Chapter 10: Scene 10 – Honey8UZZ (VOTE! Ends 8/20!)

"Wh… what." Amanda slowly opened and closed her eyes. She closed and opened them twice to ensure she understood what was happening. Amanda had come up with a clever plan. Mars wore sound-canceling headphones; she wouldn't be able to hear Amanda as long as she was sneaky about it. From there, it was a matter of a coordinated attack.

Amanda had given her movements thought while priming her next move. Mars was a well-known figure in the magical warrior world; her helmet was the source of all her power. If she could slip her fingers around that helmet, maybe she could pull it off? The best place to grip would be right under the visor, where a gap opened up in her skin. She'd have the Reflecthives lift on the helmet simultaneously as she wrapped around her head.

There were two holes in this plan. One, she had no idea that the headphones and helmet were different artifacts. When her Reflecthives gripped onto the hero's helmet to tug it off, they took her headphones instead. At that moment, they lost the element of surprise, and she had to improvise a clever quip. To her surprise, the joke seemed to have startled the magical warrior.

With the gap opened by that stun, she was able to wrap her fingers around that helmet and pry it free. That was the plan, of course, but she'd missed the second flaw in her scheme. The helmet? No, that thing was made of gold. Not just any gold, pure gold. She was not lifting that thing anytime soon. She hadn't exercised in years, and now she was being asked to lift something heavy. So she awkwardly held her fingers there, pressed against the warrior and breathing.

There was an extremely suspicious bulge in that warrior's pants. Maybe Amanda should have realized that she was dealing with a pervert the moment she'd seen it, but the moan solidified it. And then she had the nerve to try and steal Amanda's lips?!

"Uuu… I cannot be a pure maiden. I am forever stained." Amana cowered on the ground, trembling on all fours. That was a kiss! It was her first kiss ever, and some pervert stole it! How was she going to explain this to her future wife?

Oh, who was she kidding? She's entirely off the market. Nobody could ever love anything as dark and twisted as her, even if she had the cutest face in the world. Women don't care about looks these days but personality. She lacked any kind of personality! Who would want her but perverts like Mars?!

Her heart was destroyed by the revelation her hero might be just like her. A foul engine of crude thoughts and feelings. Oh, the horror— that a divine like her could be brought so low? Even worse, that she had been the one to destroy that magnificent façade? It had to be her fault; nobody else would have broken that girl so.

"I'm a monster. I've corrupted Nebulossom Mars! I shall never be able to wash away this shame, Calico!" Amanda sobbed and hugged the screen.






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"Ominous… um, not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but is this all there is?" Amanda wonders what she would do with headphones that only let her own voice filter in. They seem useless to her. "I have other Magical Warriors to fight, and a pair of headphones isn't going to do the job.



"Oh. That's too bad." Amanda fidgeted with locks of brown hair on her head. She feels pleased that her home is getting a touch-up; the damage Mars managed to inflict was substantial. But 40 KMP still feels much too little to work with in the scheme of things.

"S-sorry." Amanda's face burned a bright red. The system had noticed her mistake.

Amanda took a deep breath, trying to hide her flustered face. "Alright. Let's see what attractions we have to pick from."