due to rare magic. We cannot let her leave our custody until a band has been made that can contain her mana.”

“You’re not going to imprison her for something beyond her control,” Kaphis growled raising their club. “If it bothers you that greatly then we will go elsewhere.”

“Threatening a member of the guard is an offense punishable by imprisonment,” Aurhert drew his sword. “She can stay in our custody for a few months while Syene creates a new band. Or she can stay in the dungeon for the next ten years for threatening me, which is it going to be?”

“I am the one threatening you.”

“Wait wait!” Syene moved to stand between Kaphis and Aurhert. “This is an unprecedented situation, but Caelan does not need to be a prisoner. Why don’t the two of you come and stay in my home? You’ll be free to tour the city at your leisure of course.”

“You cannot allow her free reign without a band.” Aurhert commanded.

“Aurhert, just this once I’m begging you to allow me to do as I desire. We both know that Kaphis is more than double our levels. It is the height of foolishness to antagonize them. I will create a fake band immediately so that your superiors do not discover what has happened.”

“If anyone finds out that the band she wears is fake we’ll both face beheading.”

“It will only be fake temporarily while I devise a new one that is unique to her. All you need to do is keep your mouth shut and we’ll be fine.”

“Why should I allow you the opportunity to create such a thing?” Kaphis asked venom dripping from each word.

“I swear I won’t harm her,” Syene bowed. “Please is this not a better option than turning this place into a river of blood? I will spare no expense showering Caelan in every luxury I can afford.”

A shiver traveled up my spine as Kaphis glared down at Syene. “You will treat Caelan as if she is your own daughter. Anything less is unacceptable.”

“Hey wait, Kaphis!” I squeaked hopping out of my chair. “I really don’t need her to go that far.”

“I want her to,” Kaphis replied. “And so she will.”

“I’m an adult you know. I can take care of myself. I don’t need an elf I hardly know to pretend to be my mother.”

“Caelan this is what it would take for me to give in to her request. If you are uncomfortable with it however, we do not have to stay. They’ve already admitted they are not strong enough to keep us.”

Syene cast a worried gaze from Kaphis to me before finally holding her arms out as if she wanted a hug. “I am willing to do this. Please give me the chance Caelan. I won’t do anything to make you uncomfortable.”

“Ah,” I sighed. “Fine, but I’m not hugging you. So put your arms down. Is this fine with you Aurhert? Could you sheath your blade please.”

Aurhert stared at Kaphis and me before hesitantly putting his sword away. “Have a fake band on her arm by tomorrow morning Syene. By then the auditors will have learned we let a mage into the city.”

“Will do,” Syene bowed to Aurhert before turning to us. “You can follow me Kaphis, Caelan. I’ll lead you to your new home.”

“Syene,” I called once we were out of the guard building. “I’m actually quite hungry. Do you think we could get something to eat?”

“There are many food vendors along the way, what kind of food do you normally eat?”

“Hmm… dried meats, hardtack, aged cheeses when I’m lucky.”

“How long have the two of you been traveling?” Syene asked raising an eyebrow at me.

“Long enough that she has forgotten her family’s cooking,” Kaphis supplied before I could answer.

It wasn’t a lie that I’d forgotten what my family’s food tasted like. The moment the church discovered that I bore Eynhilda’s mark they took me into their custody. Giving me to the Kubarev household who were known for their swordsmanship.

The next four years of my life were spent in grueling training. Gaining as many levels as possible, while learning sword arts to augment my strength beyond those of similar power to me. Each and every day I was pushed beyond my breaking point. To the point I could hardly enjoy or even taste food.

I simply ate what was provided without thinking much about it. From there the quality of my meals declined steadily as I took up my role as hero. Charging so deep into enemy lines even minor luxuries like a small cookfire were often impossible.

Thinking back I could hardly remember the last time I had a good meal. Even when I attended the victory celebration hosted by the emperor I failed to sample the food. I was too torn up mourning the deaths of Elise and Bartham.

“Is there anything you’re interested in trying?” Syene asked pulling me from my spiral of recollection. I followed her outstretched hand with my eyes gazing at several street vendors. Many of them selling foods foreign to me.

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“Could we purchase a bit of everything?” I asked trying not to drool. “I’d love to try it all.”

“Of course Caelan,” Syene smiled approaching the first of several vendors. By the time she was finished, all three of us has our hands stuffed with mouthwatering treats.

“My home is not far from here,” Syene noted nodding down a side street with her chin. “Try to wait until we get there to eat. Otherwise you’ll get food all over yourself.”

Syene’s home was a small two-story townhome. Far smaller than I believed someone of her status would have. Struggling not to drop my food as she worked the lock Syene ushered us inside.

As soon as we’d stepped into her home Syene ushered me down a short hallway and into a decently sized room where a table was located. Dumping the delicious spoils in her arms atop it.

“Here we are, I’ll give you a tour once you’re done eating Caelan.”

“There is more than enough to share. Are you not eating with me?”

“I ate not long before you and Kaphis arrived. Eat your fill, the rest can go to your ah… sister?”

“You have a daughter?”

“I wouldn’t have called her my daughter. More like a freeloader whom I feel morally responsible for. But if I’m going to be adopting one of you, I might as well adopt both of you. It’s only fair I imagine.”

“Wow, where is she now?”

“Upstairs probably. I’ll go and ask her to come down and introduce herself,” Syene turned almost walking face-first into Kaphis who was standing behind her. “Ah! Kaphis, if you’d like I believe the furniture in the den is sturdy enough to hold you.”

“My body doesn’t tire. So I don’t need to sit. I’ll simply find a place out of the way to stand and think.”

“Let me know if there is anything I could do to make you more comfortable.” Syene bowed before stepping past Kaphis and rushing out of sight.

“I think this would’ve been less awkward had you demanded she act as if she were a servant of mine,” I mumbled to Kaphis. Lifting up a battered and fried sausage which had a stick stuck through it for handling. I could hardly contain my squeal of delight as the delicious oily breading and spiced meat met my tastebuds.

“Many things have changed for you,” Kaphis replied sagely. “She will be a good resource to help you manage these changes. Besides as an elf I’m certain she’s lived more than a century. Even if you add the years of your previous life to your current age, you are still a child by comparison.”

“I guess.”

I continued to sample the spread of foods before me. Skewers of meat, stuffed vegetables, jam-filled cakes. Each new thing making me grow more and more excited for my new life. Even if everything else ended up a frustrating mess, being able to enjoy such food would make it all worthwhile. Probably.

“You’ve never eaten food with such vigor,” Kaphis remarked as the sound of footsteps echoed down the stairs.

“Food’s never tasted this good,” I giggled only to freeze as a girl my height stepped into the room.

She had light-green skin and ears twice the size of an elf’s. The hair on the top of her head was a light almost-pastel blue. My mind raced to try and decode what she was as I’d never seen one of her kind before in my life.

“So you’re Caelan? I’m Myra.” As she spoke I caught a glimpse of her razor-sharp teeth and it struck me. I knew exactly what she was.

“Goblin…” I couldn’t keep the word from passing my lips. Gazing at her wide-eyed memories of my time at war rapidly resurfaced. Goblins were the most plentiful of Stelryus’s forces. On multiple occasions, I’d nearly lost my life to their tireless aggression. It took all the self-restraint I had not to draw my sword.

Goblins were demons. Monsters that only knew bloodshed. So why was there one standing in front of me now? Wearing a yellow sundress and introducing herself as if she was a civilized person?

Scratching at her cheek Myra smiled though it failed to reach her eyes. “Y-Yeah… I’m a goblin. I guess Syene didn’t warn you.”

“She didn’t,” I replied trying to school my features to a look of neutrality. “Though I’m equally surprised to meet someone my height. How old are you?”

“It’s rude to ask a lady her age!” Myra giggled. “Especially without sharing your own.”

“Ah, I’m nineteen.”

“Oh, you’re younger than me. I’m twenty-three.”

I felt a sour feeling coil in my gut at the idea of being the younger sister of a goblin. But I forced myself not to act on it. This was a changed world, I was the one who needed to adapt.

Grabbing up one of my favorite battered sausages, one of the few to survive me gorging myself, and held it out to Myra. Brushing her hair behind her ears Myra surprised me by simply leaning forward and biting the sausage while I held it.

“I kind of expected you to take it from me,” I mumbled, my cheeks heating.

“It’s more fun this way,” Myra grinned. “Plus you’re not looking at me so fearfully anymore.”

“Ah,” I chewed my lip. Embarrassed that I’d been unable to hide my hostility. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine, I’m used to this,” Myra commented before quickly gobbling up the rest of the sausage. “More please.”

“Wha… feed yourself!”