Chapter 59: Chapter 59

Jin’s POV
   “I take it that you know her.” Jin says to Sergeant Wakaba drily.

   She nods her head. “She’s Date-kun’s younger sister. We’ve met once or twice before.”

   Yup. Thought so.

   “Speaking of which, please don’t tell my elder brother about this.” Date Jr. pleads.

   “Can you call him here, sergeant?” Jin asks Sergeant Wakaba.

   “...You’re getting more and more sadistic these days. You certainly remind me of a certain freeloader at my house.”

   “I’m sure that it’s just a huge coincidence.”

   Sergeant Wakaba looks at Date Jr..

   “I’m sorry to say this, but you need to be accompanied by an adult while we’re questioning you since you’re a minor. Unless you prefer us to call one or both of your parents instead.”

   The Secretary shakes her head vigorously.

   “If you show a reaction like that, your parents will be called instead.” Jin tells her.

   “Please keep quiet for a moment, Silver Wolf.”

   “Please call my onii-I mean my elder brother instead, Sergeant Wakaba.” Date Jr. says meekly.

   “All right.”

   While waiting for Date to arrive, the sister is being escorted to one of the interrogation room. Meanwhile, Sergeant Wakaba wants to have a chat with Jin.

   “Do you know her personally, Silver Wolf?” she asks him.

   “I sure do. We’re schoolmates. I was even unfairly punished by her once.”

   “That explains your malice just now. And here I thought you were trying to mess with the girl you like or something.”

   “Me? Liking her? Not happening in a million years.”

   “I’m glad to hear that, or Esty would be sad for sure.”

   “Bah, she’s stupid, but she can be sharp at times too. I’m pretty sure that she knows who I like by now.”

   “Would you like to say it out loud?” Sergeant Wakaba teases playfully while taking out her phone.

   “No, thank you. I don’t want her to be even more of a pain that she already is. And I didn’t know that you were the type to tease people, sergeant.”

   “I mean, I get to tease the two people who are the sources of my migraine one after the other. This is too good a chance to pass up.”

   “I supposed I owe you an apology for constantly stressing you out.” he apologizes drily.

   The woman suddenly shows a serious expression.

   “What do you think of Tomomi-san?” she asks in a real businesslike manner.

   “I just scanned her with the Eye of Truth. She has mana flowing all over her body as well.” he informs.

   “As I thought. So there’s a chance that she might explode as well.”

   “I won’t deny that possibility. There’s one more thing. She’s being hypnotized.”

   The elder Wakaba furrows her eyebrows.

   “Hypnotized, you say? Does that mean that she has been doing all she did while she was being mind-controlled?”

   “Again, I won’t deny that possibility. I just wanted to tell you about it before I actually cure her.”

   “I understand. Please cure her once Date-kun is here.”

   “Roger that. By the way, shouldn’t you have put a handcuff on her?”

   “I don’t think it’s necessary yet. Not with you around.”

   “I’m so glad that I’m held with such high regard.”

   Date arrived while panting heavily. He’s also sweating profusely.

   “Is it true that Tomomi was injected with the content of the syringe that gives weird powers?” he demands from Sergeant Wakaba.

   “I’m afraid so.” she tells him calmly.

   His knees give in, and he fells to the ground.

   “No way…Tomomi…” he mutters.

   He glares disdainfully at Jin.

   “You did this!” he accuses.

   “Hey now, don’t start pointing finger without any proof. Do you want me to file a defamation lawsuit against you?”

   “Don’t try to act innocent! Tomomi took it upon herself to get power because you-”

   “Now now, you two. We still need to question Tomomi-san, so stop arguing.” Sergeant Wakaba intervenes.

   The mere mention of his sister diverted his attention from Jin. He slowly gets up from the floor.

   “Can I see her now?” he asks calmly.

   “Of course you can.”

   Date Jr. gets up from her seat the moment she saw her brother.

   “Onii-sama, I-”

   Without saying a word, Date embraced her. The two have hugged each other for almost one minutes now, and Jin is starting to get bored.

   “Don’t you dare ruin this moment.” Sergeant Wakaba whispers to Jin.

   “I would never.”

   When they’re finally done, all of them take their seat: Date sits right next to his sister, with Sergeant Wakaba and Jin sitting opposite them.

   “Before we begin the questioning, Seilver Wolf here has informed me that Tomomi-san has been put under a spell. He will now proceed to undo it.” Sergeant Wakaba begins.

   Date looks cheered up at once.

   “So, it means that she’s doing all this since she was being controlled!” he exclaims.

   That, of course, is yet to be decided. However, Jin chose to keep quiet since it’s too bothersome to get into an argument with Date. Jin looks at Date Jr..

   “I need to touch your forehead in order to remove the spell. Don’t worry, though. It’s not going to hurt.” he assures her.

   She nods her head. “Please go ahead.”

   Jin slowly reaches out his left index finger and touches her forehead. He then focuses a tiny portion of his mana on his fingertip and casts Cleanse on her. Once that’s done, he removes his finger.

   “Is it done?” Date asks in a worried tone.

   “It sure is. She’s free from the hypnotism.”

   The elder Date lets out a huge sigh of relief.

   “I have something that I need to tell you, onii-sama.” the younger one says nervously.

   “What is it, Tomomi?”

   “Now that I was free from the hypnotism, I realized something. That I actually wanted to hurt all those people if I ever have the chance.”

   Date looks very shocked at his younger sister’s confession.

   “What are you saying, Tomomi? You’re supposed to be a very kind girl!” he says to her.

   She shakes her head.

   “Have you already forgotten what I did last year? That’s who I really am.”

   “That’s not true! You just let your emotion got the better of you! You’re definitely better than that!” he denies stubbornly.

   He pauses.

   “Wait a second, I know who changed you.”

   Date glares at Jin. This is getting tiresome.

   “Would you stop blaming me for everything that’s happening already? Didn’t you hear your sister? It’s all her. She said so herself.” Jin tells the blockhead.

   “What do you know about her? She’s-”

   “That’s enough, onii-sama.” Date Jr. interrupts. “He’s right. Please stop running away from reality.”

   “I know how you feel, Date-kun. However, let’s just listen to what she has to say for now.” Sergeant Wakaba tells Date.

   Date lowers his head and sighs. Looks like he’s finally going to stop pointing fingers.

   “Can you tells us what happened, Tomomi?” Date requests his sister without looking up.

   Date Jr. did exactly just that. Thankfully, the story wasn’t very long. A few days ago, she was all alone in the Student Council’s office when a hooded man appeared out of nowhere and offered her the syringe. She tried to refuse, but there’s something about the man’s words which convinced her to take one.

   “...all of you know the rest.” she ends.

   Date covers his face with both his hands and groans.

   “Why? Just why, Tomomi?” he moans.

   Date Jr. is on the verge of tears.

   “I’m so sorry, onii-sama.” she whispers.

   “So, what’s going to happen now?” Jin asks Sergeant Wakaba.

   “That depends. Is it possible for you to seal off her magic?”

   “I most certainly can.”

   “Then you have to seal it off! Tomomi certainly doesn’t need that kind of dangerous power!” Date tells Jin.

   Jin looks at him, then at Sergeant Wakaba.

   “Can I have some alone time with her?” he requests.

   She gets up from her seat.

   “Of course you can. Let’s go and wait outside, Date-kun.”


   “Let’s go and wait outside, Date-kun.” she tells him firmly.

   “...Yes, ma’am.”

   Reluctantly, Date leaves the room with his superior. Now Jin is all alone with Date Jr..

   “I’ll be honest with you. That thing you injected yourself with? It might make you go boom.” Jin begins.

   Her eyes got as wide as dinner plates.

   “Go boom. Does that mean that I’ll, well, explode?” she asks while being all alarmed.

   “Yup. That certainly happened to the last group of people who injected it. Your brother experienced it first hand. That’s why he wants your power sealed off.”

   “I see. That’s all the more reason to seal it off, then.”

   “Answer me this, and answer me honestly. What do you want to do with your power?”

You are reading story The Hero who returned from Another World Hates His Current Life at

   She averts her eyes.

   “I, I want it gone.”

   “I said honestly. And look me in the eyes when you answer me.”

   She sighs and looks him in the eyes.

   “I want to keep it.”

   “Fair enough. You can keep it.”

   She has the look of someone who couldn’t believe what she just heard.

   “What are you saying? I’ve hurt people! I don’t deserve this power at all.”

   “And yet you want to keep it.”

   She got tongue-tied at once.

   “...My wish is irrelevant. Besides, my life depends on it.” she eventually says.

   “Now here’s the thing. Whatever the content of the syringe is, it’s already spread throughout your entire body. I doubt that sealing off your power is going to help.”

   “What about surgery?”

   “It won’t work.”

   “Why not?”

   “Let me explain how the magic we use works. We have a, shall we say energy, called mana inside our body. Whenever we want to use magic, our mana will be spent. When it’s all used up, we’ll feel extremely tired.”

   “So, is this mana thing like stamina?”

   “To a certain extent. Which is why you can’t just remove your mana form your body by doing surgery or blood transfusion.”

   She looks downwards.

   “So, I was basically doomed the moment I fell to the temptation.” she whispers.

   “Like I said just now, it might happen, it might not. If you’re a pessimist, you might want to start writing your will. Here’s my second question. What do you want to do in your remaining time?”

   She raises her head and looks at him again.

   “I wish to repent. I’ll never be able to forgive myself for hurting those people, but the least I could do is using the power I gained to help others.”

   “And that’s exactly what you’ll do.”

   “But my brother-”

   “Will respect your decision if he really cares about you.”

   “And our parents-”

   “Have no say in what you do with your life. Take it from me. I basically disowned my own parents. If you want to do something that’s not evil, just do it.”

   She takes a deep breath.

   “I’m going to tell him.” she announces.

   “Thought so.”

   “Still, I’m afraid.”

   “Of suddenly dying one day?”

   “Even more than that, I’m scared that I might end up using excessive violence again. Tell me, don’t you ever feel scared of the power you wield?”

   “Of course I do. You may or may not have seen what I can do from the television, but those are literally just a fraction of my power. If I ever go out of control, this world will end in minutes.”

   “How did you deal with it then?”

   He shrugs. “I stop being worried about it.”

   “...I beg your pardon?”

   “Like I said, I stop being worried about it.”

   “Just, just like that?”

   “Just like that. You won’t believe how easy it got once I stopped caring. It’s like a huge load was lift off your shoulders. You should try doing the same one of these days.”

   “I’m not that confident, at least not now. Can you seal off my power just in case, until I’m better accustomed to it?”

   Jin secretly groans as it would mean that he has to coach her from now on.

   “Sure. Reach out your hand.”

   And it’s done. She can’t use her magic until the seal’s been broken.

   “Well, that’s all I have to say. Let’s tell them to come in.” he says.

   “Before that, I would like to apologize to you. For treating you like a villain just now.”

   Jin just waved the apology away.

   “No worries, I got used to those kind of treatment anyway.”

   “That’s no excuse. I was being a horrible person, and you absolutely deserve this apology. Furthermore, you’re actually a much better person that my brother claimed you are.”

   “I don’t know to know what he said about me, but most of them are probably spot-on. Anyway, I’m going to get him for real now.”


   Naturally, Date isn’t happy with her decision. Once again, Jin is blamed for it, which to be fair, he’s partly at fault this time. In the end, though, Date relented since his sister was being really stubborn.

   “The next step is trying to convince our parents.” Date says gloomily.

   “That will certainly prove to be difficult.” Date Jr. agrees with a dark look.

   “Are your parents strict?” Sergeant Wakaba asks curiously.

   “Um, sort of.” Date says rather hesitantly.

   Jin shrugs.

   “Why not just hide it from them, then?” he suggests. “I’m not exactly telling you to keep secrets, but this is to protect them from those who wish to harm you indirectly.”

   Date thinks about it for a moment.

   “I guess that works too.” he agrees reluctantly.

   “Take a good night’s rest for tonight. Tomorrow, I need the two of you to come back so that we could discuss a lot of things.” Sergeant Wakaba tells the siblings. “Just remember to call me in case something bad happened to your body. I’ll make sure that Silver Wolf is there to help you.”

   “Why is it a given that I have to help her?” Jin asks.

   Sergeant Wakaba gives him a look.

   “...Fine. I’ll do it.” he says grudgingly.

   The two of them bow at both her and Jin.

   “We’re sorry for causing you so much trouble.” Date apologizes.

   “I’ll be sure to make it up somehow.” Date Jr. adds.

   “Just promise me not to injure people again. Not too much anyway.” Sergeant Wakaba tells her.

   “I promise, sergeant.”

   And then they’re gone. Sergeant Wakaba lets out a sigh of relief.

   “Well, that’s one problem taken care of.”

   “Actually, it’s barely been taken care of. There’s still that thing she injected herself with.” Jin reminds her.

   “I guess you’re right.”

   “There’s also those who’re giving out the syringes.”

   “Yes. Indeed.”

   “And let’s not forget that there are still those murderous ghosts and youkais out there. Also that creature or whatever that’s going around and eating other creatures. Now that I think about it, nothing is solved at all.”

   “...I’ve known this for a while now, but you are a real pessimist.”

   “I’m just being realistic, sergeant.”

   She lets out a tired sigh.

   “Well, I guess we have to be practical. The problem with the syringe in particular isn’t going away anytime soon.”

Kinzo’s POV (debuted at Chapter 27)
   Kubo Kinzo, age 23, single. Works full-time at T*ranoana Shop B of the Tokyo Branch. If anyone asked, this is how he ever plans to introduce himself. And oh, he didn’t go to any college, and his highest qualification is high school. He’s a boring man with a boring life.

   If there’s one thing that he loves, it’s maids. Elegant maids, moe maids, clumsy maids, Kinzo loves them all. And his favorite past time is going to Wonder Parlour, which is a pretty renowned maid cafe located near his work place. Well, it’s at least renowned among maid lovers like him. All the maids who work there are pretty high-classed, but there’s one who especially attracts his attention. It’s the maid called Agano Rei, more commonly known as Rei.

   Rei is the most popular maid in Wonder Parlour, and for good reasons. She’s cute, pretty, and really knows how to capture the hearts of sad and lonely guys like him. All the bad moments Kinzo had at work will be forgotten in an instant whenever he visits her. He would often forget the time when he’s there, and today was no exception. In fact, he stayed around until it was time for the store to close down, which is at 10pm.

   “Man, Rei-chan was cute as usual today.” he says to himself while on his way back home.

   He understands that Rei is just putting up a facade while she’s working, and that’s okay. He’s just there to chat with her and have fun. He has zero intention of trying to get the girl. Let’s face it, no girl in her right mind would ever want to get a loser like him-

   “Hello there.”

   Kinzo was so frightened he almost jumped out of his skin. He quickly turns around to see who spoke. The one standing right in front of him is a man who’s wearing a fedora, a pair of sunglasses and a thick coat. He’s also holding a suitcase on his right hand. Kinzo narrows his eyes.

   “Are you one of those distributor who goes around and gives out syringes?” he asks.

   “Indeed I am.”

   Kinzo has heard about this distributor for quite a while now. He always thought that they were nothing but urban legends, but it would seem that the legend was true.

   “Are you here to offer me one?” Kinzo asks.

   “Indeed I am. Would you like one?”

   “What’s the price?”

   “It’s free, sir.”

   “So, you’re just giving it out just like that?”

   “Indeed I am. Allow me to ask you one more time. Would you like one?”

   “...Sure, I guess.”

   The man opens up the suitcase and shows Kinzo its content: twenty syringes stacked neatly next to each other using sponges.

   “Is there any difference between these syringes?” Kinzo asks.

   “Not at all. All of them are the same.”

   Kinzo picked one at random. Once he’s done, the man closes the briefcase.

   “Now that my business here is done, allow me to bid you farewell and fade into the night.” he says.

   He actually meant that literally. Kinzo didn’t even blink, and yet the man vanished into thin air right before his eyes. Rather than freaking out, that gave Kinzo more credibility of the syringe’s content.

   He didn’t inject it right away, though. He waited until he’s inside his apartment before rolling up the sleeve of his shirt and injects himself with the stuff.

   He waited for one whole minute. Nothing happened. He sighs and threw away the syringe. So much for having a high hope. Oh, well. He took a quick shower and brushed his teeth while he was still bathing. After that, he got into his sleep wear and goes to sleep. He has to start his shift early in the morning tomorrow, so he needs all the rest he can get tonight. While he’s lying down on his bed, he dreams of being the master of all the maids, and most importantly, Rei’s.