In the weeks that followed their foray to the Blue Butterfly Inn, Yuriko’s weekly routine suddenly included a girls’ night out every Sixthday evening. They didn’t always go dancing. One night, Krystal dragged Yuriko over to shop for scarves, mittens, and earmuffs at the Upper City’s merchant bazaar.
The weather had started to turn even colder. Her breath came out puffs of steam every morning, and the bowl of water she left for Hunter Kitty had frosted over. She woke up to scritching noises and saw him pawing at it. Then he licked up some of the water underneath the ice, shook his head and sprayed freezing water all over the floor.
“Oh, kitty,” Yuriko sighed.
She picked up the bowl and brought it closer to the heater plates on the wall near the window. The metal plate was about a pace on either side and the runescript ran along the edges and into spirals towards a central rune that was about three times bigger than the others. After reading the entirety of Neophyte Rune Scribe, she recognised the big rune as a conflation of the heat and cold runes, with another rune that she wasn’t familiar with tying the two together.
Well, hopefully with the dish closer to the heat source, it won’t freeze over again. As for her, she barely felt the cold. Sure, it was nippy, but that was about it.
You’re close to optimal training.
Damien’s voice in her head this early.
“And then what?”
Body Forging.
“Anything I have to do to prepare for that? Last time I did, I blacked out over my friend.”
Ah, Krystal wasn’t it? Nice girl, pretty face. Great assets. I wouldn't mind spending some time with her. Hmm hmm!
“Out of the gutter, please,” Yuriko growled.
His chuckles were the only thing she heard before his presence faded away.
“Really, you talk to me just for that?” Yuriko growled, but of course, there was no reply.
Damien could only do so once or twice a week, though she still didn’t know what it would take for him to stay longer. It wasn’t Distilled Chaos as far as she could tell. Sunlight? She did notice her Facet growing brighter every time she sunbathed but with the Season of Air coming to a close, the Radiant Sun was often hidden by dark clouds.
She readied herself for this morning’s training, though she did without the heavy backpack. Some time ago, Master Gethen came across her while she ran around the Academic Roundabout and told her to stop weighing herself down like that.
“You’ll stunt your growth. You’re still young and growing,” he lectured. “Just run faster and longer instead.”
“What about strength training?”
“What do you do?”
“Callisthenics but with added weights.”
“Er, no. Don’t.” Master Gethen scratched the back of his head. “Tell you what, why don’t you come to the gymnasium in the mornings and use the facilities there? I’ll come up with a program for you.”
“Thank you, sir.”
“No problem. You’re one of the most promising cadets I’ve ever come across.”
She flushed a bit at the praise and felt a flutter of happiness in her chest as she thanked him again profusely. Then he actually ran with her until she finished her route and he left with a thoughtful look on his face.
The next day, she went to the gymnasium after her morning run and Master Gethen led her to the weights training room and had her lift heavy iron dumbbells and barbells. She could easily lift the twenty Jin weights easily, and if she pushed herself, she could deadlift five times her body weight, somewhere in the vicinity of three hundred Jin.
“Strong,” Master Gethen nodded, “especially for an Apprentice.”
Yuriko shrugged. “I haven’t really measured myself like this before.”
“Hmm, let’s track your progress from now on.”
“Yes, sir.”
“You don't seem tired.”
“I suppose not.”
“Well, no need to push yourself yet. I’ll tailor your program first. From your physique, do you prefer a balanced approach?”
“Agility, strength, flexibility. I alternate every day.”
“I see. Come back tomorrow and show me your routines.”
“Yes, sir.”
She wasn’t alone in the gymnasium, of course, many of the upperclassmen were there, though senior Kale wasn’t. She supposed he trained at home rather than here. The next day, Heron and the twins showed up in the gymnasium, along with Danika, Krystal, and Mikel.
“Fancy meeting you here,” Yuriko said dryly to Krystal.
“Hie hie, well, training’s more fun with everyone.”
“I don’t see why we have to do this,” Orrin complained to Braden just barely loud enough for Yuriko to hear.
“You’re getting too thin,” Braden hissed.
“Let’s spar after this?” Heron asked Yuriko.
“Sure, but I’d like to work on my unarmed techniques,” Yuriko said.
“Striking or grappling?”
“I see. I’m not too good with grappling techniques myself. I suppose I can practice with you?”
“Hey, how about the rest of us?” Braden butted in.
“You want to set up a rotation?” Yuriko asked. “There’s seven of us, so three matches at the same time while the last one rests?”
“I suppose that works.”
“Miss Davar, there you are,” Master Gethen greeted as he approached them.
“Good morning, sir.” All of the students said in greeting. He waved them off.
“Let’s proceed, yes?”
“Of course,” Yuriko nodded.
She showed him how she trained her flexibility, though that mostly entailed a lot of stretching, contortions, and uncomfortable poses. Then he showed him some of her agility training, which usually involved practising her sword dances on wooden pegs about an inch across.
“Hmm, interesting. I can’t help you with flexibility, I’ll have to ask Master Antiga for that. As for the other two, give me a couple of days.” He left after Yuriko gave him thanks and they proceeded with the round-robin sparring.
That was a couple of weeks ago, and they’d been doing the same thing every day, though the twins and Danika skipped a few sessions every now and then. Krystal, Mikel, and Heron never did.
This morning was no different. Yuriko and Heron faced off against each other, unarmed. While he wasn’t as strong or as fast as she was, he was still quite a bit heavier and he used his weight advantage to offset her techniques.
The funny thing was that she was the one seeking to entangle and lock him down while he did his best to fend her off. Today, he danced around her while she attempted to grab a limb and from there, leverage into a throw. Still, their unarmed skills weren’t as good as their weapon techniques.
“This is a last resort kind of thing anyway,” Yuriko said when he asked why she insisted on it. “I just want to round out my skills.”
“Ah, yes.”
Heron fidgeted as he glanced around. Orrin and Braden were exchanging sword moves in another corner, Krystal and Mikel were doing the same while Danika rested.
“Listen, Yuri,” he started, “I, uh, may I have an answer?”
“Huh? To what?”
“The cotillion.”
“Oh, what about it?”
Yuriko tucked a strand of her fringe behind her ear and after she took off her protective headgear. Heron could look her straight in the eye now, his height having finally caught up to hers. She wasn’t quite happy with that.
For that matter, all the boys in her year started shooting up like weeds. She’d grown an inch or so since the Ritual, but…well, she was used to being the tallest kid in class. Well, she’d probably be the tallest girl then.
“Will you go to the cotillion with me?”
“What’s this?”
Braden and Orrin rushed up to the two of them and Yuriko could have sworn she saw the twins’ ears twitching.
“Heron, you’re being unfair.”
Heron, for his part, rolled his eyes and snorted.
“We asked her weeks ago and I’d really love an answer.”
“Tsk, can’t you wait until the lady is ready?” Braden scoffed.
“No, no, he’s right,” Yuriko interjected before they could come to blows. “Er, I have to apologize for leaving this up in the air.”
“No, not at all,” Heron smiled. “So…?”
“Well,” Yuriko began, “all three of you asked at the same time so I can’t decide. Normally I’d say yes to the first one who asked.”
“Huh,” Braden nodded. “I see.”
“Told you.” Orrin nudged his brother’s side.
“Well, we can’t all escort you,” Heron said sensibly. “So why don’t I do it? These two are too short.”
“What does that have to do with it?” Braden and Orrin yelped at the same time.
You are reading story Chronicles of the Exalted Sun Child at
“Well, look at you.” Heron raised his palm and measured it against Braden’s height. The top of their heads came up to Heron’s chin, and Yuriko’s too, for that matter. “It won’t look good when you’re dancing.”
“No, it won’t matter!” Braden lifted himself up on his toes, but he was still a couple of inches shorter. “Er, we can wear platform shoes!”
“Right,” Heron snorted derisively.
“Er,” Yuriko tried to interrupt but Braden had the bit in his teeth.
“Height isn’t everything!”
“It is with aesthetics!”
“Aesthetics, you--”
“Hmph, you don’t even look like you wash your hair properly! Your skin is rough and look at your nails! Look at Yuri. Look at how perfect her complexion is! You two don’t look good together!”
“Er..” Yuriko tried to protest but the two boys stepped up and bumped their chests in a weird and somewhat flattering display of dominance. No, no. She shouldn’t condone this.
“Boys, boys,” Krystal interrupted. “You’re making a scene.”
The other three had walked up to them without the twins, Heron, or Yuriko noticing. Well, Braden’s and Heron’s voices were a bit loud.
“...apologies.” Braden’s face flushed.
Heron just snorted and folded his arms over his chest. He surreptitiously glanced down at his fingertips but looked away straight after.
“Anyway,” Yuriko continued, “please don’t fight over this.”
“You’re right, apologies,” Heron finally said.
“Now,” she looked at each of them, “as I can’t choose between you three so easily, and since only first-year students are allowed in the cotillion, I guess I still need to pick one of you.”
“How about a duel?” Krystal suggested brightly. “Winner takes the fair lady’s hand?”
Yuriko flushed. “Uh, no…’
“Why not?” Heron grinned. “I’m fine with that.”
“We object!” Braden and Orrin both yelled. “Unfair advantage!”
“He’s in Agaza while Braden and I are in Sharom and Aneurin. He’s had the entire term to learn advanced techniques!”
“Well, just because you two neglected your own training doesn’t mean the duel’s unfair,” Heron snorted.
“Yes, it is,” Mikel weighed in gleefully. “Dueling either of you isn’t fair. Yuriko’s too good and you’re not much better.”
“Er, thanks?” Heron scratched his head.
“No duels,” Yuriko declared firmly.
“Aw, Yuri!” Krystal whined.
“No!” Yuriko tapped Krystal’s nose, making her flinch.
“Tsk, fine.”
“Well,” Braden offered, “how about Tracer Board?”
“Eh, but I’m no good with that,” Heron said with a frown.
“I’m not that good either,” Braden grinned.
“Liar. I’m sure you play every day in Aneurin as part of your practice!”
“Tsk, no I don’t. Maybe every other day.”
“That goes for any other board game!
“So what will it be then?”
“You sure you don’t want to duel?”
“Yuri already said no.”
“How about we compete using a gift?” Orrin suggested.
“Yeah right. All you have to do is give her chocolate and she'll follow you anywhere,” Heron grumped.
“No, I won’t!” Yuriko protested.
“And besides, you two have an unfair advantage there. How about something handcrafted instead?” Heron continued.
“Hmmm, that may be a good way to compete. None of us are in Lunette, after all,” Orrin nodded.
“Right, right?” Heron smirked.
Yuriko sighed. “No, that’s not good either.”
“Yuri…” Heron’s eyes were shifty.
“He’s a decent painter, you know,” Yuriko said.
The entire group exclaimed.
“Yuri!” Heron moaned.
“Ehehe, if you want something fair that’s no good either.”
“But I don't want to fight fair.” He muttered under his breath.
“So what do you suggest?” Krystal asked with a gleam in her eye.
“You’re the damsel after all,” Danika smirked.
“Right, why don’t we…er, flip a coin?” Yuriko asked.
“How random,” Braden muttered. “Well, since you decided it, then I suppose that’s how we’ll go.”
“Alright. Sigil and it’s Heron, numeral and it’ll be the twins. If it’s numeral, I’ll flip for which one of you,” Yuriko said as she walked to the lockers to pick up her purse.
“Aw, I only have a one in four chance to win,” Orrin groaned.
“Yeah, how come Heron gets a fifty percent chance?” Braden asked.
“How about you roll dice instead?” Braden asked, “One-two, Heron, three-four, and it’s me, then five-six it’s Orrin.”
“I suppose that’s fair. You have dice?”
“Er, no. Any of you?”
A chorus of nos was the answer.
“I guess it’s a coin flip then.”
“Haah, fine,” Braden sighed.
Yuriko got her pouch and pulled out a silver mark. The coin was round with milled edges. One side had the sigil of the Empire, a tree with an eight-pointed sunburst behind it, and the other had 10 Sov on it.
She flicked the coin quickly with her thumb, making it spin as it bounced up above her. She let it fall for a bit before she snatched it out of the air.
“Yeah.” Heron gulped. The twins nodded.
Yuriko positioned the coin, and with a quick breath, she flipped it. A moment later, she caught it, then slapped it on her wrist. When she removed her hand, it revealed…numeral.
“Yes!” The twins screamed while Heron hung his head.
“Call it, Orrin,” Yuriko said and she readied the second flip.
Yuriko smiled as she caught the coin, then opened her hand to reveal, sigil.
“Nice! Hie hie!” Braden grin nearly split his face in two.
“Congratulations, brother!” Orrin said happily.
“Well, register it with Master Nuada please.” Yuriko shrugged. “Tough luck, Heron.”
“Yeah, it’s fine,” Heron grunted but his eyes looked somewhat damp.
“I’ll take care of everything,” Braden grinned.
“I’m sure you will,” Yuriko said. At least that was one thing off her chest. Now, back to training!