Chapter 50: Chapter 46 – Sports Festival’s Preparation 4

1st POV

"GO! Keep like that!!" Right now I am watching Midoriya running around without using his shoes. He obeyed my instruction after I showed him my kick. Well, everyone would want to learn the secret behind my kick, as my technique could causes enormous damage.

Actually, I've reached my goal when I advised Midoriya to use his leg, but I decided to train him further. From what I know, he lacked the means to get close his distance with his opponent. One for All is good to reach his opponent faster but right now he can't control it. That's why I decided to teach him a footwork technique that I use to shrink the distance between me and my opponent.

"Na-Nakiri! I-It's been 1 hour!! I-I-I've reached my limit." Shouted Midoriya.

I told him to run without any shoes as his first training, the reason I did this type of training was that this training was proved to be the fastest way to master my technique. Well, I never did this training because I trained myself little by little since I was a kid.

"What? You've reached your limit? Nay! You are still shouting so you must be fine! Give me one more lap!"

The course I had Midoriya running was the path that I'd accidentally made by accident. The path is straight with a length of around 500 meters, so it's the perfect place to use it for running.

The uneven ground too would help Midoriya to watch where to step when he's running. He would train how to step in the rocky area, so he wouldn't get surprised when comforted by a different zone suddenly.

"Wh-whaa? But look! Our classmates are resting over there!!" Answered Midoriya.

'This guy, was his character always like this? Wasn't he the one who works his hardest amongst the class 1A?'

"Do it or give up on becoming a hero. You could transfer your quirk to me if you choose to give up, I'm ready to take it." I shouted to Midoriya.

"I-I will never give up!!" Shouted Midoriya as he runs even faster than before. In a moment, he was 200 meters away from me.

"That's good, don't give up!" I said as I go to my Mother's group. They are resting under the tree shade near the clearing where we gather before I went to a different place to train Midoriya.

I approached Reiko from behind and asked her about the training. "How is it Reiko, is it hard?"

Reiko realized me and turned towards me. "Ah, Ayame-chan. Yes, it's hard, but I think I will manage."

Hearing my voice, my classmates turned to me too. I decided to ask them about their training with my Mother.

"How about you guys? Was the training hard?"

Kirishima heard me stood up and said. "It's hard but I think the result will be great!! Your Mother is amazing, Nakiri! Now I understand why you got that strong!"

"I see, keep up your training Kirishima!"

"Ou! I will train harder than this after I rest." Kirishima balled his fist and continued. "I don't want to stay weak." He said as he looked at his fist.

'He has some emotional problem huh. Well, that will heal over time.'

"How about you, Ojiro? Tokoyami?" I asked Ojiro and Tokoyami that doze off and leaned their back to a tree.

"Oh, ah… She's a demon." Said Ojiro.

"Indeed, but that was good training." Said Tokoyami while nodding his head.

"O…ooh, well. Good luck?" I said. I can't imagine what their training is, but it's my Mother that we are talking about. She would definitely prepare a Spartan-like training.

"Ashido, how about you?"

"Well, it's fun." She said.

The rest of my classmates turned to Ashido. They all looked at her like they are looking at a monster.

"No way, Ashido. Are you a monster?" Asked Kirishima.

"Hmm? Nana-san told me to dance and dodge any attack that was launched at me. It was fun you know? Why are you calling me a monster?" Ashido tilted her head and approached Kirishima.

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"W-well, our training was hard. So we thought that you had the same menu too. But, I guess not." Kirishima backed away and raised his hand to stop Ashido advance.

"Is that so?" Said Ashido.

After Ashido backed away, I saw Midoriya shuffling his way towards us like a zombie. Right after he reached the clearing, he tumbles and falls over to the ground.

My classmates and Reiko were approaching Midoriya to see his condition.

"HEY Midoriya!! Are you alright?" Asked Kirishima.

"I-I-I-I am fineee. W-w-water-" Said Midoriya in a low spirit.

Seeing Midoriya's condition, my classmates and Reiko turned towards me and looking at me with a hint of fear on their faces.

"We found the true monster." Said Ashido.

"Indeed, she is the true monster." Added Tokoyami.

"Nakiri, do you understand what holding back mean?" Asked Ojiro.

All of them were criticizing me all of a sudden. I looked at Midoriya's condition too and said one thing to them.

"Well… Sorry?"

My Mother suddenly appears from who knows where with Eri in hand. When she saw Midoriya's condition, she sighed and ended today's training. She said that overtraining like what Midoriya did will cause a negative effect, that's why she ended it early.

Reiko and my classmates let out a sigh of relief hearing what my mother said. They said they will come again tomorrow to train together again which I agreed.

As the sun was about to set, I invited my classmates and Reiko to have dinner at my house. Ashido, Kirishima, and Reiko accepted my offer while Ojiro and Tokoyami refused, they said that their family already made dinner.

For Midoriya, is there any chance for him to get back on his condition? He naturally stayed for dinner and so he could rest his body after our training.


"Man, Midoriya's training looked rough. What did Nakiri do to you, Midoriya?"

We are now sitting in the dining room in my mansion. We already ate the dinner served by our chef and they were surprised by the taste. Midoriya was fully recharged after eating the dinner and now talking with Kirishima.

"She made me run without wearing my shoes. She told me that this training is to prepare me for her technique." Answered Midoriya.

"Right, that was my aim. Well, tomorrow I will train you for real Midoriya. We will have a spar." I said to Midoriya and he sighed in relief.

"Ou Nakiri!! I want to spar with you too." Exclaimed Kirishima.

"Well okay, I see no problem."

"Nice!! I can't wait tomorrow!!"

We are chatting for a while. We talked about the training, sports festival, and other things. Reiko, Midoriya and co. went to their home after that. As tomorrow they need to go to school, while I am not as I was still suspended.

"Well then, I will beat the hell out of Midoriya tomorrow. As he is the type that got stronger every time he lost."

Deciding how I would train Midoriya tomorrow, I go to my room and change my clothes into my pajamas. Looking at my bed direction, I dived and close my eyes.

"Good night world, don't get destroyed tomorrow." I said and I drifted to the dream world.