Chapter 6: The Sun and The Star

Lady Ashara of House Dayne was born at Starfall in 265 AC. She was a wild child according to her mother. She would often run through the halls of Palestone Sword tirelessly, she would also watch his brother, Arthur Dayne, train in the ways of the sword. She would often ask him to teach her how to do it, but her mother quickly forbade her to practice as she was but a child, and it was not ‘ladylike’ according to her mother.


So, she quickly became bored in the castle, and because of that, she would often pester his brother to tell her tales about his adventures outside of Starfall, and he did, he told her how he helped smallfolks around Dorne with their bandit problems, he told her how he hunted a huge animal near the river that belongs to house Yronwood, and he told her how he got knighted at the age of fourteen.


But soon, Arthur visited Starfall less and less, and Ashara’s only source  of company is now her sister, Allyria, as her other brother was always busy in his studies, studying to be a lord. Allyria was good company, but it wasn’t the company that Ashara was looking for. Allyria only talks about how to ‘knit’ and how to ‘behave like a lady’, Ashara had an interest in that area for sure, but it was becoming more and more stale for her in the castle.


But soon that would change when a young prince came to her castle. The prince had olive skin, so he must’ve come from the east, yet his eyes are as blue as the sky. When the prince came, her father had told her to gather at the entrance of the Palestone sword to greet the young Martell, and she did. When she looked at him for the first time, there’s something about his clear blue eyes that draws her to him. So she did what a normal noble lady would, she greeted the prince politely. And she noticed that when he saw her for the first time, he had a nervous smile.


And so the prince started his fostering at Starfall. At first, the prince acted distant towards Ashara, much to her disappointment and annoyance. She didn’t know why he acted distant, she had acted friendly towards him, but eventually the prince started to warm up to her, and finally, she had new company in this stale yet colourful castle.


The prince had acted as some sort of replacement for Arthur, but it wasn’t at the same time. The prince told her stories just like her brother, yet it felt different. Each of his stories felt different. It feels like every story he wanted to tell her something. There was one time he told a story about a grieving sister, and he specifically asked her to ‘don’t dwell in grief too much’. He also told her about a tale that explains the meaning of life, and that life was a precious gift. Ashara felt confused, as she was but a nine year old child, but there’s no doubt that those stories are implanted in her head.


Prince Morian and Lady Ashara grew closer and closer as time went by. When the prince got Athena, he would often take her on a ride around Starfall as he knew that she was quite bored in the castle. He even sneakily teaches her how to use a bow, and she appreciated that. She would also sing to him, the prince often liked it when she sang, her voice was still childish, but it was good enough. The prince promised to write a song that suited her, she was happy enough that he would write something for her, so she waited for that day to come.


Years passed by, and Ashara is now 12 years old, while Prince Morian was 13. They were in the Flower Garden of Palestone Sword. Morian was playing with a lute, sitting beside a bed of flowers, while Ashara was making a flower crown from the flowers of the gardens. It was quiet and peaceful. But it was suddenly broken when a servant came to them rather hurriedly.


“My Prince, My Lady, the Prince’s mother has come to visit, and she requested the prince’s presence immediately.”


Once the prince heard that, he was confused, why is his mother here? Did the fostering end early? And so the prince stood up along with Ashara, and both of them followed the servant to where the prince's mother was.


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The two then entered Lord Dayne’s chamber, and saw that the Princess of Dorne was talking to Lord Dayne, while Oberyn and Elia were talking in the corner of the room. Morian is more confused, why is his brother and sister here? What business do they have?


So he asked them, with his lute still in his hand, and Ashara’s hand in the other. When the Princess saw the prince, she smiled, then she smirked, she looked at the pair, innocently holding hands in front of everyone. “We are travelling to the Westerlands to broker a marriage.”


Morian frowned when he heard that. “You want to marry Elia to the Lannisters?” questioned the prince. His mother shook her head in denial. “No, I want to marry your brother to the Lannisters, although if they are interested in Elia, I wouldn’t mind discussing it with them.”


Morian was surprised when his mother said that, his brother? The one who a couple years ago laid with Lord Yronwood’s paramour, is getting married? Before Morian could think more, his brother himself said that they were still discussing it, although the discussion will probably fall flat, as everyone knows that Tywin had been trying to marry his daughter Cercei to the crown prince.


And so the princess dismissed them, as the Princess of Dorne wanted to talk to Lord Dayne in private. Princess Elia quickly took Ashara away from him, much to Morian’s suspicion, and Oberyn asked Morian to show his archery skills.


The two brothers then walked towards the archery range, where they competed using the bow. ‘Whoever hits the most target accurately wins’ says Oberyn. And they competed. In the end, Morian won much to his brother’s annoyance. They then continued to talk, Morian had asked how he is here, because last time he had heard from him, he was exiled temporarily by Doran because of lord Yronwood’s death. Oberyn then proceeded to tell him his journey in oldtown, where he studied as a maester, then because he was bored, he left westeros to the east, where he joined the second sons, he was then called by his mother to Sunspear again, ending the temporary exile, but he would rather be exiled again when he heard the reason for his homecoming, his mother wanted him to get married.


They talked a little bit more, and eventually were called to the dining hall for dinner. When they arrived at the hall, it looked more like a feast than a normal dinner, the two Princes didn’t complain and ate to their heart’s content. Eventually, their mother suddenly stood up, her weak body starting to be seen, but nobody commented.


She then raised her wine glass, and said a rather strange toast to everyone, Morian didn’t know what it meant at that time, but he followed the toast nonetheless


She raised her glass and said, “To the Sun and the Star.”


“To the Sun and the Star!”