When I woke up I was on a helicopter. I don’t know why I am here, I don’t know where I was. What I felt was that the machine was descending. When the rear ramp opened I saw two people.
“WHAT THE F* DID YOU TWO DO?!” Just why did they send me who-knows-where?!
“WHAT THE F* IS HAPPENING?!” Why am I on a wheelchair?!
“WHY ARE YOU F* STANDING THERE LIKE THAT?!” They don’t see that I am here?!
“COME AND HELP ME YOU TWO F* **** ****!” Don’t they see I need someone helping me?! This damned chair is not moving at all!
When I looked down I saw why they were looking at me like that.
I was dressed like a doll. Like a doll. Like a doll…
Well, if that was another girl, not me, I would congratulate her parents for having such a nice child.
Because I am this doll… wait a f* second… those a*holes are looking at me…
I immediately started looking for the Makarov. They are so lucky it is out of my reach.
“COME HERE!” I want to strangle those two. NOW.
When they wheeled me to the village I felt gazes from all the people. I already feel like rolling them over with the tank. If I could, I would’ve taken off the damned dress. The problem is that I can clearly feel the blows under the dress. I would have to go naked. I would rather go naked than in this dress…
Why am I like a doll… Like a doll.. Like a doll…
Jester’s POV
I am scared of her reaction. First she was about to murder us, now she is creeping us out with her murmur “Like a doll”. She just repeats the same phrase again and again…
A. Belov’s POV
I realized that I am home only after Jester started shaking me.
“Hey, commander. Do you realize what happened?” (J)
“Yes. I will no longer try the same.” I just feel like garbage. I know that I am their superior but in the war I am their crewmate in the first place. And we are in the state of war. I am just a nuisance for them, especially when I am recovering and can’t help them with everyday tasks and maintenance.
The treatment was done but now I should be in a wheelchair just to avoid unnecessary damage due to my stupidity. After a week I should be fine to do everything like always.
At least I was able to move around. Jester and Old man did not let me approach the tank but I could move around the village.
The next day I woke up after I heard a diesel starting up.
I jumped into the wheelchair and left the house.
The tank was moving in a few meter away.
You are reading story Machine of war at novel35.com
Jester’s POV
F*, we are done. I looked outside and found a very disappointed commander who wanted us dead even more than usual.
“Hey, commander. How are you?” Please, don’t kill us.
“Jester. Get out of the tank.” She started calmly. We are dead for sure.
“Jester, what is going on?” Old man called me. I switched on the helmet’s microphone.
“Captain, we are like… erhm… busy.” I can feel how Old man started trembling.
She said nothing, only moved her lips. I read what she said with just her lips…
‘You. Are. Dead. Jester. Get. Down. I. ‘ll. Kill. You. You. F*. Idiot.’ Either I get inside the tank and pretend nothing happened, then I get shot and have my body court martialed. Or I get outside and get myself killed now. And tomorrow a couple of hours more.
I returned to the ground. She wheeled to me.
When she was looking from below with her pouting childish face I almost can feel my friend rising from the bunker. Her pink dress also did not help me.
“Where the f* are you going?”
I decided not to test her patience and answered.
“Captain, the locals said there are people on the hill, armed as you can guess.” Here we go, it was a pleasure to know you, Old man.
“Pick me up.” She said that calmly which made me sweat with rivers.
I gently embraced her and lifted up. Her warm and delicate body was so close that I felt…
“I’ll castrate you.” Oh, everything became fine.
I climbed the tank with one hand and got inside. Then I placed her on my lap.
“Forward, slow.” She commanded immediately.
The machine moved forward, very slowly.
“Faster.” Old man accelerated to 10 km/h.
“Load HE, gun on safety.” I immediately started executing her orders.
When she is inside the tank she feels like an actual commander. No unnecessary shouting, only strict and exact orders.
I surely feel great admiration for her…