Chapter 46: Bandits Hideout! – Chapter 46

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Hiroki's POV!




Thanks to the cloak Aya was wearing, she could store a lot more things than keeping them in her hands. And since I couldn't touch anything, her storage pocket helped us a lot.

While we were preparing, I felt someone following us the whole time. Since it wasn't attacking Aya yet, then it means they were humans. But who are they? I understand that a lone girl walking in the woods is dangerous, but to think that people of this world would be this low.

[ Aya, we are being followed. ] I tried informing Aya about our current situation. .

[ I k-know. ] But her reaction was much different than I thought

She was trying to stay calm even though there were several humans, aiming for Aya. They might have twisted goals which I don't even want to think about. But whatever their goal is, I won't allow any of them to touch Aya.

[ Aya, do as we discussed before. ] I said to Aya before going out of Aya's body without anyone noticing me. 

< Stealth >

Thanks to this skill, those humans won't be able to find me that easily. I tried going around the forest in order to see the exact number of those humans. There were six in total, and they seem to be preparing to make a surprise attack on Aya.

I carefully went from behind those guys and tried possessing the one who was the farthest from the rest. 

"Huh?" He was confused as his body wasn't listening to him anymore. But even though his body was in my control, I could feel him struggling in order to take back his own body.

"If you don't stop resisting, I'll shove your knife in your throat." I whispered those words so only he could listen to them. I felt his own body trembling until I didn't feel any more resistance from him.

I tried getting closer so I could listen to his buddies that were trying to hide from Aya. 

"When should we go in?" The nearest guy asked as they were trying to keep quiet.

"Hold on, when she turns her back on us, that's when we come out. Knock her out, then tie her." He explained as they were waiting for Aya to turn her back. As planned, Aya continued gathering the herbs, pretending she didn't know what was going to happen.

"...NOW!" One of them gave the signal to attack when Aya turned her back on all of the kidnappers. They all started rushing towards Aya while I grabbed one of their teammates that was near me.

"Huh? You bastard, what are you, aagh!..." I immediately slit his throat using the knife that this guy had near his hand. 

I didn't want to make it painful for him, so I tried finishing him as fast as I could. And once again, I didn't feel anything after I killed another human…

"Where do you think you're going, little lady?" One of those bandits was running towards Aya with a rope on his hands as he asked that question to her. But Aya still didn't react to him until he got close enough and cut off his hands with her dagger.

< Certain Hit >

It took a few seconds for him to realise what had happened to his hands. His eyes widened as he stared at his hands laying on the ground.

"Ah… AAAGHH!!! M-my hands!!!!" Aya's eyes widened as she was looking at what she had done. I told her not to kill them since I didn't want Aya to become a murderer unless it was necessary. 

But still, this might be too much even for Aya. Even though she's trying to hide it, I can feel that she's terrified inside.

I approached another bandit from behind and cut his throat while covering his mouth, but that wasn't enough to stay hidden for too long. 

"Huh? You fuckhead, what do you think you're doing?" He looked back at his own teammate in anger. 

"Getting rid of trash like you!" I charged towards him and paralysed one of them. 

Since this body was really skinny, I let it get killed by his own teammates. They all ganged up and brutally murdered this guy, thinking he betrayed them. And the moment he died, I possessed someone else that was near me. 

"W-what was that?!" They stood in fear the moment they saw a mist entering inside someone else. I didn't know how this guy acted, but I tried fooling them off.

"What are you talking about? Look for the girl! She ran away!" I tried acting like a criminal and luckily, they immediately turned their heads around, realising that Aya was no longer there. And one of their teammates wasn't moving because of my Paralyse skill.

"What the fuck is going on?" The last three bandits were looking at each other with a confused look on their face. They didn't know what was going on, while I had control of this body. 

It feels a bit disgusting possessing these ugly guys, but this was the best option to find their hideout.

"Our job was to get the girl and bring her with the rest! Is it really that hard to focus?!" They all started blaming each other as they started looking around for Aya. 

"Why are you complaining?! You saw what just happened!" 

"And do you think our boss will be pleased with the answer?  'Tony betrayed us, and the girl ran away'. Do you really think he'll let this slide?" I didn't know where the hideout was, that's why I got rid of the rest of the bandits.

< Fire Element >

I tried shooting fireballs at the three of them until they were burning alive.

"Aghhh!!! What's happening?!?!?!?"

"It burns!!!!!!"

"You bastard!!!!" They all looked at me in anger as they died from being burned alive. I could feel this body I was possessing trembling in fear as he was looking at them burn alive. 

When I came back, I also killed the other bandit that was trying to get away from its paralysed state. 

After looking around for awhile, I noticed Aya hanging at a branch of a tree, and the moment she saw me, she jumped on this body. I tried dodging but she easily stabbed the shoulder of this body.

"Aya, calm down. It's me." She looked straight into the eyes of this body, noticing they were different.

"...Hiroki?" She asked as she relaxed her body.

"Yes, that's me. I'm currently using this body until we find the rest of these guys.” After I saw that Aya wasn’t wary of me in this body, I began explaining to her our next plan. “I heard they had kidnapped more humans." 

Our plan was to go back to the city and report to them about these bandits. But now that we know that there were other people, both me and Aya were ready to check out their hideout. 

I took some steps away from Aya and gently whispered these words to myself. "If you don't want to end up like your friends, then you better tell me where your hideout is…" 

This body started trembling a lot before moving into a direction.

"Aya, follow me. I think I know where their hideout is." 

We were led to a deeper part of the forest where I couldn't sense any monsters nearby. I let this bandit control only the legs so he could show us the way, but if he shows any signs of anything suspicious, then I'll immediately kill him. I don't want to risk Aya's life for this lowlife of a criminal. As we were getting closer to a cave, I felt this guy trying to talk.

"P...plea..s… d-do..n'" But I took full control back of his body without a care for what he said to me.

"Aya, I'll go and take care of everything inside. Follow me and try finding anyone who might have gotten kidnapped." 

"Okay." Aya was some meters behind me while I casually was walking inside the cave. I could hear some voices coming deeper in the cave. 

They must be the other bandits.

"Ha? Why are you here?!" He was approaching me with a confused look. He had massive muscles and I could feel he was slightly stronger than the six five bandits I had killed. 

"Oh, there you are. I found something nice. We can sell this for thousands of Xumi! We can be rich!" I pretended like I was searching through the pockets until he got close enough to me. He seemed a little excited as he was waiting for me to show him the thing.

"What is it, if the boss finds out! We're both dea---" And the moment he let his guard down, I pulled out the knife out of the pocket and sliced his eyes off.

"Aghh!!! You motherfuc-- aggh!!!" But before he would move any closer, I paralysed him and slid his throat with my full strength.

"What was that?" I heard a lot more footsteps coming towards me, and this body was becoming much weaker thanks to the high stress it was experiencing. 

"Huh? Did he just kill Floyd?" 

"He betrayed us! Wake up the others!!" A lot more were coming to us, and I already knew what I had to do. I started running towards them as fast as I could and before they started attacking this body, I possessed another body while using 'stealth' skill. Thanks to that, including the darkness of the cave, they couldn't manage to see me.

"Everyone is here! What happened?!" Around twenty more bandits rushed towards us, as they were looking at the dead body of their comrade.

"This little bastard killed Floyd." They all were looking at his dead body, wondering why he would do that. There was a gap of silence until we heard a cracking sound coming from the entrance of the cave. That must have been Aya, trying to hide.

"Huh? Is someone else at the entrance of the cave?!" I paralysed some of them before attacking them with a sword which this body had on its waist. 

One after another, I took them by surprise and killed them without hesitation.

"What the fuck?!! Is everyone going insane today?!!" It didn't take long before all of them started attacking this guy I was possessing. Their strength was unmatched compared to this body and I was having a hard time adapting to the way it moved. That's why I tried possessing someone else who looked the toughest.

"I can finally move? Huh, g-guys wait I---" After he got control back of his own body, he tried explaining that his body was moving on its own. 

“Kill him!!!””

“Son of a bitch!!” But none of the bandits seemed to care at all. They immediately killed him by cutting off his head. 

Blowing them away using fire would be a bad idea since it may collapse everyone from the inside.

* * *


At the end of the cave, there were several rooms where the bandits were staying. In one of the rooms were all of the loot they had robbed from different merchants. In another room, there was a big cell where a lot of girls were staying. Their clothes were just a simple brown leather cloth that barely covered any part of their body. Their ages differ from around 7 years old to 25 years old. 

"What is happening…?" One little girl with long brown hair asked herself as she was trying to look beyond the bars. None of the other girls seemed to care about that and their eyes were mostly empty.

"Why does it matter? They probably brought another victim to add to their slave collection…" The one to respond to the little girl was a blonde beauty sitting in the corner of the room. She had long ears and slightly bigger breasts from any other girl in the cell. Her bright blue eyes stared at the girl without saying anything else. Her body was filled with bruises, showing that she was severely punched before coming in here.

"Aya, I'm going to the other rooms. Can you free everyone in here?" Coming near here, was one of the bandits, together with a white haired girl that were working together. Everyone found this weird because that bandit was the one who captured and manipulated most of the girls in here. “...” But when the blonde elf saw that bandit, her eyes widened… 

"Yes." Aya went towards the cell and broke through the bars using her dagger. Everyone was a little confused about their current situation. Were they saved, or was this another play made by those bandits?

"Everyone, let's escape!" They all looked at Aya for a moment before deciding to follow her out of the cell. While they could see the corpses of the bandits laying on the ground, some of them were even smirking at their death. But when Aya looked around, the blonde elf was trying to enter inside the looting room.

"W-what are you doing?! Let's get out here!" 

Aya wondered why she wasn't going outside like all of the other girls. 

"The leader of these bandits is really strong. He will need my help." After looking through the loot, she found a large bow carved with special details.

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Hiroki's POV!



After I told Aya to rescue the girls inside the cell, I went to the other room. The room was significantly bigger than the rest of this place. What I saw in front of me was another bandit that was wearing completely black clothes and a large cloak. On his hand, there was a visible scar that looked like an 'X'. He was sitting on a fancy big chair where two plump women wearing leather clothes were sitting on each of his legs. 

"Master… please give this low slave some attention…"

"Me as well…" both of these women were rubbing their bodies against this guy. Their faces had seductive looks that would defeat any kind of man.

"How could I refuse such an offer?" He started kissing them without a care that I was coming towards him. Does he not realise what had happened at the entrance of the cave?

"So you're the one who betrayed us?" 

But after getting a bit closer, he finally let go of that woman's lips and looked at me.

You are reading story Summoned as a Ghost in another world at

"And you don't care that I killed all of your men and freed all of the girls?" Both of those women that were all over that guy, suddenly looked at me in shock.

"You think I care about that? I can steal money and kidnap as many girls as I want." He suddenly got up and slightly moved his hand on both sides. At that moment, those girls who were by his side fell into the ground and their heads separated from their bodies.

"What's wrong? Did you perhaps get angry? That's odd… because you’re one of my bastards who especially loves torturing young girls." 

He looked at me while cleaning the blood that was on his sleeve. He tried cleaning those girl's blood as if it was the most disgusting thing that he has ever seen.

There wasn't anything to talk about with this guy, that's why I decided to charge towards him with the sword this body had. But even after trying to attack him, he didn't seem to be worried at all. He stood still until I cut him in half. 

For a moment I thought I killed him, but his body didn't fall into the ground. His body turned into smoke until it reformed some meters away from me. 

"What's wrong? Did you really think you could kill me?" He had a smirk on his face the whole time, making it look like he was having fun. But I didn't let him get into my nerves, I tried keeping my cool as I tried attacking him again with my sword.


But once again, he disappeared after getting hit by my paralysing skill.

"Hahahah, you almost got me there! But still, your attacks are all useless to me!" 

He was confident in his own skills, and I won't deny, he was just like a ghost that no one can touch. 

But suddenly an arrow made of air slid through his body, deforming him for a few seconds.


When I looked behind, I saw a beautiful elf wearing leather clothes just like the other girls that were kidnapped. What is she doing here? Didn't I tell Aya to get everyone out of here?

"He won't be able to attack us during the time he turns into smoke." The elf told me as she continued shooting arrows using a longbow. 

But I already figured out that he can't attack me while he's in that state. When he's just a mist, he can't even touch anything. 

After observing him... I could just try and possess him, but I have a feeling that it won't work if he's in a mist form.

"It's all pointless! You won't be able to touch me no matter how powerful you are!" He took head on all of the elf's attacks without a care. 

"Don't inhale that no matter what!!!" The elf panicked the moment he became a mist once again as it was spreading. But before he could get any closer to us, I charged towards him and inhaled the mist. This body felt numb until it couldn't stand anymore.

"Hahahahaha! How much of a fool are you?! You should've listened to the elf!" He immediately cut off the head of the body I was possessing. 

But now that he was in human form, I could finally possess him.

"Huh? What is that?!" He was wondering what I was, but before he could figure it out... 

It was already too late because his body was under my control.

That elf wasn't shooting at me. Did that elf know the bandit I was possessing before? Even though I couldn't see much expression on her fantasy-like face, she still kept her calm as if everything was fine.

For the moment, I should check out what kind of skills this guy has.



Name: Ronie

Race: Human

INT: 490

STR: 370

AGI: 600

VIT: 3,000

DEF: 4,000


< Wind cutter >

< Mist Shifter >

< Aura perception >

< Magic sense >



I could see why this guy was so confident from the way he was speaking. His defense and vitality were over 1,000… But thankfully, his INT was much smaller compared to mine, making it easier to have control of his body.

This was the leader of the bandits, so killing him won't make any difference from any of his underlings. Now, before I kill this guy, how should I convince her to leave? Maybe I can act like a villain and threaten her to leave. She should already know that she's no match for him, especially after killing that body I was possessing. She didn't even react when I switched bodies. There's also a high chance that she didn't notice me from the shock.

"Get out of here."

And without saying anything else, she left… I couldn't tell from her expressionless face, but was she actually scared?

"Now then… How do I deal with you?" Since I could feel him struggling, I asked him using his own voice. 

"W-wait!! I can give you a lot of money!! I have a lot of them!!! So d-don't kill me!!" 

When I allowed him to use his face, he immediately begged me to spare his life. Until the very end he was a scum who didn't care about his actions. In his point of view, stealing, power, and raping was everything to him. 

< Curse >

I didn't want to deal with him any longer, that's why I unconsciously used the curse skill once again. It felt as if It wanted to be used while I was feeling anger inside me. 

I got out of his body and looked at his face as he was dying.

"W-what the hell… are… you…" His head started swelling until it exploded to pieces. Even though he could transform into a mist, he couldn't escape his fate of dying by my curse skill…



Calculating experience from all the bandits!


< INT >

1,010 -> 1,300





New skills acquired!

< Aura Perception > Level 1


Effects: Even with your eyes closed, you'll be able to see your surroundings. 



I got a nice exp from these bandits. Maybe I should find more of them and get their experience or skills. 

After confirming my own status, I decided to head back to Aya. She was still near the entrance of the cave, checking if anyone was injured.

"Thank you so much for helping us." The oldest girl thanked Aya as she held her hands. She was so happy to the point of bursting into tears. But as the oldest one, she held herself back. 

"Bandits had stolen a lot of money. You should get them." She suggested that to Aya.

"N-no! I can't do such a thing!" Aya couldn't take that sum of money while none of them took anything.

"No no… it's only fair that you get them. Not only that you rescued us, but you're also letting us slaves free." But even so, Aya wasn't convinced by that woman's words.

"E-even so, i can't take all of it. I'm sure everyone can use some of that money." Aya wasn't greedy like those bandits. She shared all of that money, knowing she could have bought a house with them.

"Then, we'll take that offer." Everyone started looting everything inside the cave and took everything. While everyone was distracted, I possessed Aya really fast. But when I looked around, I noticed that the elf was looking at Aya. 

Did she see me?

[ Y-you surprised me… ] Aya's body flinched a little the moment I possessed her. I must have scared her. But I really need to be more careful next time…

After they took all of the money inside the looting room, the oldest woman came towards Aya with the largest bag of money.

"Please, at least accept this! I wouldn't feel right if you left empty handed." 

Aya thought for a bit before accepting the money offered to her. She put the money inside the pocket storage so she wouldn't have to carry it the whole time.

"Thank you." Aya thanked that girl with a smile on her face.

"No no, I should be the one thanking you." After walking for a bit, we found a carriage that the oldest girl seemed to recognise.

"My husband was a merchant before we both got robbed. He was killed while I was kept as a slave in that cell, waiting to be sold…" She looked at the carriage, reminding her of her past. But now, thanks to that carriage, everyone was able to travel back to the city. 

But as we were on our way back, that elf continued looking at Aya for some reason. 



