Chapter 17: CH 17

Inside the council room of the black syndicate. Leonard stands upright with his head held high gazing at the old man in front of him who smokes from a pipe. In the room, both of them are staring at each other without talking as the old man puffs the smoke out of his mouth.

“Tell me, why did you enter my headquarters?”

“I told you, my son isn’t a threat. He’s merely a 2-star paragon.”

“We can’t take any risk. You know what happened when a successor of the silver moon gets stronger?” the old man asked with a melancholic smile

“The goddess can descend in our world. It happened 500 years ago at the creation of the silver moon cult. According to the black syndicate’s records. There was a sixth continent in this world that seemingly vanished. It has been theorized to be humanoids that are 20 times larger than humans and have divine strength. They are in the grasp of reaching ascension but the moon goddess doesn’t want to compete with mortals that become gods. This is why the way of achieving the 8th star is locked behind god’s control. They are already competing with the angels and demons, they don’t want to compete with the mortals they created.”

“How do you know if the record is the truth and why did those humanoids didn’t joined the war of four races. If they truly exist and are that strong.” Leonard asked as the old man looked at him pensively before huffing the pipe and blowing the smoke

“No one knows. Either they didn’t see any benefits from letting themselves known or worse, they didn’t see us as a threat. You need to know, the only evidence we have is the corpse of a giant and the beam of light that can be seen on every continent. Other than that, everything has been forgotten by the common masses.”

“I know it’s hard to accept but there’s nothing you can do. Leonard, you’re my dear disciple. I don’t want anything to happen to you and to your son but you need to understand. Continents and millions of lives are at stake. Forgive me but I cannot help you this time” the old man bowed before Leonard leaves the room angrily as the door slammed shut.

“Hunt that kid right now. I want his head this night” the old man said to the room as five shadowed figures manifested as the old man smiled thinking how much money he can get from killing the successor of the silver moon.

“Yes, master!” the five shadowed figures bowed before vanishing into the shadow.

Waking up, he finds that Vania is already cleaning the room while the youth can be seen standing beside the door humming happily while twirling the dagger in his fingers. His name is Luke and he doesn’t have a surname as he was never given one. Lawrence needs to keep an eye on him if what he said last night is true or not but Lawrence knew he’s a dangerous fellow.

“What are you gonna do now bossman? any plans?” Luke asked nonchalantly

“Both of us will steal something in the auction”

“I’m not really suited for sneaking around. I’m better at assassinating someone but if that’s what you want boss, then I’ll do it” Luke smirks before glancing at Vania whose dusting the dust in the cabinet.

“No need to clean Vania. This isn’t my house, the innkeeper will keep this clean. Besides, we’ll leave tomorrow”

“Yes, boss. If that’s what you want” Vania’s muffled voice through the mask comes out as Catalinna gave her a white mask to keep her face from being seen by others. This also helps Lawrence to avoid her passive charm curse. Although, Luke still glances at her occasionally with a slight blush on his face while not minding the mask.

“Umm..Luke. C-can you stop staring at-at me?”

“Uh, yeah. Sure. Sure” he replied awkwardly as Vania leaves the room before he slaps his face from embarrassment.

“Now that we’re alone boss. Do you have an idea where to find the wolf’s fangs dagger?” Luke asked with a cold expression on his face. This didn’t surprise Lawrence in the slightest, although it might be a true reason for him joining the organization is simply admiration for Vania. He still has a reason for joining the organization other than that.

“The dagger? Depends if you are loyal to me or not.” Lawrence smirks as Luke clicked his tongue.

“ the name of my true ancestors. I swear fealty to the successor of the silver moon and the heir of the Aenir Family.” he bowed to his knees as an aura of a wolf appeared behind him howling in the air before gazing at Lawrence’s eyes. Its red glowing iris burned a symbol of a wolf in the back of his hand, the same as Luke’s hand. The aura vanished as Luke stands up.

“I’m surprised you are willing to create a pact with the successor of the silver moon.” Lawrence smiled. He expected Luke to know who he truly is as he works for the black syndicate. The black syndicate would probably send assassins to kill him now.

“Of course, the world can burn for all I care. I just need to finish my promise to my father. " Luke grinned as Lawrence nodded. Whether what he said is true or not, he’s a more trustworthy person now after creating a pact. Although it isn’t as strict and dangerous as the soul bind. It’s still a great tool to create trust as the one who breaks the pact gets crippled forcefully.

“The wolf’s fangs dagger. What if I don’t know where it is or any information?” Luke chuckled before opening his eyes, revealing the true sight. Lawrence felt like every secret he had is laid out in the open and he felt naked under the stare of such sight.

“I’m not stupid” Luke closed his eyes with a nonchalant smile as Lawrence honestly wonders how he can still see despite his eyes being closed.

“Fine…as your reward for your fealty. That dagger is in the hands of a noble. Marquis Nole but i don’t know where he hides it or if he brings it always with him”

Marquis Nole is a treasure and artifact collector despite not being a warrior or mage. He only buys things that caught his eyes and he displays them in his mansion to show his massive wealth. His mansion is littered with warriors that protect his items since a lot of thieves occasionally sneak inside to steal some treasures. He is a corrupt man with the only thing running in his mind is money and treasure. He is blinded by his greed that when he offered Cain to be his personal guard. He was offended when Cain refused. After that, he would always try to stop Cain from buying anything in the auction. This angered Cain who retaliated by killing the Marquis secretly in his mansion. Cain was able to steal the wolf’s fang dagger, that’s why he knows who has it but he doesn’t know where Cain found it.

“Marquis Nole…he will be participating in the auction as he’s one of the richest in the west of the empire. Killing him would be hard and risky but stealing should be possible” Luke muttered before nodding to himself.

“I’ll be leaving now, i’ll try to find the dagger in his mansion” Luke said as he opens the door before heading downstairs.

With nothing to do, Lawrence decided to eat the rations in the space ring as he doesn’t want to leave the inn right now. His injuries still hurt so after eating, he decided to take a rest as there is no entertainment in this world except for reading, plays, and sexual intercourse. With no entertainment available, he can only sleep to pass the time.

Meanwhile, five cloaked individuals are walking towards the gate of the capital with relaxed expressions. Their job is simple, kill the silver moon successor. With every single one of them being 3-star warriors specializing in poison and assassination. Their target is only a 2-star paragon and they only need to find him and the assassin with a true sight that stopped sending reports. As the apprentices of the 9th shadow prince, they are confident in their skills as their kill number has reached a hundred.

“Is it really necessary to send all of us?” one of the assassins whined

“Are you doubting master’s decision?” the leader asked with a glare as the one who whined smiled cheekily

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“No, of course not. It’s just anyone can kill the target easily.”

“There’s a reason why Master decided to have the five of us assassinate that man” the leader replied as they passed through the golden knight as they didn’t even check them. It was already reported to the golden knights so they didn’t stop them knowing they might be important guests.

“Maybe he’s strong?” the one in the back asked as one of them laughed

“Strong? Once we met that guy. I alone will kill that bastard. I can’t wait to test my new qi” the shadowed individual that’s larger than the rest of them remarked boastfully.

“Fine, just make sure you do it fast so we can leave” the leader sighed as they started heading to the black market to gather information.

Once the moon has risen, Lawrence wakes up as he looked around his room. The moonlight entering his room seems ominous but he didn’t care. He heads to the closet to find a simple white shirt as he wore it over his bandaged chest. A door opened as he saw Catalinna looking at him with an unease smile.

“You’re ready? Remember, you only have one teleport left. Use it wisely” Catalinna said as Lawrence nodded.

“I’ll be fine. Don’t worry” Lawrence replied as Catalinna stared at him before leaving the room. He sighed, he needs to grab three items in the auction and he would need to do it with minimal contact with the knights guarding each item.

After heading downstairs, he found Luke smirking at him with the wolf’s fang dagger stabbed in the wooden table. He seems to be boasting but Lawrence didn’t want to play games right now. His heart is beating fast like something wrong is gonna happen. Anxiety is creeping in his heart as he tightens his fist.

“It was quite easy, boss. Are you ready?” Luke flickered the dagger as it flips in the air before he grabbed it tightly.


Heading to the auction house, both of them didn’t speak as they scurried behind the large mansion to get a closer look. There are luxurious carriages parked outside with knights littered everywhere. People wearing sophisticated and elegant gowns and suits can be seen walking out of their carriage with smiles plastered on their faces.

“What items do you want me to find?” Luke opened his eyes as he surveyed the auction house.

“A phoenix feather, the flaming gauntlet, and a tablet” Lawrence replied

“Hmm…the phoenix feather and the flaming gauntlet is on the third floor, while the tablet is on the…” Luke trembled as his vision blurred. Sweat drips from his forehead as he can’t believe what he saw. The tablet has a powerful abomination sealed inside it as a simple glance at it nearly destroyed his senses. The black demonic aura surrounds the auction house as the abomination gazed straight into his eyes. For a moment, he felt his eyes burning and the pain felt like a needle is inserted through his eyeball.

“What the hell is that..what are you planning on doing with that tablet?” Luke asked with suspicion

“Don’t worry, just tell me where it is”

“Fine, but if something breaks out of the tablet. I’ll be bringing Vania with me”

“Don’t be forceful about it, you can’t even speak to her properly” Lawrence replied

“Shut it! The tablet is in the basement”

“I’ll be going” Lawrence activated the invisibility pendant as he runs as quickly as he can while dodging and weaving the guest entering the auction house. Once inside, he went to the third floor as he decided to enter the bathroom to hide while the necklace is recharging. It was quite easy for now since the guards aren’t actively hunting him. After waiting for a minute, he opens the door to leave as he started looking around. The auction is happening on the fourth floor while the third floor is where the items that will be sold are displayed for everyone to see. Sealed in glass, different items can be seen laying on the red pillow enhanced with magic to handle each item without even scratching it.

Looking around, he saw the flaming gauntlet encased in a large glass as he started walking towards it. Once reaching the flaming gauntlet, he can see it closer than before. It’s a single large red metallic gauntlet with brown fur attached to it. Fire is flickering around the gauntlet as he looked around to find a phoenix feather beside it. Before he can break the glass, his invisibility is starting to waver as he immediately went to hide near a large pillar in the side of the hall. Seeing that no one has seen him, he calms himself down before acting casually to avoid suspicion. Some nobles saw him but they didn’t see him as someone with influence and wealth for them to mingle with.

After waiting for a minute, he vanished after making sure that no one is looking at him. With a quick dash, he dashes towards the gauntlet before breaking the glass as he tried to enter the gauntlet to his space ring on to fail. The alarm ranged all around the hall as knights flooded every entrance.

“No need to be alarmed, the knights of the Swordwin Empire will handle this!” a man commanded everyone as his face is covered with scars running through his face. Lawrence didn’t care anymore as he breaks the glass containing the phoenix feather as a spear landed beneath his feet.

“Criminal! You will atone for your sins with your death” the man shouted as spears rained towards every single part of the hall where Lawrence might be but he teleported away towards the basement as the man scrunched his face. The man grabs the spear of his comrade before winding it up and throwing it below him as it destroyed anything it touched as the floor trembled every time the spear penetrates the floor like butter.

Lawrence gazed up wondering what is happening as he was pushed away before the spear smashes towards where he was just a moment ago. Luke panted from running as he immediately grabbed the tablet that is laying on the ground. Once he heard the alarm, he immediately went to the basement once every knight went to the third floor.

“That’s my reimbursement for nearly killing you!” Luke grinned as both of them hurriedly went to the stairs towards the surface.

Meanwhile, the man with scars stretch his hands in the sky as a flaming spear’s shaft landed on his palm. The rooftop is currently burning from calling his weapon but as long as the criminals are captured. He’s satisfied.

“Sir Roger…what should we do?”

“I’ll kill them. Wait here and calm the people down” Roger replied before jumping down the hole he created from him throwing a spear.

In front of the door leading outside, a cloaked individual with the black syndicate insignia on his chest can be seen guarding the door so no one can enter or leave. They determined that the target is the one causing the trouble in the black market and the auction hall after testing the blood he left when he was smashed to the wall during his escape in the black market. With no warning, the door opened as the assassin saw the target exiting together with Luke. A grin emerged from his face as he charged forward with his battle-ax covered with his newfound qi.