Chapter 13: Log 12: The Base Camp

Log 12:

Date: July 7th, 2190 I.C. 

Time: 12:40

Location: Orken Power Plant 

After a bumpy ride across the barren wasteland of orange, sandy dunes, we arrived at Orken Power Plant. The midday sun beat down stronger than ever as we waited for the guards situated outside the power plant's walls to verify our identities. I couldn't help but marvel at the quality of the Barrier surrounding the power plant. It was made from Black Augurite, one of the world's strongest metals, just slightly weaker than Mithril. There were Uncials engraved everywhere, and they were just as complex as the ones at the Royal Court. Whoever constructed the Barrier must've been paid a heafty sum, no joke. 

But if a Barrier like this existed, how could a Dungeon form? 

The Hackney pulled through the entrance of the power plant. Rows upon rows of shiny black panels planted deep into the fine sand that seemed to span for miles had appeared before my eyes. I had seen solar panels through news articles and videos, but to think that they were much bigger in person, how fascinating. 

The Hackney continues driving along the designated path until a giant mound about a fourth as tall as the wall guarding the place comes into sight. There was nothing too special about the mound except that this gaping black hole was carved out from it. This was a Dungeon Entrance, and it was probably one of the largest I’ve ever seen in my entire career. However, there was no time for me to marvel at it. 

As we got closer, some white tents with the Imperium City Flag and similar-looking Hackneys came into sight. Medics, soldiers wearing bulky silver armor and loose garbs, Analysts tapping away at their Tabloids, every single kind of Specialist had arrived at the scene.

Our Hackney pulled up against a row of other Hackneys, coming to a dead stop. Equipping the cloak Tanya provided me on the ride there and some combat googles I had in place of my glasses, I stepped out of the vehicle. Goodness, was it sizzling out here, but my cloak provided a coolness that made the heat bearable. 

“Cooling and Moisture Insulation Sigils,” Tanya said, noticing me struggle a tad to adjust to the dry and hot climate of the desert. “Quite handy here in the desert.” 

“I can tell!” I shouted as a loud gust of wind blew sand particles up in the air. I’d probably be struggling even more if I didn't have the cloak. 

Tanya gestured with her hand, indicating for us to follow her. 

“Come along, we don’t got all day.” 

Blank and I trudged behind her as the strong desert gusts provided some resistance with every step. She guided us to a smaller white pentagonal tent a hundred feet from the Dungeon Entrance.

“The Shahid’s Reserves eliminated the monsters guarding the outside Dungeon last night. Our base camp was just set up this morning-“ 

While Tanya was rambling on, I scanned my surrounding. There were clearly a few monster corpses that had yet to be cleaned up. Their black blood spilled into the orange sand, dyeing it a completely different color. The wretched smell of the gases escaping their corpses filled my nostrils. A smell I was familiar with. 

I averted my gaze back to Tanya, who was smirking as she brushed away the thick white fabric of the tent. 

“Now, I would like to introduce you two to our last members of our Investigation Squad!” 


The curtain flapped open as we walked in. Contrary to its appearance, it was quite spacious. There was a table with all sorts of documents, Tabloids, Ether chargers, a cot with a medical kit sitting under it, and other miscellaneous crates. Standing around the wooden table were two figures. One was a girl approximately my height with curly brown hair streaked with blond that went down to her shoulder, wearing a red Investigation Corps jacket. Her skin was a paler shade than mine, making her look as delicate as a flower. Especially with her hazel eyes, one could mistaken her for a damsel in distress. The other figure was a guy with chocolate skin and a crewcut, about a head taller than Blank, clad in bulky silver armor. A large silver broadsword and shield rested on his back, each one with thousands of Engravings carved deep into the metal. He had a domineering aura, one full of confidence and pride. 

“Hello~” Tanya hollered in her jolly voice. “I’m back~!” 

“What you so long?” The dainty-looking girl asked, leaning against the table. 

Tanya laughed and scratched her head. 

“I had to pick up some reinforcements. As you know, the Portal here got messed up due to the Dungeon’s interference.” 

The bulky guy turned his head to the entrance, his eyes judging Blank and I. “Mind introducing us to them?”

“Of course! Nicolette and Gerhman meet Arian Rai, our Alconian Veins Specialist and Mid-Ranger, and Blank, our Runes Expert and Frontliner!” 

Suddenly, I felt a cold gaze pierce my body. It came from the flower girl, her sharp gaze turning her pretty face ugly. There was no need for any introductions. I knew very well who she was. 

“And Arian and Blank,” Tanya continued. “This is Nicolette Zadlyc, our Healer and Monsterologist from Imperium City, and Gerhman Troughridge, our Defender and Paladin of the Royal Guard's Second Squadron. Of course, I already briefed our newcomers on our mission.” 

“Pleasure to meet you both!” I said, giving my most professional smile. 

“Likewise,” Gerhman replied, "glad to be working with you both." 

Unlike Gerhman warmer welcome, Nicolette scowled, and I couldn’t help but sigh. 


Nicolette Zadlyc, the daughter of a Marquis and a former classmate of mine from Imperium City Academy. Prior to transferring, Nicolette had always stood at the top for every Advanced Arcmagia course in her year. However, when I came along, I just so happened to topple her perfect record of being number one in the program. Hence, she developed a grudge against me which it still seems like she’s holding onto till now. 


“Hello, Rai.” She scowled at me. She was fuming red with anger. 

“What an odd twist of fate,” I said, trying to keep things casual between us. “Nice to see you too, Nicolette.” 

“Don’t you dare talk to me informally, Rai!” 

Wow, she didn’t even dare to reserve her statements. Her dainty flower image had completely been destroyed just at this moment. 

“Nicolette,” I started, walking over to her while she shirked away from me. “Listen, what happened at the Academy was unintentional.” 

“Oh, you’re giving me this cliché crap,” Nicolette spat. “You’re so oblivious for someone who was top student. A Commoner like you wouldn’t understand a thing.” 

“I never told you back at the Academy, but I know everything. I only found out a few weeks prior to graduation. I’m sorry. I've been meaning to tell you that for a year and a half.” 

You are reading story Imperium City Orders at

 She shrieked as if she hadn't heard the last part of my statement. 

“Who told you?!”

“Eon did.” 

“That little-. You ruined me, Arian. You did, remember!” 

I was at a loss for words. 

Nicolette stomped her foot, leaving a shallow impression on the floor, and barged out of the tent, she really couldn’t bear seeing the sight of me.

I couldn't blame her though.  

“Wow, what an introduction,” Tanya observed as she watched Nicollet disappear. “So you two had a history.” 

“Not the prettiest one,” I admitted. “ It was bumpy, and I’ve made quite the mess, one that still needs to be cleaned up.” 

Gerhman shook his head, folding his armored arms together. 

“She’ll calm down in a few minutes.” 

And Gerhman was right. 

Nicolette stormed back into the tent. Though her face was still crimson red, Nicolette had appeared to regain her composure. 

“I apologize for showing such unsightly behavior. We have to focus on the matter at hand.” 

Nicolette glared at me. 

In her gaze, I could tell she was just putting aside her grudge for now. As much a Nicolette was for clinging onto the events that transpired, she wasn’t so petty as to consider backstabbing. She and I knew that if I died, she probably wouldn’t survive, even if she threw me under the Hackney. To her, I was more valuable alive than dead. Plus, Nicolette would rather settle things without a fist fight, and so would I. Essentially, we had established a non-aggression pact. A temporary truce for the duration of this job. 

“All good.” Tanya smiled. “Sometimes, the emotions do get the better of us. Now, here’s the thing-“ 

Everyone gathered around Tanya. 

“We’ll be diving into the Dungeon in T-minus 10. Inside those crates is something special.” 

Tanya flicked open one of the crates. Inside rested ten earpieces, each embedded with a Core of its own. 

“This little guy is a new product called Rangefire. It's a compact device that combines the communication functions of older earpieces and a body cam. As an added bonus, the thing also has a tracker that can help the other teams find us while also allowing us to draw an accurate diagram of the Dungeon. The Ether life on this nifty gadget is 90 hours which should be plenty of time for us to get in and out. We also have Ether chargers, so the total life is 180 hours, just in case. To use them is simple. Tap once on the Core to activate it-“ 

A golden holographic visor emerged from the earpiece. 

“And if you want to change the settings, twist the Core forward. To select a function or answer calls, tap the Core once again. Got it?!” 

Everyone nodded. 

“Excellent. Now, grab your gear. We’re heading out!” 


A few minutes later, we were standing before the giant black hole of an entrance I had seen earlier. Technicians circled around us to make sure everything was okay. The Technicians gave each other thumbs up, indicating that we've got the green light to go. And before I knew it, we had begun our dive into the Dungeon. 

I touch the back of my compressed weapon's case. I touch a knob on the side and twist it slightly. 




The case whirled for a couple seconds. 


The case clicked and a needle sword attached to a cord connecting to the back of the case popped out. With my gloved dominant hand, I clasped tightly onto the round, pointed needle. Its cold metal body providing me comfort and strength. I tap on the side of my earpiece, the golden visor materializing in front of my goggles. A blank screen appears in the corner with a dot in the middle of a square, indicating my current location. 

I was set. 

With the wave of her hand, Tanya rounded us up and, in her loud voice, shouted, "Move in!" 

"Roger that!" 

I hope things go well. 

Unfortunately, this was just the beginning. 

The worst had yet to come.