Chapter 52: Chapter 52

Esty’s POV
   Esty didn’t open the portal right inside the Wakaba house. That would be way too nerve-wrecking. She opened one inside a quiet alley near the house to prevent her from being seen by unsuspecting humans. Luckily, there wasn’t anyone when she crossed over.

   She spent a good few minutes in adjusting her breathing and thoughts. She told Chinatsu that she’ll told them the truth. However, now that she’s calmer, she still needs to restrain herself form talking about the Hero. Chinatsu may know him, but the others don’t. She needs to be careful when bringing him up. When she felt that she’s ready, she got out of the alley.

   First, she made sure that they’re already home. Yup. Both cars are inside the wall. She walks to the side door and takes a deep breath. She pushes it open and goes through it. After a few step, she’s already right in front of the front door. She feels herself sweating. She raises up her right fist and knocks on the door.

   Footsteps are immediately heard. The door opens, and Mama Kana is standing opposite it.

   “Oh, Esty-chan! I’m so glad that you’re okay!” she cries while sobbing in relief.

   “Is it okay if I come in, Mama-I mean, Kana-san?” Esty asks fearfully.

   “Of course you can.”

   “Pardon my intrusion.”

   Mama Kana suddenly stops her.

   “Do you remember what I told you when you first arrived at this house?” she asks her.

   “Um, I’m to call you Mama Kana from now on?”

   “That’s right. There was one more thing.”

   “...That I’m supposed to say “I’m home.” instead of “Pardon my intrusion.”.”

   Mama Kana puffs up her cheeks.

   “So you do remember! And yet, what were those just now? Now hurry up and start over.” she demands.

   “...I’m home, Mama Kana.”

   Mama Kana smiles warmly and pats Esty’s head affectionately.

   “Good. Now come in, everyone was worried about you.”

   “Even Chinatsu?”

   “Especially her. She was calling your phone frantically, remember?”

   While being followed closely from behind by Mama Kana, Esty enters the familiar living room. The rest of the Wakaba family members were sitting on the couch. All of them stood up when they saw Esty. Chifuyu comes running over and hugs Esty.

   “Esty, you’re all right!” she sobs.

   Esty hugs her back a bit hesitantly.

   “I’m sorry for worrying you, Chifuyu.”

   “Are you okay, Esty? I saw how you grabbed that burning naginata.” Uncle Shun asks with a worried expression.

   “The what now?”

   “The glaive that the ghost was holding.”

   “Ah, that. Don’t worry Uncle Shun, I’m perfectly fine. See?”

   Esty shows her hand to him.

   Uncles Shun lets out a genuine sigh of relief. “Good, good.”

   Esty looks at Chinatsu. Despite what Mama Kana said, Chinatsu looks quite impassive about the fact that she has returned. She pushes Chifuyu away lightly.

   “I guess I have lots of explanations to do.” Esty begins.

   “You sure do.” Chinatsu agrees.

   “Chinatsu!” Mama Kana chides.

   “What is it, mother? I’m just being practical here.”

   “I know that, but still-”

   “It’s fine, Mama Kana. I did lie to all of you, so she has every right to act this way.” Esty says to Mama Kana.

   Chinatsu walks over to Esty and flicks her forehead.

   “Ow! What was that for?” Esty demands.

   “Didn’t I tell you once before? Just because I’m suspicious of you, it doesn’t mean that I don’t care about you.”

   “...Right. Thanks.”

   Esty takes a deep breath. She then makes her horns and tail appear. Chifuyu, Mama Kana and Uncle Shun gasps softly.

   “So, um, this is what I really look like. I also have wings on my back, but I can’t show them to you since, well, the clothes are in the way.” Esty says to them.

   Esty continues to tell them about her real identity: that she’s the daughter of the Demon Lord at Ifezan. She also told them that she came here to kill Silver Wolf in order to avenge her father. Lastly, she told them about how she tricked them into thinking that she’s their relative by using her Bloodline Magic.

   “...I’ve already stop the effect of my Enticing Whisper on you, so you can ask Silver Wolf if you want to verify my story.” she ends her tale by telling Chinatsu.

   “There’s no need for that.”

   “Do you trust me that much?”

   “I sure do. I mean, you’re pretty bad at lying if you’re not using that magic of yours.”

   Esty would be so upset were it not for the circumstance.

   “So, you’re a princess Esty-chan. Does that mean that we have to start calling you Your Highness?” Mama Kana asks.

   “No no, you don’t have to. There’s no need for honorifics.” Esty says hurriedly.

   “Besides, it’s not like she has the air of a royalty.” Chinatsu says drily.

   “Is it me, or are your snark comments plentiful tonight?”

   “You’re imagining it.”

   Esty notices that Chifuyu has the look of someone who figured everything out. She probably found out Silver Wolf’s true identity with the information given by Esty and the way the two of them had been acting around each other. Well, it was bound to happen considering Chifuyu’s intelligence.

   “Well, that’s all I have to say. Now then-”

   “Hold it.” Chinatsu interrupts.

   “What is it, Chinatsu? Weren’t you taught that it’s rude to interrupt someone when she’s talking?”

   “You’re not thinking of leaving this house for good once you’re done telling us the truth, are you?”

   “Of course I am. I mean, what sane human would want a demon living in the same house as they are? I might as well invite myself out before I got chased out. I have my pride, you know?”

   “How bold of you to assume that we’re sane.”


   “I’m saying that we don’t mind you staying here with us.”

   Esty stares at Chinatsu, and at the rest of the Wakabas. All of them are smiling at her.

   “But, all of you might end up in danger if other humans found out about me.”

   Chinatsu snorts. “You mean they’ll try to put us in danger. I’m pretty sure that between the two of us, we can take down any humans who’re stupid enough to think they can beat us.”

   “I might do something horrible to you one of these days.” Esty threatens.

   “You know, the most horrible thing you did was cooking food for us. Everything you do will be tame compared to that.” Chifuyu chuckles.

   “With me around, there’s less slices of apple pie for the rest of you!”

   “What does that matter? I’m rather happy that you’re enjoying the apple pie that I baked.” Mama Kana says.

   “I’m always loud whenever I play games! Won’t it disturb you all?”

   “It kind of does, to be honest.” Uncle Shun says hesitantly. “Then again, it just shows that you’re having fun.”

   “Besides, I’m being loud at times too.” Chinatsu adds.

   “Why are you being proud of it, Chinatsu? You should be a better role model for her!” Mama Kana chides.

   “Right, my bad.”

   “Also, I-”

   “Enough with these empty threats, Esty.” Chinatsu interrupts. “Tell us, and be honest here. Do you want to stay here?”

   Esty looks at the floor.

   “...Yes.” she whispers.

   “Then it’s settled. You’re staying, and that’s final.”

   Esty couldn’t trust herself to speak, so all she did was nod her head.

   Mama Kana claps her hands together.

   “Well, now that this has been taken care of, let’s have dinner!” she says cheerily. “We can’t go to the hotel for the buffet after the incident just now, so we’ll have to go somewhere near instead.”

   “In fact, I don’t think it’s a good idea to travel far until whole fiasco is over. I apologize deeply for being conceited before.” Chinatsu says.

   “That reminds me. What happened after I left?” Esty asks.

   “Nothing much. The onmyojis who arrived at the scene took care of all the ghosts there.” Chinatsu replies. “There was really something odd, though.”

   “What’s that?”

   “Those onmyojis definitely saw you, but they didn’t ask us a single thing about you. It’s like they already know you.”

   Esty averts her eyes guiltily.

   “Is there something else you’re hiding from us?” Chinatsu asks frostily.

You are reading story The Hero who returned from Another World Hates His Current Life at

   Esty laughs awkwardly at that.

   “Well, I’m sort of helping them with fighting off the youkais and ghosts.”

   “I see. Anything else?”

   “I’m not trying to stall, but can we talk about it later? I’m really starving right now.”


   “So, what are we going to eat?” Esty asks. “It’s too late to start cooking now, right?”

   “How about sushi?” Mama Kana suggests.

   No one has any objections, so that’s what they’re eating for dinner. Since they’re dressed up too fancily just to go to a ramen shop, so all of them got changed again. Esty remembered to make her horns and tail disappear as she’s changing.

   “So, the real reason you didn’t know a lot of things about this world is because you’re from another world, huh?” Chifuyu asks while waiting patiently for Esty to be done.

   “Yup. I’m really sorry for keep on making you explaining things.”

   “It’s fine. I didn’t mind at all. And, um-”

   “Jin is Silver Wolf.” Esty tells her.

   “...Is it really okay for you to tell me that?”

   “What’s the difference? You already figured it out when I told all of you about my backstory, right?”

   “That’s true…”

   “Now come on, I’m starving.” Esty says as she’s finally done changing.

   The sushi place was so close to the house they could practically walk there. Thankfully, no more evil ghosts came out.

   The sushi restaurant they went are devoid of customers. They’re probably afraid to come out or got scared away after the incident just now. As a result, Esty and the Wakaba family are the only customers inside.

   Overall, Esty had a good time. The sushi they had were decent enough. At least inari sushi weren’t the only type of sushi they had in store. Most importantly, it’s like a heavy weight has been lifted off her shoulder. The Wakabas were actually fine with her being a demon. Who would have thought? She was so glad she took the Hero’s advise. Speaking of which-

   “I need to make a phone call. I’ll be outside if you need me.” she tells them while they’re still eating.

   “Go ahead, Esty-chan.” Mama Kana tells her.

   She got outside the restaurant and goes to a quiet spot before finally calling the Hero. He picks up almost immediately. She told him what happened.

   “So everything was fine in the end.” he says.


   “Well, I told you so.” he says to her smugly.

   “Yeah, yeah. Don’t start getting a big head now. Say, what’s with the metallic sound? Are you cooking?”

   “Yup. I was doing the grocery shopping when those pesky ghosts made their appearance. Took me a while to take care of all of them.”

   “Is the food ready yet, Jin?” Esty hears the dragon’s voice in the background.

   “Just a moment more. Well, I have to cut our conversation short.”

   Esty tries her best to suppress her jealousy.

   “Sure. See you tomorrow. And thanks again for tonight.”

   “No problem. See you tomorrow.”

   She mouths “I love you.” before disconnecting the call. Once she’s done with the report, she goes inside the restaurant to continue with her meal.

   “Did something good happen, Esty-chan?” Mama Kana asks.

   “Aside from the thing we talked about just now, not really. Why do you ask?”

   “That’s because you’re looking really happy there. In fact, you’re looking as if you just talked to the person you like.”

   Esty freezes. She also feels her face burning.

   “I-I-I-I-I have no idea what you’re talking about, Mama Kana.” she stutters.

   Mama Kana smiles mischievously.

   “If that’s what you say, dear.”

   They leave the restaurant once they’re done eating, as more danger might be lurking around the corner.

   “It’s obvious at this point, but I need to say this anyway. Take extreme precautions when you’re outside. Especially the two of you, Esty and Chifuyu. Two students from your school have gone missing. I won’t be able to sleep if you’re next.” Chinatsu cautions.

   “Oh, Anri mentioned that this afternoon too. They were a boy and a girl, right?” Chifuyu recalls.

   “That’s right. Their names are Fukuma Ryota and Tajima Reina. Do you know them?”

   “No, I’m afraid not. They’re mostly from another class.”

   “In any case, just be careful. Got it?”

   “Of course, onee-chan.”

   “Sure thing.”

Ryota’s POV
   Ryota is living the life right now. He was left completely alone after defeating Himura and his goons. Despite the bully’s threat, no one ever looked for him or came a-knocking at his house. Himura and his gang haven’t been coming to school either. The yakuza’s son was probably being grounded for bringing shame to his family or something. Whichever the case, the class, or probably the entire school got more peaceful now that they’re gone.

   His relationship with Tajima-san is going well too. They went on a few outings, and he’s really happy that he actually found himself a friend. Who knows, they might end up going out with each other in the near future. Unlike previously, Ryota is no longer pessimistic about his future. Naturally, he ignored all rumors regarding Tajima-san. He just finds it plain impossible that a sweet girl like her is a gold-digger.

   She never asks Ryota to buy anything for her. However, she looked at certain things a bit longingly at times. Ryota, who has learned to somewhat read a girl’s thought through their looks, always bought it for her. Some things are more expensive than the others, but seeing her smiling happily makes everything worth it. It’s not like he’s short on money anyway, so no harm done.

   His parents are still the same. Enough said.

   The only downside to his happy life is his increasingly worrisome appetite for human flesh. He had to suppress it every time he’s near another human. Now that he’s going out much more than before, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to attack the closest person he sees.

   His solution is simple. Beef jerky. Lots of them. He would stuff them inside his pants and shirt pocket. Whenever he’s having the urge, he would go somewhere quiet and devour a little of them at a time. It’s nowhere near enough to quench his hunger, but it’s better than nothing. He’s having another date with Tajima-san right after school today, so he made sure to really stock up.

   “I can’t believe they’ve made a sequel to Stardust! I can’t wait to watch them!” Tajima-san says excitedly as the two of them are heading to the nearest cinema not long after school has ended.

   “Me too. It’s so unexpected, but in a good way.” Ryota agrees.

   They bought the tickets for the movie which Ryota paid for. There’s still some time until the movie starts, so they decide to walk around the street. They didn’t buy a single thing, but they still had lots of fun by just staring at things.

   After the movie was over, they had dinner at a fancy coffee shop. Ryota’s parents are having a business trip and won’t be back until Sunday, and he’s not going to the UCI today, so he had lots of time to spare. Again, Ryota was the one who footed the bill.

   “I’m sorry for making you pay again, Fukuma-kun.” Tajima-san says apologetically after they left the place.

   “It’s fine, Tajima-san. What kind of man would allow a lady to pay for her own food?”

   She smiles brightly at him.

   “You’re such a gentleman.”

   Wow, she’s cute as usual. One of these days, Ryota is going to confess to her. He might get rejected, but he’s going for it regardless. Then again, he’s feeling optimistic. Maybe he’ll do it tonight.

   Alas, it’s time for Tajima-san to go home as she has a curfew. Suddenly getting cold feet, Ryota decides to delay the confession for a better day. When they passed by a park, Ryota’s appetite was acting up again, so he thought up of a random excuse so that he could visit the toilet located inside the park and satisfy his hunger with beef jerky.

   When he got out and hurried to the entrance, Tajima-san was nowhere to be seen. His heightened hearings allowed him to hear her voice coming from somewhere near to him. Hers and another voice talking from the other end of a phone.

   “Do you have the money or not?” a male voice asks from the phone.

   “Look, I got a really nice gold mine that I can dig. It might take a little longer, so I need you to be patient. In fact, I’m with him right now.” Tajima-san hisses.

   “You better have the money, or you know what’s going to happen to you.”

   “I know, I know…”

   Ryota couldn’t believe his ears. Slowly, he goes over to where he heard her voice. Sure enough, there she is. Her back was facing him, so she couldn’t notice him approaching at all.

   “Tajima-san?” he calls out tentatively.

   She flinches, quickly puts away her phone before turning around to face him with a really forced smile.

   “Oh, Fukuma-kun! You’re done with your business already?” she asks him.

   “Forget about me for a second. Is it, is it true?”

   “Is what true?”

   “You trying to, well, “dig” me for money. Don’t bother to lie that you didn’t say it. I heard you loud and clear.”

   She chuckles nervously.

   “You sure have a pair of good ears.”

   “So what’s the truth?” he asks while ignoring the compliment.

   She looks at the ground for a moment. When she looks up to look at him again, she’s showing him an expression that he has never seen before.

   “That’s right. I got close to you for your money.” she confesses.

   Ryota feels his heart breaks into a million pieces.

   “Did you really think that a girl like me would go near a loser like you? Not even a chance!” she laughs.

   She takes out the Stardust keychain from her skirt pocket and throws it to the ground.

   “It was so easy to research about your creepy hobby. I fell asleep multiple times when I watched those movies meant for nerds. And the worst part is, it was a huge waste of time in the end. A shame, considering that you actually managed to tell Himura and his lapdogs to fornicate themselves.” she continues.

   So it was all a lie to ensnare him. What the boys said at the toilet was true all along. Ryota looked away from the truth, and this is what happened.

   “Don’t worry, little boy. I’m sure that you’ll find yourself a girl someday. As soon as you grow out of your lame hobby, that is.” she comforts mockingly.

   Ryota starts to see red, and his mind went totally blank for an unknown amount of time. When he regained consciousness, Tajima-san has disappeared. What remained were tatters of her uniforms on the ground. There were blood that were clearly not his as well, some of them are even on his mouth and hands. Most nauseatingly, however, it’s that his hunger was completely satisfied. His stomach is bulging a lot, as if he’s pregnant with a child.

   It started to rain really heavily all of a sudden. It’s a whole thunderstorm complete with loud thunder and bright lightning. Ryota ran and ran and ran some more, the sound of thunder completely masking his cries of despair.