Novus again! Are you all having a good time? I know I am! I just knew a bit of danger would put Tess in the right mood! Now we get to see her doing a bunch of adventuring out in the world!
It’s gonna be great!
I wonder what other crazy creatures this world has in store for her? Those slimes were certainly interesting! Such an insane anatomy.
Turns out the monsters don’t actually eat each other but collect themselves together to take down larger prey. Then, when they get too big they just ker-sploosh everywhere!
I had to do a biiiit—a microcosm of it, really—of fiddling with the ecosystem to get enough of them for fighting the village, but I’ll say it was worth it!
And don’t worry, it’s not going to mess up the ecosystem. I made sure to kill a very old, practically geriatric, monster for the slimes to eat. All it took from there was a bit of creative work moving them down the forest. Then, bam! Big action set piece for our awesome heroine!
It’ll take a bit before I can do other changes though. It turns out there actually are a few other gods here!
Not as cool or interesting as me of course, but let’s face it, only I could compete with me.
However! Those other gods maybe—might’ve—caught on to my meddling and are on the lookout. So I need to lay low for a bit. Luckily that won’t interfere with Tess!
I can’t wait to see her out and about adventuring!
Tess stretched as the morning bells woke her from her dreams. They weren’t particularly nice dreams, mostly reminders of her old life on Earth. Dreams of her old life and old friends.
“Get over it,” Tess whispered to herself. “You don’t have time to think about it yet.”
Are you trying to put off skills again?
“No,” Tess answered softly. She could hear Esti shuffling around behind the panel screen. Tess didn’t want to have to explain to Esti that she saw little boxes that talked to her.
Good! Because that xp is burning a hole in your metaphorical pocket and I have got to see what you buy!
“Honestly I was thinking of saving for a tier 5 package,” Tess answered. “Maximize my chances.”
But what about the thrill of getting new skills! What about the fire that burns when rolling!
“Yeah, none of that happens,” Tess answered.
Tess sat up, pulling the woven quilts off her and folding them up next to the coolstone.
It had been a few days since the Jaria attack and the village was settling back into place. Any destroyed homes had been generously rebuilt while Mirari and the other adventurers patrolled around the lands for other Jaria.
Tess had offered to help, but Mirari had tasked her with helping Esti collect supplies for their journey.
It turned out that becoming an adventurer meant talking to the local lord. Gimu Ortzi in this case. The lord would grant a contract of rights to the adventurer giving them authority under the crown to protect villages from the wildlands, even if said lands were considered private property.
It was a strange system in Tess’s eyes. She was used to structured government power, where responsibility lay with an official organization. In her mind, adventuring sounded a lot more like bounty hunting.
But it let her explore the woods, and nature was quickly becoming the only thing that felt familiar in this new land.
“Morning Esti,” Tess said, collapsing the panel after she dressed. “How’s my favorite roommate.”
“Up all night because of your snoring,” Esti ribbed.
“I don’t snore,” Tess answered. “Perhaps it was the sound of your creaky joints.”
Esti stabbed at Tess with a bony finger. “Seems like someone doesn’t want their breakfast.”
“No, don’t take my breakfast away. Your sausages are the best thing on this godforsaken planet. I couldn’t live without them,” Tess answered dryly.
Esti slapped Tess’s hand reproachfully with a spatula she grabbed from the shelves next to the stove. “Don’t you insult Laubat.”
“My bad,” Tess answered, only half meaning it. The woman helped prepare some plates as Esti lit the stove with some magic. Soon, the sound of sizzling fat mixed with the herby smell of sausage.
“So, Mirari’s taking you to get an adventuring contract,” Esti said as the food cooked.
Tess nodded, glad to have something to take her mind off her hunger. “We got enough supplies for the journey and will be off once he gets here.”
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“Watch him for me,” Esti said. “The boy has a habit of getting into trouble.”
“No kidding,” Tess answered. “Not a day goes by where he isn’t taking on more than he should.”
“That just means it’s up to you to rein him in,” Esti sniffed.
“Don’t worry, I won’t let him do anything stupid,” Tess said.
“And I won’t let her do anything, ‘stupid,’ either,” Mirari said as he stepped through the doorway.
“Please, your stupid is leagues worse than my stupid,” Tess shot back.
Mirari smiled. “Glad to see you’re awake enough for jokes. Ready to walk?”
“After the two of you have a decent meal,” Esti said, sliding plates of sausage to them. “You’ll be having hard bread and jerky for days unless you find something out hunting.”
“Thanks, Esti,” Mirari said.
Tess stood around awkwardly as Mirari said his goodbyes to the village. Practically the entire population was out, and each of them wanted to wish the adventurer well. The woman waded through well wishes and goodbyes as Mirari spent some time saying farewell.
After about thirty minutes the villages let the duo go. Tess took one more look at the village of Ortzerri. She admired the rustic nature of the houses and the bright attitudes of the villagers. It was an unfamiliar feeling.
Tess turned to Mirari. “So, you said the trip is about six or seven days depending. You never said depending on what.”
“Depending on the weather, mostly,” Mirari answered. “Sometimes we must deal with violent rainstorms or oppressive heat. The heat less so since the journey is along the river.”
“Why not take a boat then?” Tess asked.
“Rapids and waterfalls,” Mirari answered succinctly.
“Gotcha,” Tess answered.
The woman shifted the pack on her back to a more comfortable position, the straps already uncomfortable. Not painful, but an obvious pressure that kept reminding Tess that she carried a good amount of weight with her.
Inside the pack was a simple tent, a pot, multiple rations, some firestarters, a few bandages, and some changes of clothes. A bow and spear were tied to the outside of the pack along with a quiver of arrows. Her more modern items were still in her fanny pack, which was still at her side along with her knife.
Mirari wore a similar getup, but his pack also held a spot for fishing gear.
The two walked along the riverside, following a dirt pathway that eventually became overgrown with reeds. Tess wiped some sweat off her brow, admiring the beauty of the world around her. The reeds whistled in the soft winds blowing from the hills, singing songs that only they could comprehend. Insects and amphibians wove between the foliage, playing dangerous games of tag.
In the distance, Tess could make out the tips of mountains, their majestic peaks covered in a multitude of greenery.
Eventually, the path steepened as the two arrived at the first waterfall. Tess and Mirari walked along a switchback path, Tess sighing in relief as the water cooled her down.
They set up for lunch a bit later, taking out some rations as they prepared water for drinking.
“So, anything I should expect in the city?” Tess asked as they ate.
“Lots of stares,” Mirari answered. “I tried to keep the curiosity to a minimum at the village but I can’t do that in Ipairi.”
“Anything else?” Tess asked. “I doubt my looks are going to be the biggest issue.”
“Nothing dangerous,” Mirari answered.
Tess snorted. “Right.”
“Mirari, you live in a world where giant slimes come swarm from the mountains. You really expect me to believe that there’s nothing dangerous?”
“Not in the city,” Mirari answered. “The place is too far from the woods for dangerous monsters.”
“What about from the lake?” Tess asked.
“The Ur caste makes sure the waters are safe,” Mirari answered.
Tess nodded as she took a bite of jerky.