Chapter 6: Ch 4. The law of war

Even though I was still thinking what to do, I decided to load all ammo inside the tank and prepare for fighting, just in case.

A few hours after the messengers fled I saw something on the hill. A large group of people with banners and cavalry marched towards the village. When the group reached the hill’s top, they stopped and started regrouping.

I was observing them from the tank, it was placed into a makeshift cover of hay and branches. From their position it must look like a haystack of sort. I was taking cover behind the turret together with Old man. Jester will be in the tank to control the weaponry.

I checked the AK and signed to the villagers, one of them started walking towards the soldiers.

The plan is to try talking to them and in case they show hostility towards the villager we will come to their help. We want to avoid engaging the soldiers but considering all facts the possibility of fight is too high. If they dare attacking an unarmed non-combatant we will do everything in our power to help the village, if they will follow the laws of war than we will not interfere in their actions.

I still hope that they will follow the law but I grip my rifle and have my finger on the safety.

The villager and a couple of soldiers have approached each other, Jester slightly turned the turret.

They started talking. Every second I was sweating more and more. My hands started to tremble.

By the looks of it, they talk calmly and everything is going smoothly. For now my finger never leaved the trigger guard, a good sign.

A soldier started waving his hands, something is wrong.

Whuuuu-ch-whuu’ The tank’s autoloader worked, I just hope it will be overdoing…

The villager started gesticulating but it looks like the situation is actually becoming worse.

Safety is off on both rifles, the gun is raised, Kord is reloaded…

I admire the man’s courage, even if he is standing in front of two armed men, he is still trying to defuse the situation. The problem is, the other side doesn’t try to do the same.


Suddenly the man was killed, he was sliced by a sword. I was frozen…

RUN INSIDE, NOW!” The stupor was short, I shouted at the other civilians and aimed the gun.

Hold your fire… just… just… hold it…” I am too shocked by what happened. Even if I saw death before, right now… I was the one who ordered the man to go there and risk his life, and yet he was killed.

The army started moving, only then I ordered Jester.

You are reading story Machine of war at

Fire one round in front of them.


A bright flash was followed by a smoke coming from the gun barrel.

50 meters in front of the army a HE shell exploded, some of their men fell down in fear.

Their confusion only lasted a few moments, then they continued attack.

I closed my eyes and said “Fire at will.

The autoloader started clanging, I stood up and taken Kord’s handles. Jester was firing coaxial PKM, I was firing HMG, Old man was firing AK-74.

First rounds hit the formation and many people were killed. Their armor couldn’t protect them from the gunfire.


A piece of depleted uranium flew out of the gun, with mass of 20 kg and length of 600mm this shell can penetrate Abrams from the distance of several kilometers, at least that’s what an instructor from the academy was saying.

The infantrymen were turned into kebab, or just cut in half by the shells fin stabilizers.

After being met with the wall of fire the enemy troops turned around and started running, only then I summoned mortar fire on their heads.

Phoenix-1, this is Beril-Main, requesting fire on the position ***-***.

“Beril-Main, this is Phoenix-1, shots are fired, impact in 20 seconds. Over.” A young man’s voice responded to me.

Of 4 rounds only 2 hit the infantry. I bet that will be enough to force them to stay away from here. We entered the tank and started the engine, we will pursue them to make sure they will NEVER come again.

The villagers were waving their hands and cheering, they were happy that we protected them.

Let’s not make them regret their choice, as well as our.

I sat in the commander’s seat and prepared to give the next command.