Chapter 20: Ch 18. Eyes above

For a few days we had no problems and could spend our time packing our belongings into and onto the tank. We had a few test drives around the village to make sure my upgraded workplace is fine. The results were satisfying and thus we concluded that it could be fine. Nah, it will be fine.

It did not take a long time for the soldiers outside the village as well. One day I was called to the elder’s house.

Alright, you know why we gathered here.” The kingdom’s officer began briefing. I tried using the war room for briefing myself.

As you know we were waiting for an enemy attack, which is now going to happen. Our scouts found a large amount of enemy soldiers which are going to assault the area. We are confident they already know about our existence.” I confirmed that the armies were regrouping and checked out the planned battlefield. I had no intel on the enemy so it is not showing up.

Do you know where they are coming from and what they have?” I asked the kingdom’s officer.

We barely have any idea about their army. We know that it is larger than our combined army, and we know that our main forces are not going to arrive in time. The enemy might have mages but it is doubtful.

I looked through the table’s holographic icons and found that the Special tab has something.

I placed my finger on it and the radio started beeping.

“Beril-Main, come in.” A middle-aged man's voice sounded from the radio.

This is Beril-Main, what is your callsign?

“Callsign – Papa Crow. A-50 is fueled and ready for take off. We will arrive in 1 hour after you call for us and we can stay airborne for 5 more hours after that.”

Papa Crow, can you spot ground targets?

“As long as there are a lot of them.”

Papa Crow, this is Beril-Main. Requesting deployment in the area, search for any groups of possible enemies. Over.

“Beril-Main, warming up the engines, waiting for the escorts to take off. ETA – 1 hour. Over and out.”

By the time I paid attention to the meeting, it was over. The officers were just looking at me and waiting for something to happen. I had some time to plan and without saying a word I started drawing lines and plans with my pencil.

Who are you to think you can plan for us?” The theocracy officer was outraged but I only showed him my fist.

We will stay here for a couple of hours. Those who don’t want can leave.” Nobody left.

One hour later.

You are reading story Machine of war at

“Beril-Main, this is Papa Crow, the flock has arrived. I will send you any updates via the war room. If you need anything, contact the Magpie flight, callsigns Magpie 1 – 4. Papa Crow, out.”

I checked the war room. Immediately I saw a lot of dots and blurs around. Some of them soon began to disappear or received colors. One of the blurs was larger and yellow, what is more important it is on the ground.

Are there any other allied armies in the area?” I pointed at the map.

No, the Duke’s army is not going to arrive earlier than in three days!

I tapped on the blur and selected identification – ‘Hostile’. Just in case I decided to try out a fly by.

Magpie 1, this is Beril-Main. Do you read me?

“Magpie 1, reading you loud and clear. I am ready to intercept anything. The radar and the missiles are on stand-by.” A young pilot responded.

Magpie 1, can you make a low altitude fly by to confirm the affiliation of an incoming group of soldiers?

“Roger that, waiting for Papa Crow’s update…  Aha… Alright, going in.”

A blue dot appeared above the table and at a terrifying speed approached the blur. By the time the plane made a fly by, it decelerated. The blur turned yellow. A few moments later it was designated hostile by the AWACS.

I immediately left the war room and began drawing where the enemy is. Nobody asked me any questions, might be because everybody heard a jet roaring in the distance.

Judging by the speed the enemy was moving, the fight will happen this night.

Your armies will be a meat shield to hold back the enemy and stop them from assaulting the village. Me and my crew will destroy anything that enters the area. After the enemy is destroyed we will push forward and make sure nobody can run away.” The officers stood silent.

Are there any question about the plan?” After I was done presenting my plan I was going to send everybody for a nap.

Good, dismissed.” Without any questions we went out of the house.

My crew was brushing the tank’s armor after a recent mud pit accident.

Whistle’ “Hey, stop brushing and go to sleep, tonight we are having a drill. Sleep well, guys. We all are going to need it.