Chapter 99: Ch 97. Dilemma of the defenders

Despite our fire, the enemy continued pushing ahead.

I already requested mortar fire at the enemy but it was not going to be enough, and the heavier options would have a high chance of friendly fire.

Even though the enemy had to go a long way around the wall to reach the allies, there were far too many enemies for the main gun to take them all down, and the machine guns would not reach that far.

The enemy used the garrison archers on the wall to let themselves move without interference from the allied archers who had to stay with the main formation 200 meters away from the wall to avoid the ranged attacks.

Brilliant, and now they are scattering…” I noticed that the enemy infantry started increasing the distance between each other.

Jester, set up remote detonation on the shells. Let’s try covering a wider area.”

The enemy casualties decreased, but from the amount of casualties inflicted I hoped they would start running due to their morale being broken. But they only pushed forward.

“Just how desperate are those guys?” (J)

No idea.

Approximately 5 minutes later the enemy light infantry started throwing javelins at the allies. The battle has begun.

More and more enemy forces were arriving to the allies. By that time the mortars were ordered to target the rear of the enemy column and the allies were left with no support.

As the fight went on, the few allied forces we had started slowly retreating. The allies from the other positions were slowly gathering but the pace of reinforcement was not in any way close to the speed of the enemy onslaught.

While Jester was tasked with pounding the enemy, I entered the war room to request some more firepower.

I found a new callsign in the light support and immediately called them.

Dragon, this is Beril-Main, can you aid the frontline?

“Understood.” (Dr)

When I exited the war room, I saw some movement in the allied camp. Before I opened fire, I noticed that there were a dozen infantrymen, carrying several tripods.

Dragon, can you confirm your location?” One of the troops stopped and blinked a flashlight.

The squad proceeded to set up a few hundred meters away from the frontline.


Some of them started firing short bursts at the enemy, while the rest were setting up the weapons. Soon I noticed a short burst of flashes coming from there, and moments later there were bursts in between the enemies.

After the enemy faced the grenade launchers, their pace slowed down significantly, but they didn’t stop pushing.

The allies were significantly outnumbered and the shield wall soon crumbled, letting the enemy break the formation and forcing the allies to retreat.

Things are getting even uglier…” (J)

You are reading story Machine of war at

No panic.” For now we kept pounding, while I was thinking about our other options.

Ether, you sick f*, are there any special support units available?

“Yes. What do you think about burning the entire area in the flames of hell?” (E)

Refused.” I turned off the radio.

“At least hear me out!” (E)


You thought to get rid of me so easily~? So, you have heavy flamethrowers on stand by. You know what to do~? I knew what has to be done.


This piece of s* is driving me crazy.

I didn’t even consider the option of requesting burning the area down. At least because there were still allies nearby and slowly falling back towards us.

The grenade launchers changed their position too, but the situation was quickly turning bad.

Our forces had at most 500 troops available, while the enemy was looking like a wall in comparison.

There were no ways to thin their quantities: the artillery fire would cover the allies too, and the aviation was completely out of option since they would not arrive any time soon and then blast the allies too.

The tank had to stop firing the gun too when the enemy started using the allied infantry as some sort of a living shield. The only available option was the grenade launcher squad, but only the riflemen could fire on the move, while the heavy weapons were carried.

However, the situation was still recoverable, because the heavy machine gun’s precise firing range was approaching together with the fall back of the infantry.

It all changed in a moment, when the allies started turning around and running. The panic turned incontrollable in a flash, and the enemy started rushing at us.

The distance was just 700 meters. The allies were still there. The enemies were still there.

Fire everything.

The friendlies?” (J)


