Chapter 4

 It was Wade Boeman who ruined Allen Ackerson's exit. He had the staff car pick up the pilot as soon as the hull of the Starfrost cooled. The official car had sped back over the barren sand, through the waiting throng of newsmen, straight to the small office located in the control building, without a stop. To say that it peeved Ackerson would be putting it mildly. His face was still burning with anger after twenty minutes of interrogation. Wade knew it was only the presence of the Defense Secretary keeping him in line. For that reason he tried to keep each question brief and simple. Ackerson was dying to get outside that door and receive some of the acclaim that he was being denied.
"You say you had a chance to look at the test rocket we fired?" Wade asked.
"Yes sir. It was resting in a red crater, fairly well beat up. It must have come down hard. In fact it looked like it may have struck a wobble at the last minute. Of course the terrain is pretty rough up there and it could have toppled after it hit. I'm sure the camera shots I took will tell us much more."
Wade felt a sudden twitch in his shoulder. "You said the crater was red."
"Yes, sir. A bright red. I thought it was strange. It was as if something spilled out of the ship when she hit."
Wade and the Secretary exchanged glances.
"It was a marking dye so you could pick up the location of the ship," Wade said too quickly.
Allen twisted his head as the sound of many voices pierced the quiet room. Someone cheered loudly. Allen shifted his large frame.
"How was she lying?" Wade asked.
Allen brought his attention back to the two men. It was obvious, he was becoming annoyed. "Down tail-first. The nose section looked intact. That's what makes me believe she took on a wobble at the last second. The nose should have been buried out of sight."
Another cheer forced its way into the room. Suddenly Allen burst out. "Tell me, Colonel. How's Tomer these days. You remember, that little guy who quit on you just before the training ended."
The words had the effect the big man had hoped for. Boeman came out of the chair. His face was a vivid white. "You ..." he began.
The Secretary moved quickly. He was between the two men before Wade could continue. "That's all for now Captain Ackerson," he said, "or should I say Mister Ackerson. Your papers have been processed as you wished. You're a civilian, after sixty days terminal leave, of course."
Ackerson watched the play of emotions on Wade's face. He was enjoying every second of it. Wade wanted to smash that smug face all over the floor. Yet he was powerless. Ackerson was still an officer and there was too much left undone to risk everything now. He sat back down on the chair. There would be time when the blond man was a civilian.
"Thank you, sir." Allen grinned.
The Secretary extended his hand. "Congratulations again for a job well done." They shook hands.
"Don't forget, Ackerson," Boeman said as Allen hurried to the door. "The next week is mine. Solid interrogation. You're still in the service."
"Yes, Sir."
"And one more thing, Ackerson. I know your communication was working. Why didn't you answer our calls?"
"I thought that would make you sweat a little. I can see that it did."
The door slammed shut.