Chapter 61: Chapter 38: To make you smile.

Kein's POV

I finally went inside of my superior's office sitting on his office and that's... Vincent's father. 

Duke Tristan Wolford. He's supposed to be one of the well known strictest head general in the military. He would give no mercy to anyone, even his son. 

The Duke gives me a serious look taking me in. "I haven't seen you in a while, Kein Rosenguard- or should I call you Kein Hills now? Which would you prefer." he asks putting his hands together resting them on his table. 

"Kein Hills, sir." 

He nods. "Alright now I presume we're here to talk about work and your place in the Lion Battalion, Commander."

I nod in response remembering that I have been appointed as commander already. My legs was shaking in my seat, waiting for my first mission. 

The Duke opens his drawer and offers me a folder containing the words written on top. I took it holding the thin folder that's been enchanted with magic. I hold my hand over it summoning a small bright red magic circle, "[Unlock]." I chanted.

I still have Mana to unlock the enchantment on this folder. Slowly words formed on the cover of the folder.

Just to explain, I can use dark magic where father and I have called it [Gluttony Magic] where I can absorb other people's magic if I wanted to and the consequences of that I am immune to any kind of magic. 

The Holy sword that I found in the dungeon can somehow channel that magic that I absorbed and use it for itself. It's a different kind of sword that can manifest into two shapes. 

For some reason it turns into a paintbrush when I desire to I can change it's bristles hard or soft, long or short. 

At that point at that time isn't this the perfect sword for me but... was it all just some stroke of luck? It was just too perfect for me. 

It paired really well with my [Gluttony Magic]

You might think [Gluttony] is an overpowered magic. I do have my limits, after training with father and absorbing more magic that my body can handle I almost died. 

When you take a look at things I'm like a battery, I take in electricity and I have my own tank where I can store my Mana and I'll blow up if it overloads. It's really unlucky that it's not infinite absorption, now that's what I would call overpowered. 

My Mana storage is rather decent. I can absorb more than fifty spells and it would depend on their size and mana used onto releasing that spell. 

I have my counter effects. Using the holy sword I could channel the spare Mana there.

I was really thankful for the Holy Sword, [Silverlight Blade] if not I would've died countless of times for Mana overload. 

Ah another thing about my magic. If I cast one of my spells, [Absorb Half-Ground] it would cast a wide magic circle where if you're inside that circle you won't be able to use your magic, that excludes the caster however. 

This is really troublesome if you're with someone else and their in that circle. 

I don't have much spells actually now that I think about it. I only have gathered five related to my dark magic. [Cancel][Return], [Absorb Half-Ground][Convert], and [Spell Transfer]

The [Return] and [Spell Transfer] spell are usually used with my Holy sword combo.

All of them which are useful but aren't the names too simple?! I wish I knew more spells but... I made all of these myself and they're the words that I thought of when I was trying to name my spells. 

I have no other records of Kein's biological father's dark magic and what spells they used. 

Even Baron Hills couldn't have gotten to that extent of information. I've already read all of Kein's diary and there was nothing concerning about her family heritage when it came to her father side so that was a stump.

I'll just have to make do with what I have.

For now I have to focus on my work being a Royal Knight. My hands brushed through the folder, the whole words appearing at the cover. The title was bolded and caps locked, looking like it was important. 

"Top Priority? Rank S Danger."
 I tilt my head reading the cover of it. 

A top priority mission? On my first day? A rank S mission for someone like me? 

I look through the Duke who just observes my reaction. He's too much like Vincent it's scaring me. "Um Duke Wolford, sir. I think you gave the wrong folder. It says Rank S Danger. I'm only a commander and I couldn't have gotten this kind of mission already." I told him and he shakes his head and points at the folder.

"Open it first, Commander Hills." (Duke Wolford) 

Well... Top priority for a rookie huh I wonder what they're up to now. 

I opened the folder quickly reading all of the contents inside. 

Hmm... I see. The mission requires to escort one of the royal family in visiting [Winshern]. It is suspected that an ambush from the rebellion have been planned after the plans of visit have been leaked. 

It is estimated that there is a spy and a traitor among us. They will be planning to kidnap the princess to by; First suspect of reason: Bribery and Ransom

Second suspect of reason: To give up the crown and gain independence. 

Third suspect of reason: A distraction.

There will be one carriage enchanted with protective spells on the day of the visit. Hired experienced adventurers and the Heroes have volunteered to partake in the escort mission. 

The royal family member shall be escorted next week: estimated arrival in the [Winshern] kingdom should be three days.

"One of the royal family..." I muttered after recollecting the content of the file. 

It must be... definitely. I know its her. 

I closed the folder sighing receiving a raised eyebrow from the Duke. He looks disappointed with how I reacted with the folder contents and it was no brainer honestly. "You are not satisfied with the rewards?" (Duke Wolford) asks clearly dumbfounded. 

"Its not about the rewards, sir. It's just rather personal." I responded and the Duke looked disatisfied with my answer.

He pushes the folder back to me, it slides closely- I could read the title all over again. "You do know that you swore an oath. To protect the kingdom and everything with it. That includes the royal family." (Duke Wolford) scolds me and I lower my head.

"I know you are no longer in contact with the First princess so rest assured you are not going to escort her." he tells me and I wanted to melt on the spot. 

I-I know it's not the first princess. She has no reason to go to [Winshern] meaning its...

"It's her highness, the second princess who will you will be escorting to visit her fiancé. They are expected to marry in a few month's time and I was hoping we could use your cooperation." (Duke Wolford) 

I didn't even notice but my hands were already clenched tight and I was already feeling horrible with the news.

The Duke waits for a reply tapping his fingers impatiently. My mind could only let these words out, "They're going to marry soon, I see. I wish them eternal happiness." I muttered trying to force myself with a smile. 

"I would like for you to take this mission. We need you in case of any dangerous magic users will be attacking on the day of the escort. The rebellion have been gathering dangerous people these days." he says looking grim mentioning the rebellion.

"The heroes will be there but the more soldiers the better, especially with a magic like yours my heart will be settled with these affairs." (Duke Wolford) looks at me with dignity and pride I feel like I don't even deserve it. 

I stare at the folder. I should accept right? Its good for my reputation and rankings for the rewards if I complete this mission.

I should be mature about this. I'm a woman in my 40s mentally. I'm not going to let some teenager feelings get to me.

This is just an ordinary job. I should be fine if I keep my distance. 

I moved on already. I don't love her anymore. 

Veronica is right. I'm a Baron's adopted daughter and she's a princess. I can't even see us being together due to the difference of status. 

I unclenched my fists after calming down. It's been two years already, grow up... professor. 

I held down both of my swords standing up and taking the folder from Duke Wolford's table. "Thank you for the job offer sir. I'll be there." I told him and he smiles faintly before returning back to that strict serious glare of him. 

"Be there early. This is a Rank S mission, you'll meet your squad a day before that so I am expecting great results from you, Commander." (Duke Wolford)

"Yes sir." I told him walking into the direction of the front door.

"Good. Before next week your patrol schedule are here. You'll be starting later this afternoon so you have time." He stands up from his seat giving me a salute. 

I did the same and opened the door seeking the way out. 

I held my temples in frustration. This should be nothing, it's just escorting the second princess. 

Who was your old flame before all of this so its okay.

Who am I kidding?! Its like escorting your ex-lover you still like to get married to another person who you haven't even met and you expect me to be fine?! 

What if the guy treats her like shit?! I'll strangle whoever Rose's fiancé is.

What does he have that I don't huh?!

Other than a castle, a higher title, and maybe a dick.

That's it I need to rest my head. I'm going to go crazy at this point if I keep thinking about her. 

I held down my sword looking at the folder again. I sighed storing the folder into my [Storage Ring] for safe keeping. 

Don't worry Kein- I mean I'm not really Kein but I'll be fine right?

You are reading story Reborn as the Princess’ Knight (GL) at

"Are you done?" 

I held both of my hands up in defense after hearing Natasha's voice. I forgot she was waiting for me. "Natasha don't sneak up on me like that." I told her but she looked like she didn't care and asked me again.

"Are you done?" (Natasha) she asks in a monotone voice but her eyes were rather excited when she stared at me. Its only been an hour were she waiting for me that long?

I scratch the back of my neck awkwardly. "Yeah I'm done. I'm going to take Vanilla for a walk while I patrol around the area of the capital it seems."

Natasha was pissed before now she looks tame- what a fast mood changer she is. "Natasha wants to practice smiling because you said it looks good on me." she mutters seriously leaning closer to my face while I almost forgot about that.

I have time to kill so why not?

"Sure let me get Vanilla first. We can walk together while we practice alright?"
 I told her and she nods enthusiastically making me smile.

Well I can think of this as a distraction before next week comes. 

Natasha and I walked outside of the knight's headquarters where I had to give every knight that passed a salute. 

I heard a neigh and saw Vanilla not too far away to where I left her. I quickly walked up to my Pegasus who licks my face when she saw me. "Good girl! No one gave you trouble right?" I asked Vanilla who shakes her head. 

"Brrrt." (Vanilla) snorts trotting a little. I think she's hungry. Alright! 

I took some treats out of my ring and gave it to Vanilla who chomps on it happily. I saw Natasha staring at Vanilla with starts in her eyes. "I-It has been a while since Natasha has seen your Pegasus friend." (Natasha) 

I look up to Natasha who fiddles with herself not knowing what to do. "Come here you can give her a pat." I told Natasha who nervously looks at me before walking behind me. 

Natasha hides behind my back and I tried my best not to laugh. "Vanilla doesn't bite come on, go forward." 

Natasha turns to me giving me adorable worried cat eyes and I swallowed the lump on my throat. "Alright come on." I muttered sounding annoying, holding Natasha's hand.

I guided her hand into Vanilla's snout before stepping back slowly. "E-Eh?" (Natasha)

With no hesitation Vanilla licks Natasha's hand titling her head sniffing Natasha for food.

She realizes this and immediately apologizes to Vanilla. "Natasha apologizes but Natasha have no treats for Vanilla." she says sadly looking down at the ground and I laugh softly. 

"You do know you can ask me for treats right?"
 I told her crossing my arms because Natasha looked like a grade schooler that was really sad that she can't feed the animals on the zoo. 

How cute.

I know normally she's like a punching gorilla when it came to me but I know she has a soft spot for animals.

Natasha nods in response to my question. "Natasha just thought it was embarrassing to ask." she looks down at her foot I can see her ears being red.

I shook my head in disbelief because she can be cute when she wants to huh. I took out some more treats walking towards the both of them.

I held Natasha's hand and gave the Pegasus treats to her. "If its me you can ask me anything, Natasha. I'm your friend after all."

Natasha nods taking the treats her ears still being red. I think she became shy- how adorable. 

"Here Vanilla. Natasha finally has some treats." (Natasha) holds the food up as Vanilla chomps happily on them. She smiles so widely even letting out soft giggles when Vanilla thanks her by licking her cheeks. 

Hey she can smile just fine look at that. "Natasha I don't think you need to practice smiling. You can smile just fine and its cute ya know?"

Natasha blinks at me her fists clenching and face all red. 

I shrug thinking nothing of it holding Vanilla by her leash wanting to get her legs exercised. "Come on let's talk while we walk. I need to clear my head a bit anyways."

We walked together side by side through the streets of the capital. Natasha by my left and Vanilla by my right. Natasha looks at the stalls before continued our conversation from before.

"Natasha wants to know what kind of preferences you have. I assumed with the compliment you like girls who smile a lot." (Natasha) says straightforwardly. 

I almost choked on my own saliva. Damn I mean- "Well you're not wrong but it really depends on who the girl I'm dating here. What if I liked her more than just her smile. I don't want her smiling all the time just for my sake of preferences you know?"

I got a bit flustered with the sudden interrogation about my preferences because its been a while since someone has asked me these kinds of questions.

Natasha holds her chin in understanding. "What else do you prefer?" (Natasha)

"Um... someone who's kind." I look up the sky remembering the person I liked and before I knew it I ended up listing all the things I liked about Rose. How nostalgic, "Someone who likes roses, who's good with kids, worries about others, gentle, does things I can never understand but I always found it attractive-"

I stopped after noticing I spilled too much already- "Ah. Shit sorry I told too much-"

Natasha cuts me off. "Natasha understands, it seems you already have someone you like from how you listed everything so accurately. It must be a person."

Ah right... I tried forcing out another sad smile. I've been thinking about Rose more lately than I should. "Well the person I liked is getting married anyways." I told her laughing slightly. 

"She's someone I know I can't reach with my status of being a Baron's adopted daughter." 

At this point I was holding Vanilla's leash too tightly, both of my hands rolled into a ball of fists. I feel like I was ready to just run away from this talk and leave.  

Natasha stopped walking suddenly I felt my fist being held by someone. "Does that mean. Natasha has a chance?" she asks somehow it felt like she was pleading with that question.

I look at my hand again feeling flustered upon the realization that someone was holding it. I take my clenched fist away from her. "I'm sorry what? Chance in what?" 

Natasha never changed her expression and continued. "Natasha have liked you for sometime now. Will you go out with Natasha?"

My eyes widened in shock when she said those words. I covered up my mouth with my hand sliding up to my forehead to fix my front hair. I breathed in slowly, "I'm sorry what? You liked me? Since when?!"

Natasha with no hesitation answered. "When you told me you liked someone else. Natasha has realized my heart felt like it was being torn into pieces. When you told me Natasha looked cute when Natasha smiled I-I felt happy." 

Fuck really?! I didn't even realize that- Vanilla looks over to us understanding the conversation so she looked away. Even my Pegasus can feel the heavy tension in the air now. "Natasha I'm happy that you think of me that way but- don't you think this is all too sudden?"

Natasha nods but she stood her ground fairly. "Natasha has been friends with Kein for almost two years now and realized she had a lot of rivals. You may not notice but almost all the girls in the adventurers guild has a crush on you."

"What did I even do to get that popular?!" I yelled in disbelief.

Natasha looked pissed at me for forgetting and began listing down all the things I did. "You have obtained a legendary weapon in the dungeon, have killed thousands of monsters, have saved more than twenty adventurers, and you are fairly well built with an attractive face-"

Okay! Okay! Holy hell I did a lot.

"You have been building houses for the homeless, donating to charities, there also been a rumor you are building a school for the commoners. That is where you popularity with the women has skyrocketed with both the commoners and the light maidens." (Natasha)

I held my head and clung onto Vanilla before I could faint. "I-Is this bad luck?" I asked the heavens above.

"If another person was in your shoes they would envy you for having this much people in line to be with you." (Natasha) answered straightforwardly that made me almost lose my soul. "However, it seems that Kein does not want the position she's in or any girls who confesses to her. For some reason that also added to your charming point."

"How?! I thought rejecting them would break their hearts equals hating me!" 

Ugh! What the hell?! That card reading became true! Although only half? I'm not really flirting with anyone- oh shit what if those were the times I was drunk- 

"Natasha have decided to confess and take a risk. You have a lot of girls waiting in line already."

I shake my head. I know for a fact that I still haven't moved on. I know I'll only hurt Natasha. "Still that's a no thank you. I-I still haven't moved on. It would be unfair for the other person if I... you know. So I'm sorry." I told her my voice trying not to crack. 

Natasha bites her lip softly before extending her hand to me, her cat like emerald eyes pleading. "Natasha has a favor then." she tells me moving forward.
I look at her hand hesitantly before finally I held them in mine. Natasha has been a good friend of mine and I didn't even realized she liked me this way. 

"Can Natasha wait for you until you have moved on?"

Her hands were shaking, but they were soft. These were the hands of someone who can punch you and then throw you really far away. "If I can. I-I'll give you an answer again." I feel really weird receiving a confession.

"Natasha have always liked you. It just took me this while to realize. Natasha just hopes hope she's not too late." (Natasha)

I escorted her home that day. I know Natasha might have cried after I left. I could feel it.

When I went home with Vanilla I gave her to Alfred and I cooped up in my room taking off my armor, setting down my swords into their respective enchanted display before I let my body fall down into the soft touch of pillows and sheets feeling heavier than usual.

"A distraction. Natasha will wait for me?" I raised my right hand looking right through it. 

It has crossed to my mind. Why not date someone else and see how that will go? Perhaps I can move on that way faster you know?

I went to the Royal Knights Academy to forget about her busying myself with studies and work. It only lasted for a while.

A lot of girls have already been in line according to Natasha- which I was not aware of until today. 

I didn't really try dating anyone because I thought... I could still see Rose one of these days but...

Next week when I'm going to escort Rose to meet her fiancé.

I'm afraid.

To think it's this close before she would marry a stranger. Do I still stand a chance?