Chapter 89: Ch 87. Gathering storm

The night is young.

Everyone in the capital was sleeping.

Everyone, except for the Rapier squad.

“Safehouse C secured.” (R9)

“Copy. All safehouses are secured.” With the last report, the leader of the GRU special forces squad was finally relieved.

The second stage of the operation was now over, and it was the time to start the third stage.

After several days of UAV recon of the capital they performed an incursion, and it was the time to start acting.

As per their commanding officer’s orders, the operatives are to conduct further recon of the possible military installations, confirm the quantity and the types of the enemy forces, and the situation with the public order in the city.

For now, the operatives just set up the observation points.

Looks good?” The leader looked at an operative, who was sitting on a chair and looking into a small window of the attic.

“Can’t see s* from here.” The aerial recon did help them in finding the candidates for the safehouses, but it surely didn’t help with finding the best vantage points.

We’re paying for the mistakes we did.” Rapier 1 could only shrug his shoulders, and look into the night.

The barely visibly silhouettes of the medieval buildings’ roofs was partially covering a large building that is believed to be enemy barracks.

What’s your situation, team B?” (R1)

“Temno kak v z* u n*.” (R6)

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