Chapter 50: Hey Everyone – Quick Update on Graphics and Delays

Hi, and thanks so much for continuing to read Un-Familiar. Here’s where my time is going right now, because it’s a bit insane: I work as a full-time university professor, 16 classroom hours plus prep/grading, a part-time university professor at a different place, 4 classroom hours plus, and I have several different freelance gigs related to book publishing going right now (I’m helping a lady edit up her book on relationships, and a couple of cover design jobs).

Unfortunately my wife’s coworker fell ill and into a coma last week (doctors are trying to figure out why), meaning I’ll be doing substitute teaching hours at her school in addition to all that listed above. Working out at the gym will be out of the question, writing will be a stretch, and sadly, graphics for Un-Familiar have gotten short shrift. They will continue to, for at least a month.

Again you’re amazing for reading, I’m excited that you’re excited about the book and the graphics, and please bear with me. I’m as busy as I’ve ever been. ~Nolan

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