Chapter 22: Scene 22 – Catching Flytraps with Honey

The roar of the motorcycle engine came to an abrupt halt as Venus and Gaia pulled into the parking lot. Venus exchanged a look with Gaia, watching her look away and stomp off to work on the wall. Humans…. Who needs them? Not Maya Belmont, surely. Venus turned up her nose, strolling up to the amusement gates.

"She doesn't have any idea what sacrifices I'm making for this team. For her to treat me like that?" Venus let out a snort. "Who does she think she is?" Her soft legs passed over the threshold, and Venus felt that familiar prickling in the back of her neck. The Malice that lived here were observing her.

Signs protruded from the ground, flashing and pointing towards the ticket booth. Venus wasn't about to break the rules and ignore the signs. She was one lone magical warrior sitting in a nest of enemies. She'd have the most impact if she could reach the core unmolested, and she was ready to do whatever it took to take the dungeon down.

Following the path led her to a booth staffed by an insectoid mascot. Judging by the yellow and black fuzz, she was supposed to be a honeybee. A mockery of her own inventions, no doubt; Venus did not hide her displeasure at the sight of the other insect. If Venus had her fuzz right now, it would be bristling. All she could do was flash her fangs in a sign of aggression, earning a laugh from the bee mascot.

"So nizze of you to join us, Nebulozzom Venus." The mascot's mouthguard was locked in an eternal smile. "Holly Bee. Lovely to meet you in perzzon, but if you want inside? You're going to need a ticket."

Venus knocked on the ticket booth's glass, feeling for its structural stability. Her ears wiggled slightly, but no dice. The original owners had made it out of bulletproof glass to deter robbers from the park; no chance she could break it open with her fist.

"I think you'll find most of our structures have been reinforced after that incident with Marzz!" Holly hummed and laughed, watching Venus puzzle things out. "The bozz is busy, or she'd be greeting you herself. You'll have to deal with me to get your ticket."

"I can deal with you just fine if you step out here." Venus gave Holly a wry smile, paired with a cold gaze that could freeze fire. "How about we 'talk'?"

"Goodnezz, you magical girls are brutes." Holly sat down in a chair behind the countertop. "Can't we do this peazzefully? Everything has to be a fight. Smash thizz, smash that. Am I wrong?"

Venus felt her eye twitch. The Malice wasn't stupid, she found. Sometimes simple words would work, but she flunked her attempt, and her aura was worse the wear for trying. "Stupid Neverlander rules."

"You're referring to the fact you lost a verbal argument with me?" Holly chuckled. "I'm a little spezzialized. Maybe you'd have a chance if you could use your fists, but I'm not about to roll over becauzz you said 'fetch'. Our match will be one of wits and words, not blades and gunzz."

Holly set a jar of honey on the countertop, carefully sliding it through a glass hole. She wasn't about to let the magical warrior grip her wrist and bash her head into the glass. "If you want in, you'll have to eat thizz jar of honey."

"That's it?" Venus lifted a brow, incredulity flooding her countenance. "You only want me to eat a jar of honey, and I win? I get to go to the next floor of the dungeon?"

"Thatzz it. We can face each other once more on the next floor." Holly tilted her head. "Aren't you worried, Nebulozzom Venus? It could be poizzoned. You wouldn't know, not with a bee."

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"Envenomed. You're a bee, not a snake." Venus snapped back, grabbing the jar of honey and giving it a sniff. "It isn't envenomed. I would be able to tell." As an alchemist, Venus was very familiar with the ingredients she worked with. "Do you have a spoon?"

"No… it'zz funnier to watch you eat it without tools." Holly leaned forward, putting her elbows on the countertop and sighing contentedly. "Go on. Lick it clean."

"You don't know who you're dealing with." Venus focused, her tongue growing longer and slimmer in profile. There was an aperture near the tip, a vestigial feature of Venusians from their evolutionary history as space mosquitoes; perfect for draining liquids from a jar of honey. "I'm a Gluttony build. Thith ith your funeral."

Her long tongue gave her a lisp as she lapped at the surface of the honey. Holly squirmed with excitement as she saw the slim and alien shape. There was something off about the Nebulossom she couldn't place, and that tongue looked like a good lead to start with. (Not to mention,) Holly wondered to herself. (What would that feel like inside my twat?)

Venus gave off thick and wet slurps as she plunged her tongue into the honey jar, the tongue bulging and ebbing as the liquid began to flow through her interior muscles. Venus was draining the pot enthusiastically, and Holly could only watch with morbid fascination as she downed the jar.

When the bulk of the honey had been pumped up her tongue and into her throat, Venus had not finished her depraved display of hunger. She slowly twisted the pot of nectar, licking the sides clean and keeping her eyes leveled with a trembling, gasping mascot. After finishing her jar cleanup, Venus's tongue retracted and fit back into her maw.

Venus set the pot down on the countertop, letting out a sigh. "Finished it, Malice. Now, what are you getting worked up about?" A tongue flitted across her lips, polishing off any honey left, and the trembling mascot started to pant.

"W-well, it's juzzt… that honey is my cum," Holly squeaked out loud. "I know we're enemies and all, but would you go on a date with me? I very much want to feel that tongue inzzide me…." Holly ripped out a ticket from the roll, holding it out to the Nebulossom.

Venus stared blankly, the mental damage too much to process at once. "I just?"

"You licked a jar of my cum clean." Holly placed the ticket down, trembling with sadistic amusement. "How doezz it taste, Nebulozzom?"

(It tasted like I just lost the last of my plot armor.) Venus set her hand on the countertop and stared vacantly into the distance.