Chapter 97: Chapter 97

Jin’s POV
   Jin leaves the Ryuuzaki Group HQ and heads to the police station where Fukuma Ryota the human chimera was locked up. The worg stationed at the police station woke up from his sleep when Jin approached. Jin remembers that his name is Ash.

   “Is it okay if I head inside?” he asks the oversized wolf.

   Ash shrugs. “I wasn’t given orders to stop you. Nor do I have the strength to.”

   “Many thanks.”

   Jin passes through the front door and heads straight to the reception counter. The half-asleep policeman who was sitting behind the counter suddenly looks very awake the moment he saw Jin.

   “How, um, how may I help you?” he asks rather nervously.

   “Is Fukuma still locked up in here?”

   “Yes, he is. Do you have any business with him?”

   “I want to speak with him.”

   “Um, sure. Go ahead.”

   Fukuma is inside the same cell he entered all those weeks ago. When Jin got there, he was sleeping on the bed with a peaceful look on his face. If his chest wasn’t rising and falling on a regular interval, Jin would have thought that he was dead.

   “Hey, Fukuma.” he calls out.

   Fukuma shows no reaction.

   “Wake up, Fukuma!”

   Still no response. Jin sighs and snaps his fingers. A small goblet of water appears on top of Fukuma’s face and falls. It splatters, and Fukuma got up abruptly while making choked noises. He coughed for quite a bit before finally noticing Jin.

   “What was that for? You almost drowned me!” he demands.

   “Hey, I tried waking you up normally. You plain refused to.”

   “I’m a deep sleeper, okay? Now what do you want?”

   “I have a news and a proposition for you. Which one do you want to hear first?”

   “Um, what kind of news?”

   “Bouchard might be dead.”

   Fukuma was stunned by that piece of news. His shocked expression didn’t remain for long, though.

   “...Wait? “Might”?”

   “I heard it from someone else. I have yet to see the corpse, so he’s probably still alive.”

   “It’s a 50/50 chance, then.”


   “That’s not much of a news, then.” Fukuma accuses.

   “Nope. Would you rather that he’s still around so that you could kill him yourself?”

   Fukuma rotates his body so that he’s facing Jin. He then lowers his head.

   “I’m not sure.” he confesses with a soft voice. “I hated him at first. Hated him so much I wish he would die a million times for turning me into the monster I am now. Now? I don’t really care anymore.”

   “So you chose to let go of your hatred. Good for you.”

   Fukuma shrugs. “I think part of the reason I’m not going to do anything is because I’m a chicken who doesn’t want to draw attention. Enough about me. What’s this about a proposition?”

   “I’m going to raid a UCI lab at Roppongi with a group of people. You want in?”

   “...I don’t really care, but what took you so long?”

   He sounded curious rather than blaming. As he said, he doesn’t really care.

   “I said raid, but it’s more like gathering evidence to shut them down good before they wise up.”

   “Judging by the fact that this is your second raid, I reckon that someone else is doing the gathering this time.”

   “Sure is. So, are you interested?”

   “I don’t know.” Fukuma says hesitantly. “Like I said, I don’t feel like taking revenge anymore.”

   Jin shrugs. “You could do it for those who’re stuck there against their own free will.”

   Fukuma widens his eyes.

   “I, never thought of that.”

   “Of course, you don’t have to care about them. They’re not your responsibility.”

   Fukuma shakes his head. “No, I want to help them. I was stupid enough to trust Bouchard, so my fate was my just deserts. Not for those people.”

   He pauses.

   “Well, I also want to atone.” he confesses sheepishly. “You know, for-”

   “Stop right there. I don’t want you to puke all over the place, so don’t you dare continue.” Jin interrupts.

   “Right, my bad. I’m in. Still, can I just leave? I’m practically a criminal.”

   “It’ll be fine as long as you come back after we’re done.”

   “I don’t think that’s how this works.”

   “Look, do you want to do this or not?”

   “Yes, yes I do. I’m sorry for being a pain.”

   “All right, then. Wait here while I call the police on duty to open the door.”

   Needless to say, the policeman Jin spoke to has an expression of someone who wanted to object the moment Jin went back to him and requested to unlock the door. Even so, he didn’t voice out for real as he’s terrified of Jin.

   “Don’t you worry. I’ll make sure he comes back.” Jin assures as the policeman is taking out the necessary key from his pocket to unlock the door.

   “Um, sure. If you say so.”

   The policeman’s hand was trembling when he inserted the key into the keyhole. He looks at Fukuma fearfully while turning it. Once the door is unlocked, the policeman steps back and watches as Fukuma comes out of his cell. Fukuma chose not to make eye contact with the officer, which is probably a wise choice. The poor man was shaking so violently he might pass out from a single stare.

   “The worg at the front might be duty-obligated to stop you if he ever sees you, so I guess we’re leaving through the back door.” Jin tells Fukuma.

   “Fair enough. Lead on.”

   Jin nods at the policeman.

   “Thanks for doing this. It’s better if you don’t mention this to anyone.” he tells him.

   “Easy for you to say.”

   He looks upwards. Jin follows his gaze and sees a surveillance camera.

   “If you were questioned, you could say that I forced you to do this. Which is technically true.” Jin offers.

   “All right.”

   Jin and Fukuma walk through the empty police station in silent for a few minutes. Aside from the policeman just now, not a single person is around, not even the cleaners. Jin stops Fukuma when they reach the fire exit.

   “You’ll need some kind of disguise. After all, you were technically reported missing. Can’t have someone sees you and cause a ruckus.”

   “Good point. Hold on.”

   Fukuma closes his eyes. A few seconds later, his face begins to alter. By the time he’s done, he no longer looks like Fukuma Ryota.

   “How did you manage to do that?” Jin asks curiously.

   “I’m not really sure myself. It’s just that I tried doing this once out of boredom, and it actually worked.”

   “Fair enough. Let’s go.”

   “Wait, just like that? Aren’t you going to take any precautions so that we won’t be discovered, or make things difficult for them?”

   “No need for that. Most of us are meant to be decoys so that one of our member can sneak in and get the evidences. If they know we’re coming and sent out the welcome committee, that’s even better.”

   “Why do you sound like you want to fight them?”

   “That’s part of the plan.”

   “Fair enough. How are we going to head to Roppongi, by the way?”

   “I prefer to fly.”

   “I guess I’ll do the same.”

   A pair of black leather wings as big as he is spout of of his back. Jin has nothing fancy like that, so he has to rely on his wind magic as usual.

   Jin takes out his phone to search for the location of the UCI lab in Roppongi. Once he found it, he flies there with Fukuma right behind him. The whole trip didn’t even take five minutes. When they were about the reach the lab, they were intercepted by King.

   “What are you doing all the way out here, King?” Jin asks.

   “I figured you might have difficulty in searching for us, so I was awaiting your arrival.” the girl replies.

   “There wasn’t any need for that, but thanks anyway.”

   King throws a suspicious glance towards Fukuma.

   “Don’t worry about him.” Jin tells her.

   “If you insist. Right this way, please.”

   King brings the two boys to a closed coffee shop. The signboard on top of the roof writes “Castle Coffee”. The decoration around the place are mostly Western style with some fancy-looking metallic chairs and tables outside. The oddest thing about this place is that all the windows are tinted.

   “This is a café owned by my family. We can take shelter here should it becomes necessary.” King explains.

   “What’s with all the tinted glass?” Jin couldn’t help but ask.

   “To prevent the patrons seated inside from being blinded by the sunlight, of course.”

   “Ah, that makes sense.”

   “Also, anyone who happened to pass by will be none the wiser on the activities going on inside, legitimate or otherwise.” King says with a wink.

   “Hmm. I hate to impose stereotypical views, but now you’re just inviting me.”

   The three of them go in, and pretty much everyone is already there. Besides those at the Ryuuzaki Group HQ, the Graylock sisters, Kubo, Rei-san, Kuroi are also here, with the latter group all wearing masks to hide their identity. They are all sitting down in front of a table and almost all of them have a coffee of some sort placed in front of them: iced cappuccino, latte, and some other coffee Jin can’t name.

   “Anyone of you seen Hanya Mask?” Jin asks.

   “I saw her hiding at an alley near the lab. I invited her to come inside, but she refused.” King replies.

   “Well, at least we know where she is.”

   “Indeed, and you owe us an explanation about him.” King says while looking at Fukuma.

   The others are also looking at Fukuma with a suspicious expression. Some of them are even looking at his wings with an alarmed expression. Most, if not all of Kuroi’s furs are standing upright.

   “That one smells really dangerous, nya.” she hisses.

   “Just don’t go attack him, okay?” Kubo tells her.

   Kuroi nods somewhat reluctantly. She’s probably being forced to obey him due to the effect of his ability.

   “Who’s he?” Tatsuma asks Jin.

You are reading story The Hero who returned from Another World Hates His Current Life at

   “He’s one of the test subjects at the UCI who got away a few weeks ago.” Jin introduces.

   “And you brought him here because?”

   “He wants to do something for those who’re still stuck there.”

   Mika furrows her eyebrows.

   “So, what? He’s going to follow me inside?” she asks.

   “It won’t be a problem, right? He’ll just serve as another decoy.”

   “Fair enough. Just try not to make things worse for me, um…”

   “Call me Chimera.” Fukuma introduces himself.

   Jin turns his neck to look at him.


   “Do you seriously expect me to say my real name out loud? I’m supposed to be missing, remember?”

   “Hmm, fair enough.”

   “As for what you said just now, I’ll do my best not to get in your way.” Fukuma tells Mika.


   Zheng gets up from his seat and approaches Fukuma while having his right hand outstretched.

   “MY NAME IS ZHENG SHENG DA, NICE TO MEET YOU COMRADE!” he introduces himself.

   Fukuma flinches at the volume of his voice. He hesitated for a second before shaking his hand.

   “Um, the pleasure is mine.”

   Tatsuma gets up from his seat.

   “Well, let’s get this over with.”

   “Yup.” Jin agrees.

   “Would you light some light refreshments before we leave? Some coffee, perhaps?” King asks.

   “No thanks. I never liked those stuff.”

   “Same here.”

   King furrows her eyebrows.

   “Do you find coffee not to your taste?” she asks with a slight frosty tone.

   Jin notices that Tatsuma and Mika are gesturing frantically at them to stop talking while standing behind her. Hmm, him and Tatsuma might have stepped on a landmine.

   “Sorry. I tried drinking it once, but I can’t bring myself to like it.” Jin says cautiously but honestly.

   He could say that he actually likes it, but it would backfire as he already told her that he doesn’t. Best to be honest without dissing the drink. As a result, her expression has become softer. She lets out a sigh.

   “I acknowledge that not everyone can handle the bitter taste of coffee, and no amount of sugar or syrup can mask the taste.” she admits. “My apologies for losing my temper.”

   “You really have to stop getting mad whenever you meet someone who doesn’t like coffee.” Tatsuma tells her.

   King turns around and hugs him.

   “On that note, I am eternally happy that you said you like the coffee I made for you.” she purrs while snuggling up on him.

   “And I’ve regretted saying that and the sentence after it ever since.” Tatsuma mumbles while rolling his eyes.

   “Do you know what he told me?” King asks Jin with a happy look on her face. “He said that he doesn’t mind drinking the coffee I brewed for him every single day.”

   “...Um, that’s the Western equivalent of “I want to drink the miso soup you made every morning”.” Jin points out.

   “Don’t remind me! I really want to go back in time and kick myself for saying something so stupid to Eve, of all people!” Tatsuma groans.

   King hugs Tatsuma even tighter.

   “No matter how long it takes, I shall make your gaze turn my way!” she squeals.

   “Well, keep waiting, cause it’ll never happen.”

   “Hey, can we cut this pointless act and get this over with?” Jin asks.

   King let goes of Tatsuma at once. Her expression has also become all business-like.

   “Of course.”

   “Hold on, I need to finish this coffee.”

   Once the others are done drinking their coffee, they leave the café and head to the lab. While walking, Jin notices that the street is completely empty from pedestrians even though it’s only around eight in the evening. This is particularly peculiar when seen in Roppongi, of all places. Jin has never been here before, but he has always heard that this place is famous for its nightlife that involves nightclubs and bars.

   “Where’s everyone?” Jin asks out loud.

   “For your information, Roppongi has been like this ever since the UCI has set foot. Everyone has been refraining from coming out as much as possible in the fear of being caught and experimented on.” King answers.

   “Must be bad for the sales of your place.”

   “Not exactly. Customers do bestow us with their patronage during the day. After all, even they would not try something in the middle of the day. I do feel pity for all the bars and nightclubs here, however.”

   “Well, everything might turn back to normal if we’re successful in this operation.”


   “I’m getting stomachache from being nervous…” Jin hears Kubo groans from somewhere behind him.

   “Would you like some stomach medicine, master?” Rei-san asks.

   “No thanks. I don’t think it’s going to help much.”

   “Don’t you worry, myaster! If worse comes to worst, I’ll he there to protect you, nya!” Kuroi joins in the conversation.

   “Thanks, Shisui. I’ll be counting on you.”

   Jin hears Kuroi lets out a loud purr.

   “Nyaa~, pet me more, nya!” she says with a blissful tone.

   “You really love getting pet on the head, don’t you?”

   “That’s because your hand is big and warm, nya!”

   “Master, I can protect you as well.” Rei-san says.

   “Thank you. I’ll be counting on you too.”

   “...Is that it, master?”

   “Um, what were you expecting?”

   Rei-san lets out a long sigh.

   “It is nothing.”

   “Your hand has stopped moving, myaster!”

   “Oh, right. Sorry.”

   “Would the three of you knock it off? We’re in hostile territory, so start being alert.” Jin tells them without turning around.

   “Stay out of this, you walking metal can!” Kuroi hisses.

   “...K, if you don’t shut her up, then I will. Permanently.”

   “Right, sorry about that! Shisui, don’t be disrespectful to him!”


   From the corner of his eyes, Jin sees Tatsuma who’s walking right next to him turns his neck to look at the trio before facing front again.

   “So, a grown man has a maid and a Nekomata calling him master.”


   “The curiosity is killing me. You’re telling me their backstory once we’re done here. I won’t take no for an answer.”

   “IF we’re done here.” Jin corrects.

   “Man, you really need to fix your pessimism.”

   “Call me cautious. Where exactly was Hanya Mask again, King?”

   She points at a spot somewhere to their right.

   “She was inside the alley over there the last time I saw her.”

   “Got it. I’ll go get her, the rest of you can head to the lab first.”

   As King said, Date Jr. was indeed hiding inside an alley while wearing her usual get-up of her Hanya Mask and her school tracksuit.

   “You know, you could have joined the rest of us back there.” Jin tells her as the two of them leave the alley together.

   She shakes her head.

   “I refuse to associate myself with criminals.”

   Jin has several inappropriate thoughts regarding her parents, but he managed to clamp up.

   “Do you know what we’re supposed to do here?” he asks instead.

   “Please enlighten me.”

   Jin told her the gist of the plan. He tried to shorten it as much as possible since they’re about to reach the lab.

   “...And that’s the plan. Any questions?” he asks her once he was done.

   “I have several, but I feel that I won’t have enough time to ask them all, nor receive answers for them. I shall save them up for later.”


   The others are already waiting several feet from the entrance of the lab. Similar to the one Jin raided all those weeks ago, the building is tall, plain and has a sinister aura.

   “So, now what?” Tatsuma asks.

   “I believe that all we have to do is wait. After all, our presence might have been known for a while now.” King tells him.

   “True that.” Jin agrees. “Then again, it might be rude if we come here without knocking on the door.”

   “Can I have the honor?” Tatsuma asks.

   “Sure. Knock yourself out.”

   Tatsuma fires a fireball towards the right side of the building. It exploded noisily before fading harmlessly. A few seconds later, a silhouette comes out from the entrance.

   “Finally, Silver Wolf. I have been waiting for so long…” the figure hisses.

   Yup, Jin definitely recognizes that voice. Truth be told, he never wanted to hear it for the rest of his life, but fate just loves messing with him.